— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №31898
XXX is
And to be honest, I just got sick a bit, and my stomach hurts.

and pregnant? xd

XXX is
The opposite is lol.

Is someone pregnant about you?? to

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №31897
Do you want to meet?
Dmitry: It is possible
Liana: What can I do?
Dmitry to meet.
Liana: Yes

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №31896
Corporate interests are when someone’s stupidity is shown to be the truth in the last instance.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №31895
With interest read the story:
She smiled so much, so much positive. And this is what I want to say.
Let her author know that he is not the only one. I also built such a buffalo magnetophone at the time. Later in 1982. Not for my daughter, but for myself.
At the time, walking on the streets with a radio receiver was considered a meme. You could be taken for a poor man. Another thing is to “shut up,” as they said, with a cassette magnetophone. They looked at you with respect and jealousy at the same time.
And I was an ordinary MISI student who lived in a fellowship for one scholarship.
It is clear that to buy a magnetophone, at the price of them at the time, I could not. I wanted to self-affirm.
On the other hand, appearing with cassette phones on the streets at the time was dangerous. After all, the jealousy of passers was not always white.
This object of lust could entirely make its owner one day wake up in a "shelf" with a fracture of the rib. This is an older magnet.
The "systems" - coil - were much safer in this regard. They are no longer frozen. Therefore, it was decided to manufacture a radio receiver in the form of a butaphore small-size coil magnetophone for walks in the streets.
Said is done. I picked up my own radio receiver. For this purpose, a designer known to many then-boys was used
“The boy.” Then I had to grind. About two weeks, in the short intervals between studies, I only did that which was soldered, drilled, soldered, painted, glued, covered with paint. And he achieved his - the "box", indistinguishable from the magnetophone in appearance, whose coils rotate like the real, and who even sings, was ready.
I was with him for quite a long time - until the very diploma, and then came for distribution to Saratov, where, having received the first salary of an engineer, I gladly immediately bought a real magnetophone, and put it on the closet in memory of the hungry student years.
But this story did not end at all. Recently, a friend of Usbek, the owner of the restaurant, came to visit us. He said he wanted to decorate it in Soviet style, and that he already has Soviet cash and refrigerator shelves. And then my wife and son persuaded me to break up with the unusual family relic, because she will just dust on my closet, and if she finds herself in the window of the restaurant, all the passers will admire her. What was done. There, the butaphore magnetophone was even powered, so that the coils would be rotated and a small lamp would be lit between them. And it is hard to find a passing person who, going past that window window, will not stop in front of it for at least a few seconds to look at the phones and smile.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №31894
Economic analysis of TV news shows that Russia is becoming an increasingly losing and less necessary branch of Gazprom.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №31893
sh_Gastello: It seems to me that O_o is a type of "what?", and O_O is "no, no!"
Lary O_O
The Boss: O_O
sh_Gastello: crabs >_<

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №31892
20:06:00: Living Private [Klan] let my provider, the brains work the same way I have the Internet Let for example stand in front of the toilet and think for 5 minutes how to take off his pants, and then another 5 minutes as a chair to lift. I wish him to break up.

[ + 56 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №31891
 22.06.2010 hit me like that in an aska guy, in order to get to know...
In the inf is written:"I’m always not lucky and you just didn’t have a day";
Are you the same guy with the dollars?
He : No
I: That was the only thing I was interested in.
It means you need dollars!All of you, grandparents, are the same.Money in the mind!! to
...and went away...this is how the rumor of female sales is born...

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №31890
As they say, life is like a zebra. The strip is white, the strip is black, and then the ass.
I think I found an original zebra. Zebra is mutant.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №31889
Dr. YankeeDoodle: Imagine, you are cooking, preparing a complex magical experiment, waiting for 13 years for the location of the stars, drawing a 113-ray star, meditating for 7 days, getting to the right place, and here some overwhelming in dirty boots runs: "Washmagie, the eggs of Quama have been brought, we will take!and "

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №31888
Dialogue in Adler:
Why are the toilets at the airport closed?
The guard:
It is embarrassing!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №31887
<brainwash> my helmet saved my ass!
<shvets> can the head? Otherwise you are not dressed properly.

[ + 60 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №31886
Cloud: I really understood what “disorder” was when I opened the cover of the compass and found a antscape there.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №31885
DEN (13:48:51 15/02/2010): put a new server on the Debian lineup, and there are features of exim configuration and anti-spam Kasper
Here comes the error.
I go to Google.
And in the first line is a line from the forum where I asked about this mistake, but 2 years ago

keeper (13:49:11 15/02/2010):

DEN (13:49:16 15/02/2010): The fun is not that

DEN (13:49:50 15/02/2010): and in my second post on this topic
"cossack found myself thank you all))))"

I don’t remember fucking ?

keeper (13:51:27 15/02/2010): *LOL*

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №31884
Rina: The guy hasn’t been there for a few months. Parents see it as a barrel on the wall. I’m going to the store today, Daddy.
You are more careful there. Some hats down there.
I: I need them!
If I were you, I’d look at the yellow coat.

Am I really so bad?! to

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №31883
[02:44:55] [LoneSpy] Nutik, go to bed with your husband)))
[02:45:58] [Nutik] LoneSpy, I don’t want to...there is boring (((
[02:46:36] [LoneSpy] Nutik, Figase... well.... let him tell the anecdote

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №31882
Kvitochka: I realized yesterday that a husband is needed in order that when your nails are painted, he helped to remove the cowards that you can't fix yourself.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №31881
Japanreports: The Japanese writes in Russian. It’s practically poetry."My cat mourns at night and we don’t sleep. I’m tired in the morning because my cat wants to eat at night.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №31880
I remember studying at the third grade.
It was winter, the frost.
GRIF: And here I went to the construction market, after the others, I approach the nearest uncle, and he stands in the torch of sheep frozen all, shakes... And on the shelf he has nothing...
GRIF: Self-cutting, ordinary self-cutting, nails of all sizes, hooks, screws, screws and scissors...
GRIF: And since I have been working in the paddle I remember that market and I understand what I still have to fuck out.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №31879
If you think you are writing good poems, kill yourself. The best poets have been killed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna