— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137811
The soul of Volan de Mort was eight-bit: after eight divisions by 2, he received zero and self-liquidated, and the last unit in the form of the remainder of the division was given to Potter.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137810
My tourist work was nothing to throw away - for example, the Estonian group Tallinn-SPb - Finland forgot about our student. On the excursion, they were riding on our pedestrian custom buses, and then moved to their own, arrived at Brusnitsky, and there they got enough that the boy is not there. He had to remove the fox from the kitsch because he was quietly shaking, stuck in the corner of the rear seat and covered with a pledge, in the sixth bus fleet.

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137809
We have a boy at work, such a cute premil, right here!This boy meets his aunt quite older than himself and financially a little dependent on her.Alphonse is ordinary, shorter.
So someday with a colleague from the mess there was a conversation,whether dysbiosis is the initial stage of olegophrenia or this is a separate disease.This is our favourite comment:"And with what oligophrenia is here,these are those who live with women";

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №137808
The trigger:
The fact is that it is not easy to catch a tripease. The specificity of clutching is that any tripease (and the Marlesian more so) must be firmly held by the bucket. It is worth weakening the grip, and the muzzga will splash from the trepiasda coconuts in different directions, spreading the smell of rotting nuggets. By the way, it will become inappropriate, bored and shrinking will lose all its discomfort. Marlesian nurses from ancient times have taught their husky strongly and correctly to hold the buffalo. As the old saying goes - "Tripeazas you shrink - a mommy you shrink".

You are a sofa theorist, have you at least once swallowed a live tripease? Could he be able to catch it, even stronger? The tripeas should be taken gently, under a myrtle. And by the time they come together to catch only meals and meals, so they and tripeas do not live for a long time. This has also proved that if you want to maintain the productivity of your tripeaside for longer, then you need to treat it carefully.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №137807
In the southern hemisphere of our planet, people, when they want to move to warmer regions, say something like "Gm. Should I go north?"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137806
With Hicks:

Brenwen: The feeling is that now everything is done not to be as comfortable as possible for users, but to be as exciting as possible for hipsters. After such news I look forward to the news from Google/Apple/Microsoft that in the new version of the smartphone OS they have introduced an innovative interface and now a third of the phone screen will be occupied by an indelible panel with a video player and download manager, the icons on the desktop will be constantly mixed according to the intelligent algorithm, and those contacts that you rarely call will be removed from the phone book, but new ones will be automatically added, from all people who are in the radius of action of blues.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137805
I’ll tell you about the cock, cat. with a pig and a snake depicted in the center of the circle of the sansaira.

What does the cat represent?

YanSmit: A cat embodies independence, purity and flexibility.
The last two qualities of the cat are combined.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137804
What to print photos of winter Peter, having a color printer is not necessary

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137803
Elektra: Haracho if they added a catacomb to the game, watched the Suicide Squad, there was a clove
Alvarez: I already see somebody in Japan committing a sudoku because of this response.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137802
I am waiting for my turn at the accounting office. I listen to the conversation that comes from there:
My computer was taken from me. They said that the metal in it repulses this program.
First I was surprised, then translated to a closer to me, technical, aesthetic:
"On my computer iron does not support this software".
A-A-A is OK

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137801
Today I was killed by one girl" - I had to change the connection settings to the service program
I explain to the entire cabinet immediately, we get to the fact that you need to add to the IP address a non-standard port.
I say: "after the number 150, we put the double...", it begins to remove 150.
I say, "we do not remove anything, but we write the two-point". She says “Aaa” and recovers 150, adding two more zeros to it.
I say, “not two zeroes, but two points.” She says "Aaa" and removes the extra zeroes, writes two points.
I say, "not two points, but two points". She says "Aaa" and writes a double word.
Accountants are easy.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137800
I had a dispute with the navigator, until the runaway was done. So I do not use.
YYY: I just changed my voice to a man’s, now we don’t argue.
HH: Was it possible?
yyy: Now I felt the need to clarify that the voice changed in the navigator.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137799
From Habr.

by Akalenuk:
Programmer and scientist. For computers about twenty years, from the very childhood for more than a month and a half from the monitor did not leave.

I would open a cafe with vegetarian food. So, to immediately and the halal, and the coat, and the zoo. No alcohol but with a separate balcony for smoking. Not that there would be such a large demand, but there is no offer at all, so I think it would be a success.

In fact, I am not a lover of vegetarian food. Not even an amateur. I can’t tolerate tofu and soy these substitutes. I hate practically. On the other hand, after twenty years of programming, I don’t really like people. In principle, it goes out once in a while.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137798
The engineer sent for agreement the schedule of working days for the coming year, indicating that we are working in 1917.
Answer of the manager: "In the first quarter work more carefully, there is not a very historical year".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137797
xxx> what did you say?
Yyy> There was a lot of noise and alcohol.
yyy> I didn’t hear what I said

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137796
Today, as a programmer, I noticed a service in a human being working in the background.
Imagine an electric car approaching the Kursk station. At the window deep sleeps a girl who goes out on the Kursk. Next stop "Kalanchevskaya" and if the girl sleeps and goes out on it, it will be unpleasant. And before the electric stops, there is a broadcast sound package. "The next stop is Kalanchoe" The background service in the girl's head finds the "Kalanchevskaya" subset, and sends a priority signal to wake up. She opens her eyes and with a sleepy look tries to match her location with the received message. Loading to the end, he sees that station! = Kalanchevskaya and comes out of the electric drive.
P.S And the RJDshniki good, never thought that the announcement of the next station before the electric stop at the current have such a profound meaning.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137795
What is wrong...?

The evil administrator sits on a color printer to print on measure. Without him nothing.
And since not everything runs in the distance, it is often absent.
The girl suits. It is thinking.
Is there a printer here? not there.
What should you do to make it quickly and steadily in place?
The programmer sitting next to him shakes his head:
Reset on the server.
As usually happens, the administrator immediately materialized, and the phrase was heard, the man only miraculously did not grieve.

The method works... no need to press, enough intention...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137794
I bought Polina Flowers.
The flower eaten the same night.
Three old socks
Two pieces of cover
My own red pot.

The Art_Arts

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137793
xxx: there was a story with us in the universe, when the grandmother did not pass the diploma, but did not pass the exam.
Prepod was without one eye, and she came last. He had already wanted to leave, and here she gave:
At least look at one eye.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137792
It seems that if an alien who has secretly arrived and well disguised himself as a landlord, will write here with good, practical knowledge about how to properly, for example, "pull the Marlesian tripeas", then there will also be some local sad thing.

M'aarlezuyan, you mean that?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna