— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15833
A nightmare sensation! Where is Hell?! to
Published: January 21, 2009
Several years ago, sensational information was stored under the inscription “Absolutely secret” in the National Space Azronavtics Administration (NASA). On August 9, 1973, astronauts from the Skylab-2 spacecraft sent a message that stunned all employees of the U.S. Space Research Laboratory. He said, “Hell is in the middle of the sun. We see the dead burn. “We see hell.” Communication was interrupted for a few seconds, and then the messengers of the Earth forwarded the data usual for flight from space, as if there was no sensational message before this.

P.S First laughed, then understood... just in space quickly releases, but it is not childish.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15832
You don’t love me =(

SL0 is yes. Moreover, I have told you about it many times. But I repeat.
1st I have never seen you and do not want to see you.
2nd You are not writing in Paddock, but in an illiterate language.
Three You live three thousand miles away from me in another country.
4 is Physical contact with individuals of your age is prosecuted by law.
5 is I don’t even want to talk about your rich inner world.

I think you are hiding something.

SL0: Yes, okay, forget about everything I wrote above. The real reason is that you’re not a virgin and you’ve changed me at least twice.

Sliffka: It is not true!! to

Sl0: Well, I don’t believe, you understand, I don’t believe that you put that damn Ubuntu and set up the jamboree yourself.

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №15831
The acquaintance got into a change, as a result of which he was severely beaten in the face. Imagine huge fingers in both eyes! Further from his words:
I stand on the balcony (2th floor), smoke... It’s all bad, my face hurts! And below the child is going with his mother, and so pointing to me with a finger - "Maamayaa! See also! Aahahahahahahahahahahah!and "
The mood went to +!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №15830
It’s simple – now you’re a cool айтишник, if you don’t understand 70% of Bashe quotes.

[ + 151 - ] Comment quote №15829
About the "big yellow^W^W racist shit".

People, well, in your dispute has already been born the truth, it seems enough to ignore it?
1) There are births in all peoples. The Russians are also full of them.
2) In some peoples there is a lot of wickedness. The hell of political correctness, it is. The map is like that, no one is to blame. The pace of ethnic development, the historical path. No luck, and that’s all. Therefore, the link between, say, the “Gypsy” and the “criminal” interest rate is 95. The remaining 5% cannot be forgotten, because they are also living people, but for the nation’s image it’s almost nothing.
In the 90s, the worst representatives of their peoples went to Russia for light bread. There are no decent people in the maroders rides.
4) Racists are not only those who judge visitors by their skin colour, but also those who view the indigenous Russian population as subhuman. New Hitleris have come to us, let’s not forget that.
5) To take out of circulation all, both their own and other people. Just among the "poinahala" urds is much more, but that doesn’t matter.
Here is the real situation. We all agree (+) and end the dispute.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15828
35 days after the collapse of the city archive in Cologne, rescuers pulled a live cat out of the ruins, Keller Statt-Ancyager reports.

12-year-old cat Felix, who lived in one of the collapsed residential buildings, terribly lost weight, but at the same time was whole and virtually unharmed. What was very pleased his owners, the wife of Schroeder, who also managed to escape during the collapse of the building. They no longer believed that their pet was alive.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Related News: The Spouses of Shredder!!! to

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №15827
I demand next to the button "push the author’s current"!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15826
Grandma is watching a movie, there shows young men who after the wedding go home and play a very pathetic love scene, with a smooth flow into sex.

Grandma with indignation: "Crazy, or you can think of it before."

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15825
From Startup:
Yes, you remember our customers who put a pack of paper in a bowl and called us because "It doesn’t take!!!" and
When we pointed out to them that the package would not be bad to unpack and put the paper out of the package in a bowl, we reasonably noticed that "in the guide it says put the package of paper in a bowl and nowhere it is said that the package should be unfolded" :))))

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15824
A 24-year-old Tarzan fell on a hospital bed after spending more than twenty hours at the computer without a break.

"He came to us in a serious condition with a terrible swelling - from the neck to the fingers of the hand," said Andrey Kolomensky, deputy chief doctor of the Tar Central District Hospital. Because of the disruption of blood circulation, the man's limbs were completely numb. There is a suspicion that the patient has thrombophlebitis due to a prolonged stationary position of the body.
The reader of Basha!! Get up and walk around the room!! to

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15823
The smell of a friend, from everyone already cares...
We approach the kiosk, my friends squeeze money and say: buy gum - you are the most sober. One said, you are what? I am sober.
The second: you are a whale, I will shake you, I will buy you!
And the third: Hey you, bl.d., the sober, understand your eyes - the kiosk is closed!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15822
I remember a long time ago:
Q: How do you feel about friendly sex?
yyy: if this question is negative then... and if the proposal, I agree."
I asked my friend the same question.
Thank you, I had an unforgettable night.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15821
I was sentenced to prison for illicit Viagra trade.
XXX: but the guards will not come to me
YYY : Why?
Because I ate all of this Viagra :D

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15820
XXX is
Yesterday, an army guard stood near the house. I was almost upset when I left the house. And you do not reverse - suspicions can be caused, and it is scary to go on them.

Are you still standing still and silent?

No matter what suspicions :D

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №15819
For whom RnB means "rhythm and blues"?? to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15818
News "Star “House-2” brutally beat Bilan"
Evil finally begins to shake itself!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №15817
The wife says:

I am processing your wedding photo in Photoshop.)
Written under the name "Man"
I decided to edit it a little.
I finished, I keep, of course again under the name of husband and me noble windows offers:
"The husband already exists, replace him?"

And as if it is not convenient to agree, and refuse not to want to)))

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №15816
Q: Will you go to college tomorrow?
XXX: What is it?
YYY: I was asleep

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15815
Nick Safer: clarified the requirements
Nick Safer: Well short you won't get it, I think
Nick Safer: The customer wants the website to be...
Nick Safer: Well...
Nick Safer: briefly quote "Somewhere in the area of Moscow"
Nick Safer :)
Lee Sergey: website in the area of Moscow?? to
Lee Sergey: Does he really want a website?
Nick Safer: Aha
Nick Safer: for sure
Nick Safer: Gaga
Lee Sergey: What a gesture
Nick Safer: I am proud
Lee Sergey: Did you ask what that means?
Nick Safer: So how?? to
Nick Safer has business in Moscow
Lee Sergey: I am in shock
Nick Safer: and the customers there
Nick Safer: Well, the site near Moscow should be
Nick Safer: The Unclear

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15814
by Odinru:
I stand with my friends in a row at the nightclub, I hear a scream from the side.
"Girl give your id in contact".
She: She is contemptuous - "I am not in contact".
Crying on the other hand - "You can still not eat at McDonald’s" =))))))))))))))))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna