— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98153
19739 year of our era.
All the laws of the universe are revealed. An inexhaustible source of energy. Synthesis and resynthesis of substances on an industrial scale eliminated the shortage of rare materials and solved the problem of radioactive, toxic and other waste. There are no more wars and crimes. Instant movement to any point of space. Artificial intelligence systems developed hundreds of times superior to human (as of the beginning of the 3rd millennium). Quantum computers can predict the future for a year ahead, with an error rate of 0.5%. Human intelligence and other abilities, including life expectancy, have been multiplied by genetic engineering. All diseases are defeated. Humanity has colonized fifteen planets in different parts of the Milky Way and one in the Andromeda Nebula.
There are only two unresolved problems in the world that all research institutes are working on:
What to do with gay?
Can I wear socks with sandals?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98152
Review of the game Jing:
The game "Zenga" is very similar to Russia: you have to steal so that everything does not collapse. Well, or it collapsed, but that you are not to blame.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98151
Google is shit! How could you put on the main Rubik’s Cube? Lost the whole day.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98150
Did you know that one season of Friends is three times more expensive than one season of Game of Thrones? ($180M and $60M respectively)
NskRonin: It seems to have something to do with the mortality of the main characters

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98149
DiCaprio will be awarded an Oscar when Willis' first son is born.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98148
I sit in the kitchen with my wife, she’s been on Instagram for an hour, I’m reading a book.
J : All of them! I can’t watch Instagram anymore.
I: I raise my eyes.
J: But I will!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98147
...They looked all at the wicked, wicked as the wicked, gray as the wicked, and went on business.
How grey? Maybe they’ve already hit you first, so you’re already falling in love with them 😉

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №98146
I fought with a guy one night. He was at home and I was at home. But I fought so much with him that by habit I got up and left. A few miles later I realized...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №98145
White heterosexual healthy men at the height of their strength provide the rest of the public with material goods and other facilities such as personal and public security, etc.
And homosexuals don’t even know they are entitled to the benefit! Work for something, and women, and black... skin - all work for something. Can you tell us where to get our benefits? The worker pl.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №98144
Node loves to be updated. He does this two or three times a day, with thoughtful pleasure, carefully choosing the moment when you have several programs opened or better - a couple of heavy sites. The computer struggles with all its strength, whispers, dumbs, and op - in the place of the cursor, the solemn window "I popped up!", that is, "I updated!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98143
In the coffin of the horrors of the Russian language" (review of the hotel): The territory is small, it can be said no in the oprior...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №98142
I went out after watching the new Godzilla.
What I can say: A very vivid movie – giant mosquitoes are preventing people from living.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №98141
A man from Togliatti says:
We have an invasion of black flies.
Tagged: heras
Daniel: Their humm and they are everywhere
Daniel: and they are damaging, fly chaotically and die quickly.
What kind of mutants.
There are so many, and in all areas.
Could the car die? 8) is
by Daniel ;)))

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98140
We had two bags of Cerebrolysin, seventy-five ampoules of Piracetam, five bags of Vasobral, a puddle half-filled with Picamilon, and a whole sea of other nootropics.

Not that all of this was absolutely necessary in the development of the project, but if you have already started writing the code, then the matter has to be approached seriously.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №98139
The Advisor:

It has long been known that you should not put a song that you like on the alarm clock.
So, choosing a course topic associated with something very interesting is also not worth it. One interest less, one hatred more.

It is ===

You have now deprived millions of people of their advice to work in a profession that they like.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №98138
I had long dreamed of taking a cat from my parents (I moved myself). Inspired by the example of the Crimea, she decided that once the cat, in fact, is a sovereign animal, which means it has the right to self-determination, held a referendum among the cat, and, inspired by the result, annexed it by joining it to her apartment. But the brother who arrived on Sunday recognized the referendum as illegitimate and returned the cat.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №98137
Comment on the news about the opening of the "time capsule" of the nineties:

The time capsule is laughter. We have entire cities living in the 90s, and here they want to surprise with a box.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №98136
It does not affect the probability.
Do not bring private
Infertility from decrease
Hormones on all levels
of women. acquainted himself
It should be checked, not
Blame the girlfriend =)

In general, it affects as a gynecologist with many years of experience.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №98135
Tonight, putting on the compilation of important work on the night render...
I read inets, listen to music.
Here - the bat - the mouse dies, the music disappears... I think - all, the ass to work. Delayed the plant.
It turned out - at the same time, the acem sat in the wireless mouse and the song ended. O_O

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №98134
In the city we were able to gather a house of panels entirely (!!!)), placing in coordinates 100% according to the project, but with one but! I turned it 180 degrees!
Television is remaining.
According to the project on Korolev Street was to go out the facade with colored windows and windows of the winter garden on the fifth floor, and the hardware was to go out in the direction of the current Rostelecom. The staircase was to lead to the equipment. But by mistake of the builders, the building turned 180 degrees. They noticed this when they began to build the walls, and could only change the direction of the staircase: now it leads to the winter garden, and starts not from the entrance, but actually from the second floor. And the windows and the winter garden now go to the opposite side of Rostelecom, where they are virtually not visible from the street.

There was a bulldozer in the basement. Well, and the planning of corridors... "Wizards" well.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna