— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №14335
admin fucking add the topic "the last abyss" or got to read the same 5 times...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №14334
Do I need to wash my sweater?

The Beginning

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №14333
To ban being a pirate in Russia is the same as to ban being a Negro in Africa)))

SerJ333 from local torrent

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №14332
Gaia - a symbol of the female beginning
At one time, acquainted with the Da Vinci Code, he was very excited that Disney was allegedly a famous Freemason, and his cartoons are permeated by a hidden worship of the Woman's Beginning (Snow White, Mermaid, etc.). I did a small study...
Everything is so. Disney movies are full of pagan symbolism! But the main symbol of the Women's Beginning is not Snow White, but the Guy from "Chip and Dale"! This is indicated by the hexagonal shape of the hook, and the unambiguous association Gaika-Bolt. Of other curious characters, it is worth noting Gufy - an anthropomorphic dog. The cult of Anubis is here. However, hints on the connection of the characters of Disney cartoons with the afterlife world of one Gufy are not limited. The name of another Disney dog - Pluto (Pluto) directly indicates this; although, most likely, it is not the master of the kingdom of the dead, but his dog Cerber. Elephant Dambo is, of course, the Indian god Ganesha. Also interesting is the character of Rockford from the same "Chip and Dale". It is difficult to say what personality became his prototype; it is a collective image of the French Templar, the defender of Mary Magdalene (here - Gaecky)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №14331
taken from one forum.

The theme is called "not in the eyebrow, but in the eye".

Naked Local Televisors to Cut More Babes, During
They are able to put their ugly advertising into federal publicity.
channels that broadcasts interrupt completely unexpectedly and most importantly
unplanned, only like a hero to say something gathered...
Advertising for a new shopping center... Well, this is lyric, now history...
Thirty-first of December, in the most advertising "senokos" I look at "Our
Rush", there again deal with a freezer with unconventional sexual
Orientation - Dolin and Mikhalic. At the highest point, under
the voice of the worker who looked into the office: "Here is the homosiatine!", on the screen
There is a ham roast of our Governor congratulating the inhabitants
Areas with New Year! by ZANAVES! People who watched the broadcast
Congratulations to you!"

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №14330
In the article:
22% of respondents said they are scared of road rubbish, stones and reagents used in the winter, resulting in scratches on the body or damage to the paint. andquot;

Commentary :
That’s what scares me, especially when he jumps out of the bushes with the radar.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №14329
I begin to feel nicely lucky from the fact that at the time I did not quote a guy with dollars=)

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №14328
I tell you as a pharmacist: we are absolutely not surprised if together with Postinor you buy ascorbic, or with condoms hematogen. We are not at all interested in guys who buy vaseline and talk on the phone: “Yes, I’m already eating.” We have such a job that we have learned to be surprised. be healthy.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №14327
DIZZY: A new eye... now with a sparkle ;)

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №14326
D to million:
Buying what? I want chips.
The girl:
I want sex. Buy me sex.
D to million:
not there. I have already been to the store. We will have to find ourselves, like the ancient people, with friction.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №14325
I read a quote about the new copyright law, tell me, can I now be jailed for the browser cache?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №14324
I am working. In the factory! My name is Reliano!!! by Dolin!! to
I’m already on the way "Our Rush" I’ll kill you all!!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №14323
Do you watch Anime?
YYY (20:32) :
What I See
YYY (20:33) :
This is Anime.
You are a wonderful person, I want to tell you.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №14322
Bad was the idea on the old semi-broken country to watch the movie Plesen from the note. I went back immediately after the movie.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №14321
I watched such a picture. Alkas fell asleep under a poster of United Russia with the inscription - "Our country has to be proud of."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №14320
Anyone who has watched the Lost series knows that the guy with the dollars is Hurley.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №14319
Gifts are not bad.

Linux is
Tell it to the Trojans 😉

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №14318
46532 (saved 2009-02-05 at 22:55)
-n0name-: probably everyone in the children's house had an Aztec leopard hat with rubies)))

Oh, and the hats attached to a shirt made of artificial fur, sandals with a back, and definitely a dream - "I would have a cacao on a hat like that fool from the neighboring group in the garden"))))))))))))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №14317
Buy me a cake with mac!
Could you have a cake with Linux?? to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №14316
You know, I’ve always been afraid to grow up, now I’m 21, soon I’ll finish the universe. I always thought that when I finished, I would work, then there would be a family, children, there would be no time for myself and friends. Family life will be an absolute routine, but reading Bas, I see every day stories that are sent by people family, adults, with children and I understand that even adult life can be filled with tricks and funny situations and life becomes easier and all kinds of stupid thoughts do not come to mind. Thanks to all the readers of Basha and directly to the site itself. You make life a lot easier and of course you raise the mood.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna