— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128219
XXX Good morning. I can’t help but share the reference.
YYY: I think we could.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128218
I had long suspected that motorcyclists weren’t gentlemen... they weren’t even taught in school that girls should give way.
Oh, you are a mosquito! As for driving, I am an independent, proud woman... and as for doing: I am a girl, I can". Decide already...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128217
I am looking for a battery for work. Yandex provides:

Together with the "accumulator for technology 220 for nature lightweight" look for:

Vehicle battery
Buying batteries
How to do prostate massage yourself
Batteries for car
Batteries and batteries"

I don’t know about the purpose of the battery.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №128216
I go to the beach at 20 years old, and at an older age I always walk in a very open swimsuit. And at 90, if I can get to him, I’ll go open too.
Because on the beach it is accepted to sunbath. What's the point of burning in the closed? It will dry for a long time. Have you tried lying in a wet swimsuit? Cold and ugly.
But in the swimming pool closed swimsuit is the best place. Nothing slips, you can jump from the tower without risking to be without a piece of clothes.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №128215
See also 20353:

Just go naked.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128214
xxx: by the way, yes, on Friday he walked on a pedestrian bridge from the park, a guy offered for money to watch the moon
YYY: Astronomer and astronaut?
Yyy: "O brother, do you know where the polar star is? No is? What if I find?and "

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128213
After dismissal from the Army, he worked in a brick factory, then in a leather factory. Six months later, my friends were invited to work at the CHOP in Moscow. Well, I worked for myself, a month later I became the head of the shift, paid $ 250. of the month (1997). And at night he sat in the office on the only computer, and studied the brochure "Windows 3.1". A couple of times he broke the computer, and then at three at night he called the IT-masters in the newspaper to repair before the office began. Shortly afterwards, he mastered the word, peint and saper.

Soon our secretary Sabrina (5th size) gathered in a decree.

A week later, a chef from Germany returned to the office and asked to print a price list. And nobody could, in the first password only I knew (Sabrina gave), in the second "hacker" I was too. I said I could print, the chef asked what I could do, he replied that I know English, Russian, and Tatar with a dictionary.

The boss called the director, and said to him - go now with this guy (with me) to the market (Dynamo) and buy two costumes, tie, shirts, shoes, and socks.

You will have enough of a carpenter a month, the boss asked me, I replied, and I started working.

A year later he became the director of the company.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128212
The lack of clothes of these citizens was compensated with interest by a gentleman of a completely different kind. He was in chromium shoes with buttons, visiting pants, a dumb-stick jacket, a collar, a tie and a clock chain, as well as a feather hat. The thick buttocks and window wool in the ears supplemented the appearance of this man. Next to him was a stick with a glass barrel, perpendicular to the sand.

I know Tom. The collar was swollen from the sweat. It was hot under the gentleman’s head, like in a dome; there could be melted the ore. But he continued to lie still.

On any beach in the world you can find one such person. Who he is, why he came here, why he lies in full uniform – nothing is known. But there are people like that, one on each beach. Per they are members of some secret League of Fools or the remnants of the once powerful Order of the Rosicruciers, or the broken solitary — who knows...

("Golden calf" I. Ilf, E. Petrov)

[ + 17 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128211
20353 – Do we need to build?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №128210
The Beach Moralist 20353: Milonov or Misulin?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128209
1 channel, interview with a resident of the house, in Vladivostok, in which a training artillery projectile was hit, during the rehearsal of the naval parade.

Resident: I sit at home, I watch TV, I hear whistles, whistles, blows and explosions. I thought the bathroom fell from the balcony, it was already.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128208
by 20353:
I put on a parade and walked away from where I came out.
I have everything.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128207
In the early 2000s, the main desire of the growing generation was to have their own personal computer. Many of them have been there and have been there for days. So my friend decided to seriously approach the issue of purchasing his PC. His parents supported him and his father gave him a wooden box with a broken gap for bills. He began to study seriously, because every fifth was encouraged in money. Everyone gave him money for his birthday and he put everything on the computer. Saved on everything. The coins were first accumulated in a glass bank and then exchanged for large banknotes. He already collected a considerable amount, so we already went to shops and took prices, compared prices. It was all about buying a compass. But then his older brother from the army came back, opened the box and swallowed it all.

P.S I bought a computer, but in a year.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №128205
The movie on the trailer:
The sound on my TV was literally 5 seconds. The rest of the time is silent cinema.
What are Korean subtitles for?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №128204
Some time ago I was quite sick, so I even decided to go to a psychologist. We went for a few sessions and talked about something. It seemed a little better, but in general, the condition is bad, and there are problems and money is not all right. I wonder where to get the money. And then I was obscured: "And I will not go to a psychologist, and do not have to gamble where to dig". I felt so well here. It wasn’t so good for a few months. and happiness.
Therapy has helped.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128203
by 20353:
If you’re a man and you don’t like cute girls in a bikini, you’re crazy.
And if you are a woman, you are a jealous snake.
If you’re a man and you’re stressed by guys in swimsuits, you’re worried.
If you’re a woman, you’re crazy.
If your children do not know the difference between boys and girls, poor children, they must be rescued urgently.
Even if on the beach around just a crowd of fat bears in clothes not suitable for their figures - it means that they were so raised. But it is no longer your problem.
And if you come to me with claims on the beach, I will courteously send you far and long. If not, I will show you where to go.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №128202
I am myself from the village, the daughter of a farmer..About 9 cockroaches, believe me, everything is not so unambiguous!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №128201
We were looking for new employees, the HR department selected several candidates and I was instructed to test their knowledge and select the best of the best. After 10 candidates had to lower the bar and find at least someone who is able to learn and has at least the slightest idea about the device of cars.

Candidate 1 :

I: Tell me where you worked before and what was the experience of repairing cars?

Q: I’ve worked with most of our city’s official dealers, such as BMW, Toyota, Nissan, Shang Yong.

I: It is great. Has the grid changed? Did heating systems have to be installed?

K: No, of course, I was a warehouse worker there.

The Candidate 2:

Q: I’ll say immediately that I’ve got a lot of experience, so let’s not ask children’s questions.

I: Okay, please tell me what this inscription means (I show the 5w40 oil canister)?

Q: Can you ask a simpler question?

The Candidate 3:

Q: Can you tell me about the oil filter?

K: I’ll go better.

The Candidate 4:

Q: Take me, you will not regret. I can increase the profit of your service!

I: I wonder how?

Q: Well, I’ve worked a lot, so I know a lot of ways. For example, in the diagnosis of suspension, you can miss what is okay. Do not add some oil or other fluids. And you can also specially bend the wheel when crashing, so that the customer pays for adjustment!

I’m sorry, you don’t fit me. In our service for this they are fined and fired.

Q: So say what you want to offer the boss these ideas!

The Candidate 5:

Hello, I am from Anton Sergeevich! * I have no idea who it is.* is

I: From whom?

Q: You should have been warned.

I: Okay, tell me what types of suspensions do you know?

The 500 ruble banknote

As a result, a young man was taken, only after the army with a diploma of secondary education, almost without experience. He trained for 2 months, but now is one of the best employees.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №128200
When I, a ten-year-old, got a computer in 2000, my father solved the problem with games very simply. Do you love and know how to play games? Here is your game. But you won’t have a new game until you’ve finished this one.” And put Flanker 2 (the most realistic air simulator at the time). And even brought me a manual printed at work to the game in 200 (two hundred, Karl!!!) the pages. I was crying for six months, but I was playing! Since then I hate planes.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128199
I used to work in a supplier factory. I went to one small organization behind the office, and there a pretty nice girl writes out goods documents. Since he was free from any relationship, he decided to take advantage of the moment and "pick up" to this lady, shining with ingenuity. To start the conversation, I didn’t find anything better than to say to her, “You’re holding the pen so strangely, can you teach me?” It says, “Cut off two fingers.” He shows me a three-fingered hand.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna