— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №66633
From Formspring:
QQ: Where do you think the hat in Hogwarts would set you: in Griffin, Slytherin, Cogtevran, or in Puffendou?
AAA: Let me tell you the truth. I was identified as "Industrial Architecture". And the second day I do not know whether to rejoice or to mourn.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №66632
At the top of the bullying was the advertisement of erotic massage rolled into the door of my old Moskovich!

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №66631
I ordered a package from the USA.
The package arrived in 37 days. Of them, 3 days the package went through the United States, the remaining 34 days to the mother of Russia.After the shout of a colleague at work that he for this time would go on foot, decided to calculate...

So, from Krasnodar to Moscow 1500 km. An ordinary person can walk at a speed of 7 km / h. You can walk without stress about 6 hours a day. A total of approximately 42 km / day.1500 divided by 42... And we get 35.7 days to Moscow by foot.

Here is the whole secret. Russian Post - letters delivered by their own feet!!! to

[ + 30 - ] [23 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №66630
Looking at my husband's new cartoon Miyazaki "From Mack Fields", he thinks for a long time, then says: Somewhere I have already seen this actress.
I don’t think, I ask: Where?
HE: Per she had been filmed in some hentai before. All good anime actresses started with hentai.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №66629
<HrenodelЪ> by the way, the ass is a universal interface for interaction with the environment
You do not use it as a danger sensor and it becomes an input-output device.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №66628
He must ask Higgs whether his boson is his or not.
The boson is not mine, I just posted the ad. and Higgs.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №66627
I watched yesterday a Soviet cartoon of the 1980s, where doll kids were playing in the hospital, the phrase:
"Do not fool the patient! You are in a city hospital, and here we will treat you as we think it is necessary, not as you need it.
I laughed and thought a lot.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №66626
Question to Siddhartha:
- Vital, I have the internet, but the network does not work, what is it?
It is shit.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №66625
For a picnic:
Do you have an exam in school tomorrow? Will you drink vodka?
Of course I will! He is theoretical!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №66624
At the new borders, Butovo is now the center of Moscow.
WOW: But Altuffievo was fucking, so it remained.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №66623
XXX: What do you like the most?
XXX O O Which?
Q: Are we talking about cats right now?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №66622
Reactions to the film:

zzz 1:05, 11 June 2010
I was crying in the movie :)
1 Nash
xxx 1:05, 11 June 2010
The movie! → No words, just no words! Look at everybody! I was crying.
The Second Nash
ccc 0:09, 7 October 2010
I did not look. Read the reviews. I was crying. I will see tomorrow.
ccc 1:16, 7 October 2010
I did not resist. I watched. I am still crying.
vvv 21:41, 1 November 2010
I'm not going to push - so I cry
bbb 10:50, 8 January 2012
I’m ready to cry, tell me why.
nnn 23:54, 6 December 2010
I will look now. I may pay.
nnn 2:06, 7 December 2010
I don’t want to cry like that anymore.
mmm 21:02, 24 December 2010
I cry until now. Please help me. Tired of crying. I don’t even need to go to the toilet... Heelp pleease
qqq 18:55, 26 December 2010 I couldn’t believe it... but ept, I also cried from the first minutes of viewing
A sad movie.
www 20:28, 26 December 2010
Through tears and tears, I was able to watch a movie today. I cried like a child, no longer crying.
eee 21:24, 24 August 2011
I cried without reading the comments :(

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №66621
If you connect the control keys of the TV and the second socks together, the portal will open to the women’s bag.

[ + 40 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №66620
We will eat Edward soon.
YYY : Who?
I mean Edward. Which Cullen
xxx: o_o
We have a goat here... she gave birth to two goats in the spring, a girl and a boy. Edward and Bella. Edward was crushed, and I put a potato on his bones.
X: Did I not tell you? x )

[ + 32 - ] [14 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №66619
Mother is screaming:
My cat is taking the tapes!
On to! Take off your shoes! "Take off shoes" I’ll see how you walk in them!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №66618
XHH: I remember at one job I was stuck buying a bouquet of flowers from the financial service for the chapters. by Boo Holding. I bought it and I have fine. Deer in the office - he will deliver. I come to him with a huge wreath. He raises his eyes from the papers "I understand you with an offer that I can’t refuse?". I was even confused)

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №66617
He slept and fell asleep.
I woke up with an orange on the table.
I ate an orange. Lie to sleep.
I woke up with an orange on the table.

This is what? Is she recovering?? to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №66616
Go to McDack. The body wants something ugly.
WOW: If you want shit, then go to the cheetah))
My body wants nausea, but it wants to live after that.
Bline, you described my whole life right now.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №66615
The soil must be prepared in advance. A whole year ahead. When I come, I’ll buy a bucket and start fishing. And when you come back from Kostroma, tell your wife that you are interested in fishing.
Diman: And where will I go on the Moscow river, where three-eyed monsters swim?
Gal: It is exactly! Then you will say, Fuck these mutants! I want normal fish. I will go to Karelia!
it will be fun if you REALLY start to be interested in fishing, and go to Karelia, instead of the casantip xD

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №66614
I talk to a girl, a sports master of skiing.

Space is
Good day
by Hanya!
Space is
I understand why your word only is surrounded by signs of crying.
by Hanya!
To be the first :D
Space is
An interesting version. But I think it’s ski sticks.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna