— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146875
XXX is all. I started the winter.
YYY :?
YYY: Did you go to the catch?
The umbrella was removed from the bag.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146874
BadGirl: As a child, I ate a whole spoonful of vanilla at once, it was disgusting to taste.
BadGirl: That’s all you need to know about me.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146873
The abandoned Northern Crown Hotel in Peterburg:
The hotel is allegedly cursed: in 1995, Metropolitan John died.
YYY: What did the Mitpopolit do in an unbuilt hotel?
Zzzz is over.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146872
Relationship Generations

In the country where I grew up, it is still common to have many children. Adult sons leave for salaries and with the help of parents acquire their housing, daughters are married to the groom's house, and the younger son remains to take care of the elderly, who brings the wife to their house. No one is jealous of this girlfriend.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146871
Sugildiet gave an onion worth 15k rubles for a night of love. without a joke.
On the one hand, I’m happy for him :), and on the other... the word "fuck" played with new colors...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146870
I’m sitting in the army and watching a colleague’s album. It turned out that on the citizen he was such a gentle buckwolf under a hundred, and now only 60 kg.

He sees my amazement and begins to tell me.

"You know, when I was at the citizenship, my friends were constantly telling me, you eat so much, you need to lose weight. And I told them that I eat the same as everyone else and that I have a genetic predisposition. But shit, it turned out that I was effectively just dohuya eating.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146869
And the EGE was not there then, and the elderly were respected and supported.

by Fuck. It also teaches. Respect for old age and childhood is entirely and entirely the blasphemy of modern consumer society (C), which is humane even to those who love to strike it from the height.
The glorious customs of mourning excessive mouths, old as well as young, with hunger, sending the grandmother-grandfather in the winter for the sickness, if only they did not return, the wonderful proverbs about the birth and the fatigue - this is our past, the sickness is not sickness.
No one wanted to walk after the infirmity, and respect for the elderly is in fact equal to respect for people 45-50 years old, already experienced and still strong.
That society is a utilitarian society, when there is no benefit from you, you are not needed. A multi-generational family in the same territory was the result of more burdens than the desire to take care of the first generation.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №146868
For me, greed is one of man’s most disgusting traits. My ex-husband was only pressing on my side, he rarely refused anything to himself. After my divorce, I learned that he earned twice as much as he told me, and for the rest lived with blackjack and prostitutes. And I, a naive fool, honestly pulled all my salary into the family budget. But from the budget I got only cheap cosmetics and cheap clothes, and there was no question of some kind of help to parents.

And here, to give my husband a cell phone for his birthday, I slowly began to collect the ass, I wanted to make him pleasant. I collected two-thirds of the amount, but my birthday was ahead (a month before its date), and I thought that the guests would give me the money, and I just got the necessary amount.

At the holiday table, my ex-husband solemnly handed me a envelope with money as a gift. I was in shock, as I was waiting, as usual, for a hug. I look into the envelope – and there’s just missing a third of the amount.

When the celebration ended and everyone broke up, I took the gifted envelope and used to fill my bag. What do I see there? The amount is less than the amount I hold in my hands.

He just took the money from my ass and gave it to me! There are no limits to human generosity.

P.S. I never bought the phone. A few days before his birthday, I picked up my bags and left for another city, which I have never regretted.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146867
2018: eruption of a volcano on the island hurt, Russian tourists were blocked
Uvarov Fedy: The Island of Pain? It’s for masks, right?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №146866
From Habr:
I came up with a quantum algorithm to find the shortest path in a graph. Cheap and angry. On an element base available to any DIY adherent. We take a solder, wires and a set of low-power resistors. We spread a diagram in which the weight of the path is encoded by the resistance of the resistor. Cut 220 to the points between which we are looking for a path. Where you have drowned, there is the shortest path. Rapid action is amazing, complete parallelism.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №146865
xxx: All repairers are divided into three types:
The first after the repair are left with extra screws.
The others are not in excess.
And the third add their own screws to the place of the missing after the first type repairers.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146864
At work, a new water was put into the refrigerator - by feelings: damaged. According to the label: mineral.
Paul of the office tried, one colleague drank the whole cup. We look at her suspiciously and broadcast about the standard 4 hours for poisoning.
Well, I don’t know, a properly spoiled soup works almost instantly!)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146863
The future, the mill.
Yesterday a guy approached me and asked me to go online.

I split between two answers:
1) I am not going out. (I don’t smoke, but on the internet)
2) The show? Right here?? to

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146862
RON: Well, it’s okay...Marketers, advertisers, advertisers...Everything has been done!
RON: Now there was a message from one online store, after the first reading, I wanted to get up, go to them to disassemble.
RON: Really burst out.
and Irina?
RON: The subject of the letter: "Ivan, we will charge you E-points."
by Irina :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146861
We will die and then rest.

Oh, would have lived.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №146860
On the job, we have a familiar Belarusian and he came to visit us, exchange experiences, etc.
One day in between we asked him about jokes about potatoes and Belarusians. They do, and they use and keep potatoes everywhere. He replied that it was nonsense, took a potato out of his pocket and threw the dog running by.
Then he admitted that he had cooked this joke all the way and had been walking with potatoes in his pocket for two days.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №146859
In Japan, old people were taken to the mountain and left to die there.
- Mr. Kudrin, will there be other proposals for the pension fund?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146858
Tomorrow I will learn from my mother that she gave birth to a monster who did not call on Mother's Day (because you did not know about Mother's Day) and that it is a pity that I am forty and abortion is definitely late.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146857
He went to the hospital with pneumonia. With me in the room lie two old men complaining about the life. There is nothing to do in the hospital, decided in the evening to pursue online shooting in friends, the good is available notebooks. I lie in the bed, knelt on my knees, swallowed short rare (to not bother the neighbors in the chamber) phrases with team partners. At one point, I’m killed, and I’m still in the observer mode to wait for the end of the match, which lasted longer than usual. Tired of waiting, I ask in the voice chat "When will you finally die? “”

In general, I didn’t seem to be able to convince my grandparents that I wasn’t telling them.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146856
XXX is:
I’ve been using it on my iPhone for a year and a half.
The weather.
That is you. Captured his wife. On the iPhone. A year and a half.
The weather...
Oh yeah, that is all. The apple paradigm broken :smiley:
XXX is:
She told me, “Find a girlfriend and buy her an iPhone.”
her friend heard this asked if the job of the mistress was vacant)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna