— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106714
Twitter is a social network designed so that it is easier for the user to send the interlocutor to the fuck than to explain something.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106713
A new mystery: Two friends rule in a circle. The sun and the moon, if anything.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106712
Hello to Ivan! You just won a million dollars in the championship "Swipe the country’s anthem as close as possible to the original". Do you want to say something to our TV viewers?
“First of all, I want to thank Sid Meyer and the computer game Civilization for making me rich and famous.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106711
1: I have to apologize to you.
2: For what?
1: You said that XXLB, but we didn’t believe it.
So that is :) tell me.
He was late to work today. We ask – is it? And he is evil all says "the fools have directed".
1: It turns out at night battery removed, type holds poorly
1: and that night cold promised and someone advised to take home.
2: And what?
1: So this fool took home and put it on the balcony, like there is no room in the house!
I am so happy 😉))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
This is here :)))
1: says "I covered it with a cardboard so that the snow does not shrink the contacts"
2nd day :))))
1: We hit the whole brigade here, the noise began to run away - we also crashed through the wall.
1: and he is like you crack, dumb! The neighbors in the courtyard, you are here too. You are all abnormal.
I killed you :)))
The main thing is, he is a fucking electrician, licking with the tower.
2: And I said :)
Yes, I have already apologized. :) But this is not the end.
2: * work out of the job :)) tell me
1: At lunch Natka - the buck came in, rjet. XXX came to her, complained about us, spoke idiots around.
So she, a good soul, tried to explain to him what the problem was, and he failed.
1: on the topic "what the bad lady in the cars understands." Natka spit and went to us.
Yes, it is not treated.
1: You said it :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106710
Since the condensate began to be sold in bags, the main thing in the morning is not to make yourself coffee with mayonnaise (

and late. We have made olive oil twice.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106709
My wife gave me 23 socks.
Twenty couples.
All the black...
She is just an angel.)

[ + 27 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106708
The Winter. The road. The car. My parents and I in the car. In the sky, the plane leaves a long white mark.
I: Mom, look at the plane.
M: Where is it?
I: (I show the direction with my hand)
M: I can’t see!
B (Aviation Mechanical Engineer): Well, the inversion trace, emai!
M: Aaaah I see it!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106707
A cat ate a fish store for 60,000 p. But if it were mine, I don’t know if I would admit it.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106706
Why do the same quotes appear on a regular basis?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106705
Don’t ask who the alarm is calling for.
The alarm calls for you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106704
Not everyone wants to live alone.
Some want a normal family and children, normal, and not "for so"
Money does not measure relationships.
Everyone wants "normal" family. Everyone wants a normal family. The tragedy of our time is that people put a completely different meaning into the concept of "norms". Most people are even willing to give – unfortunately, most often not what they would like to receive to others, but what they consider valuable for OTHER. Here is a borscht instead of sex (for the way to the heart of a man..."), and work without rest instead of a quiet family evening (for the wife needs to be provided), and so on. And most of the money here has nothing to do with it, imagine it.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106703
What a fairy nonsense. Bread for 2-3 weeks. I wonder why fools so like mentorship to carry complete nonsense, and also insult at the same time?
That’s what you did right now :D

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106702
By the way, yes, and for what such labor and merits, Sechin receives a salary of a billion rubles a year?
This is BJ, how do I go?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106701
You are already talking about bread.

Peasant bread - rusted, on the ferment, is stored for about a week. White - a couple of days maximum. Don’t confuse the fuck with the finger. These are two different products with different technologies. The closest to the "tom" bread is Borodin, and then in some bread plants. And yes, it is easily stored for up to a week. Many, speaking of "peasant bread", imagine lush wheat caravays, rather than sour dark patches with strawberries.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106700
News: Cat ate seafood for more than $1,000 at Vladivostok airport :D
Yyy: all the news would be like that)))
xxx: cats-terrorists threaten to write in tattoos if they do not feed a snack :D cats-deputes in the first reading adopt the law to feed all cats 10 times a day :D cats-football players lie down on the field and do not want to chase the ball :D cats-separatists declare the kitchen their territory and whisper on everyone who tries to cross the border :D a cat under a valerian committed the theft of sausages from the refrigerator :D

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106699
Two migrants, one deported, but the other continues from day to day to come to the building and wait for his comrade.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106698
XXX: A little more and I will weigh less.
You don’t have to sit on a diet...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106697
n0rt0n> the store "Square" on the emblem of Van Gogh should...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106696
Photo discussion on the page in VK.
On the photo is a pretty bitched girl and signature: "How do you figure, boys? and"
The best comment:
In geometry, this "figure" is called "share"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106695
I will explain:

Be a cheat freelancer, why not? Just don’t scream everywhere that you hate children, the institution of marriage, the family. Hate anything and anyone, but be silent. I don’t have anything against that kind of cheddar.
— — —
I scream everywhere that I hate children, but I’m not a Childfrey. I was just snooped by good uncles and aunts, wondering when I would have a baby". It comes to the absurd: the encountered friend issues three phrases in a row - "Hello!", "How do you do it?" and "When to give birth?". He has been asking for three years. What fucking dog does he care about? There are many such acquaintances. And if you scream louder that children are horror-horror, then there is even a chance not to hear a lecture about the delights of childbirth. Take a look at your acquaintances - maybe they also have a protective mechanism working?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna