— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №49552
How did the leader work?
xxxh: caroche you know the portable wooden garbage with 2 handles on two sides?)
I got into this rubbish, I was a ramses, they took me to the body on it.)
Oh, and you put the Dalton camp there. Our employer, and we are drunk and in the rubbish, and it's electricity in the first night!))
I really thought we would be expelled.
Thread: Again

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №49551
Do you watch another series on NTV? So you will soon talk to me in fancy, or worse, you will begin to understand the mentions! and. and.
Mention to understand? Dear, I love you, of course, but you watch the basar in nature! and. and.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №49550
She is far from 40.
She has a granddaughter older than my cat.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №49549
Thank you very much to those who have returned the lost items!!! to
To me returned my rights by mail from Tushino OVD (I live at the other end of Moscow), and I did not even suspect of their loss)

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №49548
I sit and read news.
Russia and Georgia will not be in the same selection group for the 2014 World Cup. This decision for political reasons was made in FIFA at the request of UEFA, reports AP.
Commentary :
It is necessary in order to enter the World Cup to unleash war with Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and other serious footballers.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №49547
Over time, the drunkard Natasha-Kakasha acquires the sound of Natalya-Fecalia.

[ + 71 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49546
Andrei told the story. He went hunting with Serena. And Sereg... Well, not a very deliberate person, gently speaking. They took a wooden boat, guns, well, in general, everything was right. They shot a couple of birds, and Sereg hit one wing. Well, they picked her up, she is beating in the boat and Andrei Serege says, “Dob”. Well, Serega, not imagining that you can just curl the bird's neck, puts it on the bottom of the boat and with a sharp heads off the bird's head and at the same time pierces the bottom of the boat. Since then he has not been hunted.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №49545
In the state of California, a student, playing Tetris, came to school and killed eight students with bricks from the roof.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №49544
Hidden cellular capabilities you might not know about:
#3 :
Nokia phones have a backup
The battery must be activated by *3370#

Number three is a kind of divorce. I was told that ants never sleep. For this service to provide valuable information about ants I took a lot of money (

[ + 45 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49543
Previously in fiction often in the world of the future met such a mechanism as a moving sidewalk. Imagine yourself in the world of the future. You are standing on the sidewalk, doing your business. Here is a friend. Smiles, like affairs, like relatives, were sick. I woke up to the end of the city. But this is the future, but Russia, and therefore, the sidewalk is not working in the opposite direction. Buses after the introduction of such trottoirs were abolished. You get a cell phone to call a taxi, and here o-la-la - comes out cyberspace. The outbursting police cabin-automat twice whispered and extinguished. The girlfriend was always a cunning ugly, and you didn’t even notice how and when she washed. When you look back, you realize that there is nowhere to wait for help. Next to the washing machine were rolled two alkasas with built-in self-propelled devices, the garbage bot-bomz in the cycled mode took out a piece of package from the tank and squeezed it back, while nervously hiccalled, there was not even a hint of light in the windows of the houses... and only cyber rapists approached with strange angled movements, reminiscent of a wild dance due to incorrectly embedded implants. And you stand like this and think, “I didn’t have anything for my bread.”

[ + 80 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49542
I looked out the window and for a long time I could not understand what the road drivers were doing. When I realized, I almost fell.
WOW: What is it?
XHH: Did you see, we laid off the asphalt on Zorg, all of us started chasing?
WOW: Well what?
xxxh: these deer roadmen managed to ride the road... are you sitting?... together with the sewage locks... now they walk with the mine-seeker and the broomers and drill...
Was the road good?
Oh yeah yeah yeah :)

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №49541
I am terribly frightened by the phrase, the kidneys break.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №49540
Oh, you are a fucking shit!!! to
Why are you so rude, do you?! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №49539
News on television: "In one of the districts of the city passed a town size of a ping pong ball"

Father from the next room: What? The size of King Kong eggs.? to

[ + 83 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49538
Today I was called by a soldier and whispered on the phone: 7 days!! to

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49537
The dog lost his trace on the cannabis field. He also lost his smell and conscience.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №49536
Customer: Good morning!Termins are pushing.When, according to your calculations, can we get a working version of the product from you?
God sees we are trying.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №49535
I have been increasingly convinced lately that coffee in grains is grown only in order to snap this mountain of freshly roasted grains and stick to a bowl of soluble shit.
<chh>which seems to be actually mining in the mines (((

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №49534
She: And you promised to be with me in the mountain and to help me with joy!! to
Nothing like that I just said – yes!! to

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №49533
I have the feeling that MFI is the only university in Russia in which students open the last page of the textbook not because there is a headline, but because, blatantly, read.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna