— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №83085
Exd: More and more people get cancer, and all because of poor quality food!
Exd: water all kinds of pesticides and other shit.
The ancient people did not have cancer at all!
Exd: Eat only natural meat and wild fruits, vegetables and berries!
Zero: Oh, and they rarely lived to 30, because their mammoths stumbled.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №83084
Who is that red-shaped man with such a shy figure?
Kostyan: on the photo where we are in the club, where we are hugged by the people
Which in the stretching black miniature is such a girl!! to
What if nobody knows her? Long, thick red hair on the belt.
The second to the right in the photo. Sunny red kissed
I am crazy about her face and figure. A good night with her!! to
The man from the Special Forces: This is a knight. She is my wife. You are floating, be prepared.
We did not see Doha, I did not know.
No, I do not claim anything.
I just asked.
Damn, don’t be silent
I understood everything, Sir.
Man from the Special Forces: Late.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №83083
If I knew about the Winter Olympics, I would live in Sochi.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №83082
My husband works on a computer, drawing. Friday afternoon time. He decided to "bite" at work, sitting alone in his office, reading anecdotes on the Internet. Riding to tears! The director comes. The husband in the last second has the time to "deploy" the drawing on the entire monitor... But the director looks at him: "What's wrong with you, you cry?" Having gathered all the will in the fist, the husband answers with a serious voice: "The monitor is small, the drawing is complicated, the eyes are terribly tired and tear." The result: the husband was released from work an hour earlier, and already on Monday he got a new big monitor!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №83081
The Zaporozhye people deliberately disseminate unchecked information defamating the honor and dignity of the Turkish sultan.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №83080
Soon, in all families of the country:
XXX: Give me a penny!
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY What are you! It is illegal!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №83079
On the morning of the day, SMS:
I’m baking blinkers, I have a butterfly on my window.
ууу: - And I eat a cocktail, I have 2 gasbiters with a perforator on the window.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №83078
Tagged with "Ehe"
The song about the testicles is beautiful, because our mothers will finally guess that the testicles must be two, because one of the most severe complications in boys is the non-permission of the testicle, cryptorchism, which threatens to develop cancer.

My mom, my dad, didn’t see it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №83077
For a year of service in the army, having talked to the most legendary representatives of the military fauna, I realized that all of their stories (or almost all) start with the words: how did I ''bite; how did I bite; and how did I bite; and how did I bite.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №83076
XXX: that is, you insult me by reading artistic literature.

YYY: Beware B-je, I’m simply pointing to the illiteracy, absolutely not decent for an engineer, in whom, as you know, everything must be perfect: and the soul, and the professional knowledge, and the slang, and the thirty-centimeter member.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №83075
– – – – –
Give a stick to the guy-programmer, he gets an unstoppable look
a dried briket of a strange appearance and begins to drill it with a rod.
It turns out to be his firm.
– – – –

Well, maybe he just knows what is, for example, Puer, and you are only interested in Dilma in bags?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №83074
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The ice cream makers finally realized that the plumbier and the glasses don’t have to have a cup of waffle!
Well, the cardboard is better! :D

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №83073
This is what you say "square". What do you know about them? I have a friend who plays eight hours a day in a sapphire.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №83072
Irra: Here the Woman was coming, sitting with the children, while I ran to the store. In the Google search line after it remained: "cut the child"
Irra: I didn’t get there right away.
She has been interested in healthy eating lately.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №83071
xxx: I come home, in the kitchen note "Son, borst in the pot. My mother" On top, another one: “Son, sorry, rollton in the refrigerator. Tagged with"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №83070
Mizulina, you are a disgrace for the entire female race. Because of such puzzles as you, all women are scratched under the same scratch, considered imbeciles.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №83069
They are now robbed. A familiar couple turned off the hot water on schedule. Well, they survived this period properly - with basements, water heating, etc. In 3 days, the owners come to them for a quarter pay, and at the same time ask how they live? Everything was fine, only the hot water was turned off. Owner: Well, they should have been. But you are not affected, you probably have a boiler... in general, the guys did not have enough spirit to confess...
What they forgot about the boiler, even though they saw it 3 times a day in the bathroom)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №83068
xxx: The position of "Leader of the Training Software Laboratory" has been reduced to "ZALUPO".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №83067
Spicy air, warm beer and sweaty women are far beyond 40... in general, corporate.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №83066
Wife: The weekend is over. What was done in two days? It is right: no shit!
The plan is accomplished!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna