— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №49532
Give grammar and punctuation rules instead of check codes.

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №49531
After the graduation evening, the dream of Losha and the fears of Katina's mother were fulfilled at the same time.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №49530
XXX is
The cat used to sit on the monitor, hanging the tail on the screen. There is a lot of tail and it is dull. To drive the cat away is unrealistic - it will immediately come back. What am I doing? Right - with one hand I hold the mouse, and the other I hold the cat's tail, so as not to interfere.

Buy a monkey.

[ + 61 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49529
Curious, but still real situation in Belarus (Belarus):
Hello the police? They are on the streets, come soon! Oh, no, there were just shots, sorry, it seemed...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №49528
“The idea of calling my daughter ‘Democracy’ is good.
...??? to
Then I will be guaranteed to be the father of Russian Democracy.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №49527
I go down the subway every day, all the girls look at me and smile. I think to hide the beautiful hole. I smile to them too. Then just touched that mouth chocolate smeared HD))))))))

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №49526
The Park. Near the trail a bunch of unshaped branches. The dialogue:
– Oh! by Rossi. I need to call Navalny.
Do not need. It is so overwhelmed...

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49525
M: Mmm, I’ll come in the evening, then we’ll try.
J: Not today though. The red days of the calendar.
M: Are you bleeding again? In your ass then.
M: By the way...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №49524
Do you have red lines?
and no. I have a large coil of white and a set of flommasters! It is'

[ + 71 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49523
xxxh: today before the parents burned, the cup bended when the juice poured out ((
WOW: Pff, you think, I once with my parents stretched the toothpaste with the teeth

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №49522
Add-on to the "Pinate programmers" and "Corporate unlimited baseball bits" another unusual job from the site of a major HR agency (search with the search engine, there are more):

Characteristics of work
Military Company No. 11.

Regions: Branches throughout the country.
Military Command No. 11 represents a large network of Russian Armed Forces, the world leader in the field of patriotism and protection of the Motherland.
Their duty is to serve.
Welcome: good health and excellent positive mood.

The Conditions:

Full working hours.
Work in a young and friendly team under the guidance of experienced mentors.
Opportunity for career growth after a trial period (2 years).
Celebration of the Pocket Offer.
Opportunity for additional training for various professions (submariner, chemist, shooter, driver, as well as working specialties).
Working in the fresh air.

The social package:

Free compulsory fitness.
A personal stylist.
Corporate dress code and clothing.
24-hour team building and coaching by diving method.
Paid lunch, breakfast and dinner.
Free accommodation within 5 minutes of work.
Work in carefully protected territory.
Bright, unforgettable corporate holidays, trips to nature.

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49521
You know, along the night streets, shda barefoot, girl-eight-legged o_o

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №49520
In the Yalta hospital, the victim was diagnosed with "incomplete drowning".

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49519
I was hired in an accounting firm...
12th on 1st is not fair :(((

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №49518
I can’t get a ventilator.
I put my finger there.
- The hole was scattered on it, the previous programmer apparently also crashed.
I wonder if he really resigned.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №49517
The girls before the party.
Hope:you are this, colored bracelets or stamps on the solitary put)))))))))))
At the entrance, without a fire))))))))))
Okay... let’s look at it.
Hope: we need to come up with gestures)))))))
Hope: In short, I came up with: I’m pointing my finger, sharply throwing out my hand and shouting – Lena, man!!! you have the following reaction: if you are single - you get up on the table and shout: free cash, free cash, and if you are married or just busy, sitting in place you start to count - sin, sin, do not adulterate, do not desire another husband)))))))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №49516
Don't hide behind someone else's back - in our time they shoot from behind.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №49515
In the USSR, there were collective brigades of artists who travelled around the country with concerts from various philharmonies. One such group of artists - both famous and beginners - came to a small village in the
The submarine. The concert was scheduled in an old wooden club, in which
There was no water or sewerage. The toilet was located on the street - a booth of 1.5 x 1.5 meters with a burial hole. And it happened all in the winter, in the strong frost.
The beginner singer Leščenko felt the need to visit the toilet shortly before the concert. Running out into the street in a concert suit and light shoes he did not risk and therefore decided to adjust for the realization of the wish the cage, standing in the room near the exit to the stage.
Lechchenko's attempt was stopped by the unexpected appearance of the wave. The club. She sharply pulled out of Lechchenko’s hands a bucket and shouted:
“How you are not ashamed! You are a beginner artist. This is for Mahomet!”

[ + 41 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №49514
They scattered pirate discs (they think so), torrents appeared. They are already trying to spread the torrents.
Damn, the Russian man would rather learn to transmit files by the force of the thought, or through an electric boiler, than would pay for it.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №49513
On Friday night, I was asked: Why are you foreigners? When we, the Thai, have sex with someone, then that person becomes our fight friend. You have no such.
I wanted to reassure her, to say that it wasn’t so, but then I remembered that I didn’t know her name at all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna