— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №98333
With a pickup. discussions in diaries.

mursik: "Breaked glass with cake"
Blablahouston: How is it? O_0
Mursik: Well, of course, it was not a cake, but a piece of chair that accidentally flew out the window. But I didn’t want to get a dude for the piece that was cut off from the floor, so I told the teacher the first thing that came to mind...he threw the cake.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98332
Once I went with a friend to the post. Motor, we can see - there is an overwhelmed, half-broken bucket, the door is closed to the lock through a metal strip (remember?On the windows of the grid, the paint is lining, but, once was blue. Well, and the barely readable sign above the door of all this happiness (painted by DVP) "CYBERPOST"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №98331
I was looking for a film to see. I came across the movie "The Counselor". I read comments. Very pleased with this: "The worst film of the decade. The story is incomprehensible to me. The advisor did not give a single advice for the whole film". It is genius!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98330

Postcards are trolls. I went down to them, two boxes, one for receiving packages, payments, etc., the other for issuing order letters, but the aunt is one and the line is also one, a man is ten. When I accepted the fact that I was hanging for a long time, there were a few people behind me. Who with what. Then came the second aunt. And the turn went faster, and it seemed cool.

Now they don’t know who is behind whom.

The shit has started!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98329
XXX: How I got it!
xxx: firefox tough
xxx: pastbin blocked by provider
xxx: favorite http proxy lies
XXX: the pasta is finished at home
YYY: Stay away
What to do Bush?
XXX: The Greek
YYY: A good answer

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №98328
Recently, socks have also disappeared from the washing machine. I have a shoe size 41. It turned out that my socks sat a little while washing and my wife folded them onto the shelf to my 10-year-old son.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №98327
My husband polished.
He says: "You don’t get to last year..."
I said to him: "I did not understand?"
Answer: "The last year weighed 120 kg"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98326
Nothing warms the soul like a beautiful body.

[ + 60 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98325
“We will never be brothers.”

I had no choice. I was 4.5 years old when my brother came into the house. And I was voluntarily forced to love him. “He is younger than you!” Under his roar I learned to sleep fairly decently, so it didn’t bother me. disturbed another. At the age of three he scattered my model aircraft, which I collected for a few weeks. Then I ruined a lot. “Do not touch him! He is small!” I gave him the candy he gave me. The brother broke the chip and arranged hysterics if I did not share anything with him. I did little ugliness, then revelled and forever fled from my parents. “Take lessons with him, he’s younger than you!” And I did where to go. First his lessons, then his own. He went to the yard to protect him from other boys. “He is younger than you!” His mother covered him from his father. My father gave me pocket money and then asked me to share with the young. My protests pressed to the root. He is the younger brother!! to

It ended sadly. I was already in the second grade of the institute and stumbled on the young man at the moment when he walked into my pockets in search of a steppe. In the 1990s, my parents told me I had to survive for my scholarship. I lived, really dumb and hungry. In general, he found out the relationship with a mortuary, because of mortuary broke up with his parents and two months later left his parent's apartment.

I rarely see my parents. The brother did not learn how to earn money and still draws money from his ancestors. All around him are guilty, it is because of "them" he did not finish the institute, did not go to work, did not leave the bulgor and began to drink... And so - he is talented, white and hairy. In my pockets no longer is bread.

So sorry, but I look at relations with Ukraine from this family bell. Sometimes brothers need to get rid of the hallows. Even a morphing.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №98324
– Dad, let’s buy a shale!
- Buy, son, only that is called lavash.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №98323
Anonymous answers to questions. What would you do if you woke up one morning as a woman?
111> I would walk naked in front of the mirror
222> I would jump and shake my breasts
333> I would have had sex with another girl
444> How you have everything primitive. There one recently woke up and won Eurovision.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98322
I went to get a DMS policy in Volgograd. They said that the insurance costs 50K rubles and the maximum insurance payments 40K rubles. And what is the meaning of this action and where the insurance could not explain O_o

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №98321
here here :
I remember living in the community. Somewhere the joke saw: how much is 10 times a hundred grams?
If they answered a liter, I called people alkasha. Everyone said so, even the girls. But I will never forget how I asked the local alcanavt of Vitunyu, and he thoughtlessly answered the kilogram.That's how I broke the pattern and I realized that this test was foul and stopped asking everyone this question.
I work in school. Once I asked this question to all my colleagues for a long time, so all the teachers said that there will be a liter and only the guard of Seroj said that the kilogram (I swear!)))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №98320
This is not an army, it is a fairy tale. Today we were transferred to a captain with the name Kruk. And as the typical ordinary Russian army believes, I managed to catch up and fly away from it for a long time) Peter Penn fuck!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №98319
HH: I should meet you. When can you? Or don’t you know yet? Every day, except for p.
Mr. Jappel is heavy, so let’s go beyond it. We will decide on it.
See also: Blind
What a shit.
Tagged: day
WOW: What I taught my phone 😉
Oh yeah, and I thought, "Jopel" a very appropriate word here! I thought that was exactly what you wanted to say...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98318
Reserve: "Spring price" :)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №98317
“Dime, tell me, why do you want to fuck Lenka and I don’t?
“Well, Lenka is so fragile, so cute, so I want to protect her and fuck her. You are IRA.
You protect anyone and you fuck.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №98316
From Driving:
Further, the inverter, independently captured from the honestly reduced from the work of the interruptor. We take the uninterruptor, button, relay, 12V fan from the comp, double socket, wire and blue insulator, we put all this in the bag and shake vigorously, at the output we get such a half-kilowatt inverter.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №98315
The first day of the session, and the concentration of luzes has already approached hysterical.
Exam on Saturday.
Which one? OO
What is it? O_O

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №98314
The citizen:
The Cultural Man:
Why the idiots? Completely adequate people. In contrast, from the nids, parking their fucking crows as they got. Or are you one of those idiots who are so upset?

The wrath is so righteous. Here is just one big question. and clarified. And why do they put their "foolishness" how did they get there? If it’s because they want it so much, though around a bunch of normal free parking spaces, then yes, I fully support the beams of diarrhea to their address.
I’m not interested in why the bargain sells heroin – his daughter is sick, his mother, or he’s going to give money to an orphanage, or he wants to buy himself a pursuit – he has to sit in jail. I’m not interested in why the beetle puts his cars on the lawn – little parking, the command of the Lord or a banal shame – it shouldn’t be so. If you want a car but there is no parking – go and solve it yourself with your government before you buy it, it shouldn’t be a concern for a person who doesn’t have a car. Meanwhile, the cars will burn from time to time, reminding you that if you need parking - take care of it yourself.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna