— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138291
You can buy an apartment with honest work. I got acquaintances for 3 years. He and she stumbled from the urus to the night, they had two cowards, some wear, others dry on the battery, socks broken and sheets. And most importantly, they lived with their parents and asked their parents to feed them. Here, living on the neck of the parents and you can accumulate if you refuse everything. Then they bought an apartment, multiplied and told their parents that they should not frequently visit, there is nothing to do.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138290
R (halk) = 0 is an incredible halk.
P (halk) = 0.01 is an unlikely halk.
P (halk) = 0.9 – the probable halk
Halk = 1 is a reliable halk.
At R (halk) from -0.0001 and above, the unlikelihood of the halk is scaled.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138289
#all_wishing_to get rich_fast_and_without_sms

"If you want to make money, work. If you want to get rich, you’ll have to come up with something else..." (c)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138288
There is a story, the hero for some reason named "Duke Mary El".

The comments:
111: So is it. It translates as the land of men. Count of Man?
222: And there is another beautiful word of Adygei.
His lips eagerly whispered the name of the beloved: Adygeia, Adygeia, Adygeia my...
333: It is a communion. "I was leaving, fast adygeya"
333 - Deepreparation by Blaine
444: I am an adygel stitch from your fantasy))) And I smashed a whisper)))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138287
The main Russian question is not "Who is to blame?" and not even "What to do?"
And "How is it?and "

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138286
Oh, this extrapolation of personal experience to the whole conscious public:

The word "freelance" has been used.
I have lived there for 9 years and have built this house.

One successful freelancer has a crowd of people breaking from bread to water. This is first. Second, how do you offer, for example, a freelance surgeon to earn? Well, and thirdly, consider also the different living conditions and situations. Not everyone was lucky to get a highly sought-after and highly paid profession, not to mention other prerequisites and family dynamics. You would still tell hungry Cambodian children that all their problems are due to laziness and the inability to think with their heads.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138285
I had a small dispute with a friend. She told me that the new iPhone has six es, can take "Live Photos". That is straight super, miracles and magic straight like Harry Potter. I say that the gifs were invented hundreds of years ago, and such apple magic worked in the time of the 95th wing.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138284
Overall, the denial of the existence of HIV is a global problem. In early 1992, a journal opened in the United States dedicated to the mystification of HIV and AIDS, alternative treatments and issues of interest to the LGBT community. In 2001 the publication ceased to exist. The reason for this was that all the authors of the magazine died of AIDS.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138283
In the early 1990s, we didn’t have computers and the internet, we played tiles. I don’t remember the rules now, I remember, the goal was just to throw my tile into the hole and take the tile of those who didn’t throw it. To extract tiles came from the walls of houses - scratching them with a knife.

In general, one day I lost all the tiles, and in the neighboring courtyard I received from some uncle a necklace and the threat of losing my head at the next meeting. So in my world came ruin, hopelessness, as well as quarrels with my brother and peers because of the tile money.

The older boys (aga, 14-15 years old) went for tiles to "Stole" - an abandoned glass factory, but we, the little ones, were not taken with us. It is understandable, because in this mysterious place the unlucky traveller could be caught by the "Watchmen", or you could fail to fall into a hole with a winding armor, or just get lost.

Once a miracle happened: an older boy from the neighboring house was about to go for a harvest and was ready to take a padavan with him. My joy and adrenaline had no limits, but first I needed the approval of my ancestors.

When I asked my mother for permission to go fucking with a little-known boy in search of a lost hernia, she for some reason refused me.)

We continued to argue about tiles with my brother, and even started buying tiles for money instead of school lunches. However, the parents found an unusual solution to the problem. One weekend, the whole family sat in the car and went to an abandoned factory for a craving hernia.

Our sight appeared: a couple of semi-destructed buildings and a factory territory, all covered with tiles. Several overturned boards of the fence, metal columns for the grid - a rabbit - all this indicated the line of the former fence.

The tiles were rolled everywhere on the grass, in all the bushes and grasslands. White, gray, blue, green, there were even semi-transparent and turquoise tiles. Their eyes fled from such richness and diversity. We quickly filled the household bag, taken with us, and, gaining courage, approached the buildings themselves. Apparently, the elders did not come here, fearing the guard, because here I began to get pieces of colored glass. It was not flat window glass, but real glass stones of blue and green colors. The large fragments were the size of a litre bowl. From such happiness, I suddenly dared and decided that in the company of my parents the guards are not afraid of us – in the extreme case, we will all have time to jump into the car and leave them. Walking a little further, I found a piece of black glass stone, the size of my head, as well as a sky-blue stone, which changed colour to yellowish when the angle of view changed.

Glass wealth was still stored for a long time in bags and bags in the corner of the corridor, sometimes extracted from there to praise guests and gift friends.

I realized the genius of my parents’ decision many years later. We stopped arguing about the tiles, we stopped interested in them at all.

There is no place for quarrels when all the treasures of the world lie in your corridor.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №138282
It was in the kindergarten. The tables for food and classes, as in all other such establishments, were for four children. At my desk, besides me, there were two boys, one of whom I was in love with (Hello, Bogdan =)), and another girl. So, that morning, the boy Bogdan was unhealthy, he did not want to eat manna flour because he was slightly mute. But the teacher in our group was just Hitler in a shirt. A couple of silly phrases, pronounced by a whispering scream, made Bogdan quietly and quickly work with a spoon, while the teacher stood over him, putting his hands on his sides. And here, the last crumbs of cabbage are eaten, a spoonful screams about an empty plate. The teacher opens her mouth to say something like, "I made more than I ate," turns and begins to leave with a sense of duty. But here we notice that Bogdan's eyes expand, his face becomes a greenish shade, and in the next second all the meat eaten together with the remnants of past undigested food (I think that the guy had an indigestion), the fountain flies back into the empty plate and on the table around it. But, as we remember, the teacher is a beast and Bogdan is wildly afraid of her. And to avoid punishment, he grabs a spoonful and begins to squeeze back into himself what has just drained his stomach. What started here...It was just a chain reaction! First blowed (sorry, but you can't pick up another word here) I and the remaining two children at our table, then the neighboring tables entered the rage and so on the chain until almost all the children dropped breakfast on the tables in front of them, only the most severe stayed... Since then, everyone in our group has refused to eat manna and always given us any other for breakfast. And the mother of Bogdan came and instructed the noble lilies of upbringing. This is a gastronomic memory.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138281
and hello.
and hello.
How is your relationship with Christina? Not married yet?
No, we have split up.
And what happened?
I was tired of having too many requests.
For example what?
— Well for example update instance inner join (select groupid as group_id, (select messageid from message inner join thread on threadid = message.thread_id where location_id = @location_id and language_id = @language_id and concat(group_key, '.') like concat(group.`key`, '.%') order by message.created desc limit 1) as last_message_id, (select count(*) from thread where location_id = @location_id and language_id = @location_id and concat_group(locat_locat_key, '') like concat(group.`key`, '%' as thread_count, (select if(sumth.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138280

But in general, it is better to think twenty-five times before fighting the squid. You will face a few hungry people armed with shampoos.

[ + 21 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138279
The USSR did not regret the money for education - and these people who went to Soviet universities ran to relate their money to various MMMs, watch-and-drop-plunge prostomary and santabarbar, and in the breaks between these important affairs to pray diligently, although everyone from childhood told that religion is evil and God does not exist. So it may not be a matter of education when 95% of the population are idiots?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138278
The Subconcepts

All the vegetarians I know are slim. and

"A bad cow is not yet a gazelle!"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138277

What if we look from another angle?
To install three screws for a weekend for 2000 each - it's okay, a half of a year is gained. At the same time, working on working days at the main job, earning for food - this is also where it went (although here is a joke about "you are still a lamp on my forehead hanging - I then and at night I will" remember).
But initially it was about the fact that he had earned himself in this way for an apartment in a few years (hence and half a year - three million (what) in six years). And I am a little more stunned - three million collected from installations of two thousand each - is 1500 installations of the pirate screw. Was he such a superhero? The Installer Captain? The Microsoft Man?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138276
The list of horror films that influenced people bla bla bla"
A horror movie. which affected more than 150 million people: "Lebbi Lake" on all canals in 1991
This is not horror, but ballet.
WOW: Believe me, more bricks have been put off from such a ballet than from all the horror films in the history of cinema combined.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138275
(Tian tried to catch the viruses on the compass)

I don’t want to be a computer scientist. I tried, I did not like it. Beer ended faster than the suspicious processes of executive files, the sweater and beard never grew, only wanted to eat.
XHH: We will go another way. I’ll wear a pink coat and you’ll come and reinstall my window.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138274
In space to extraterrestrial civilizations are sent various messages, books, paintings, photographs, drawings. I think we need to send a computer with a second devil into space, the aliens will come to us.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138273
I always have narcissistic dreams. Last night, for example, I was a wreath made of bread, and my friends and I saved the world. To do this, it was necessary to fly from the world of "war" to the world of "freedom", which were some kind of garages and did not get caught by helicopters. Well, after a successful flight, I was already in another universe celebrating it all night with the metal group. In short, I don’t like to wake up and realize how boring I live.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138272
For the tourist brand of Russia offered the slogan "here is everything".

In my opinion, the slogan should be "And so will come". You can still "Phuy", but it’s too much. What other proposals are there?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna