— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129039
Sometimes I want to shoot developers through hanging.
It’s hard here, it’s much worse. And then the only thing that holds me back is that students will come in their place, and then we p...c!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129038
And the resort novel is because of the novel that there is more romanticism, and sex is not mandatory.

Does a man know that he does not have sex?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129037
^(=+)([^ =][^=]+[^ =])(=+)$ Well I finally picked up the right regular. She only got a coffee.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129036
XX: I was also a maximist once. Of my peers then, some originals came to the ridiculous — preached the abandonment of alcohol, tobacco and, most ridiculously, sex. Well, if with the first two points still go somewhere, but with the third? How to reproduce? Bhagavad-gita is shorter
Yyy: When you say you don’t drink at a party, everyone is trying to beat you.
I think when they refused sex they expected a similar reaction...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129035
I have not been in town for three months. Judging by people - now everyone has a problem with jeans, some are too long - you have to turn, others are short - poor people can not find their size anywhere. The third knees broke, to see the whole batch went bad)))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129034
here here :

About the Apartment:
The USSR had the best education. and accessible. My grandfather studied well in school, entered the institute and eventually became an academic.
No shit like that. My grandfather was a double worker, then worked as a loader and slept. The history teacher took him. Your grandfather is just a major.

No, the quote is good, but the academic...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129033
In a men’s community survey 18+ "What was the best sex you had?". Most likes received by the comment "Imaginary"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129032
I am so tired of everything today that the thought was born: “If there is nothing after death, it will be paradise for me.”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129031
For several days in a row, my girlfriend asked to buy her weights. She started going to the gym and decided to monitor her weight. When I brought this acetic device home, I didn’t know what would happen next. I put her in my hands and went to another room. After a couple of hours I noticed that she didn’t talk to me, I asked why and in response zero emotions. I was already wondering why she was angry with me and why she didn’t want to talk to me. I began to experience the whole truth from her, and it turned out that she was offended by me, attention, for the fact that I brought the weights and she learned how much she weighed. I am in school. If a girl asks to buy you weights, refuse. Do not ruin your life.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129030
We took the cat out for a walk recently.
Today I decided to go out again.
She, you know, was walking all the time.
He came home and hadn’t been there for half an hour.
We thought, thought, shared our impressions.
HHH: And today we realized that she was touching us.
She ran under the bed as soon as we pulled out the hammer and has been sitting there for four hours.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129029
About the nurse:
One southern region, a central city hospital.
Hell's schedule, do not give away, processing is not paid, the salary is 12 pieces. I don’t like it, I like it on all four sides.
Infos from first hand.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129028
"...Morality is the negligence of climbing the pillars’

It is impossible not to climb the pillars if you are a cat.

A cat in Boromir's position: You can't just take it and not climb on the pillar.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129027
Of the set of three phenomena: the presence of children, order in the house, normal psyche - you can have only two at the same time.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №129026
"You will get old in the arms of young alphons, or one at all, if you’re shy...."
So, how to get old in the arms of young bodies, this is the direct dream of the average olaluch. And as for old age surrounded by the nuts of alphons, this is a direct curse. Rude direct male logic

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129025
10 years ago: Hurra! The Friday! The Beer! The grandmother! The Disco!
Today is the day: Hurra! The Friday! to spy!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129024
>>> It is impossible not to climb the pillars if you are a cat

A doubtful assertion. When I saw how easily cats jumped on a two-meter fence, I had the impression that they didn’t fly just because they were lazy.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129023
Played here in horror, everything right, darkness, rare screamers, the plot is not bad, but the most interesting, the constant whisper, barely distinguishable, kept me all the time in tension.

However, I had to get out of the game, I realized that I still hear that whisper... And here, sitting on the bricks, in the midst of devil’s ghostly voices, I understand the word....

The result. Headsets hunting radio is evil!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129022
Many years ago in a distant childhood. Brother offered a game - we open the book in random places and if the page is straight, then I scatter him, if not straight - he is me. We have opened this book a bunch of times and every time the page is not straight. Having gotten scratches, not sick, but offensive, I was already on the verge of hysteria when I looked at the number of another page on the turn and came to me...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129021
From the point of view of a tablet, a man is a discharge device.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129020
The Apprentice:
Played here in horror, everything right, darkness, rare screamers, the plot is not bad, but the most interesting, the constant whisper, barely distinguishable, kept me all the time in tension.
However, I had to get out of the game, I realized that I still hear that whisper... And here, sitting on the bricks, in the midst of the devil’s ghostly voices, I understand the word...
The result. Headsets hunting radio is evil!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna