— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113240
My child, with a celebration!
I: With which one?! to
R is sad.
Are there sad holidays?
R: Yes, when gifts don’t give...

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №113239
A joke fucking?
A joke of life
A little boy touched a battery and was hit by electricity to death
Before that, the boy's father broke the refrigerator and how the wiring touched the battery.
The boy’s mother took him out of the street from the fifth floor and laid him on the ground.
The boy survived, but he was taken to the hospital.
I’m a boy, I’m a real story... the Soviet time of the 80s of the 20th century, gesture (((
Fuck you, boy, I'll break his back so that the school course of physics remembers.

This "anecdote" killed the people’s kueva huchu! To put on the ground - the little things, mother was nice. Sometimes they are buried "to make the charge go". The ambulance arrives, and the patient is already buried - one head shakes. Instead of resuscitation (indirect massage, etc.) people are buried alive.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №113238
The first date.

Girl: Well, what are you doing?

I am a taxi dermatologist.

And he’s also a crapper.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №113237
Just a title, but what! of the Habra.
<<<<Microsoft has stopped developing Windows, new versions will no longer>>>>

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №113236
He went for a walk with a dog, the man called her a German-Fascist dog. The dog said to him in response "wau-wau" And I translated to the man, say she says that you are "russish swine" :-)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №113235
..."A woman can replace a vagina with a multivarka"...

I can still imagine a multivarka with a vagina, but all my attempts to imagine a vagina with a multivarka were unsuccessful.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №113234
Life has succeeded is when you don’t have to constantly convince yourself that your life has succeeded.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №113233
The story was posted on her FB page by Julia Egger:

I translated one conversation today because I happened to be there.
Location of Vienna.
The interlocutors:
Vladimir Raspolychin, a veteran who liberated Vienna in 1925, now lives in Vienna.
The Austrian, 1936, lives in Vienna.
The situation: an Austrian approaches the veteran and tries to speak Russian, the veteran does not understand a word, but tries to disassemble. I just stood by and helped with the translation.
The dialogue:
A: I am a Jew.
V. V. RI am Russian
A: I have to tell you something. My parents and grandparents died in Treblinka. I went to a children’s camp in Austria. I want to tell you... pause. I have to tell you... pause. I have to tell you, I want to tell you, I have to thank you. I can only thank you because of you. If the Soviet troops had arrived a few days later, I would not have stood here now and picked up the words to say to you. I know what I have to say! Thanks for my life.

The Austrian, who was almost 80, stood in front of our veteran, who was almost 90, as if he had hurt a boy. They didn’t cry, they didn’t hold hands, they didn’t hug each other. They just remained silent for a long time. One was 20, the other 9. As in April 1945.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №113232
No matter what happens, no matter how hard it is, remember, all pooher.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №113231
Hachu pajalavatsa on Daldora OOO "hchhhhhhhhhhhh" is a samurai. I arranged for them to work. I was asked to write an insult. The director alleged that the diploma was bought at the mine. What right does he have to do so? He holds the hand of Laval. The Diploma of Mines!! I am not a phylologist, I am an ecanist. I ask you to take all measures against the H.H. gazdin. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №113230
by dir_for_live
You do not understand.
I spent a whole year in a student nightclub. Right under my floor, a concrete plate, was their ceiling. And every night they started with it. And every morning, at five o’clock, they ended up with this. Paul has jumped. And I jumped, lying on this floor.
But he survived. And the Roma with the Beasts did not annoy me. I even sing.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №113229
How is life?
I even fly with the spring.
How is it?
To fly like a faner over Paris, with my salary I can’t afford. Maximum as an organ. Even if the prize is given.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113228
When I need to buy something, I either study faces or forums for a couple of hours. Or I immediately find the store in the search engine and buy. And the next day, Yandex wakes up and starts showing advertisements. Poor Yasha is not ready for what someone can buy without long searches :)

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113227
This is:

What do you know about epic files?
The real epic is when you look for one bug in the code and find another :)

What a cute, you’re the first couple of months missing, right? This is not an epic file, it’s an ordinary event, especially if you don’t stick to TDD. Even with TDD, there is no.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №113226
Somewhere in the early 2000s, my girlfriend went to school as a painting teacher. Firstly, the drawing there was even in the high school, secondly, the majority of children came to the lessons of drawing even without paper. What they did there before her, and the naphiga in general in this school was painting lessons, I do not know. But some month after getting to work, a friend was told that the children should draw something about tolerance. If the junior classes painted mostly a black and white child holding hands, then the senior classes completely went into the topic of LGBT.
Reviews of the "child paintings"
"To draw something worthless, you have to paint at least a little"
"Academic drawing here doesn’t smell, even if touched"
"It is still unclear what sex these creatures are. How do you know they are gay? Per this alien is walking out the alien dog... or buriing it"
"The author refused to answer how many creatures he depicted"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113225
We have in our office the girl-in-law Alexandra Alexandrovna. In the local - "San Sanich".
xxx: Recently, a new man from the contractor, a man of 40 years, came to us. As it turned out later, he was sent with instructions to find San Sanichi, to report something and to hand over documents.
xxx: On the question "Where are you here San Sanich?" a thin female voice was heard from behind "I am here!". The confusion and panic look in his eyes were simply indescribable, it was worth taking a photo and hanging on the wall.
XXX: He has not appeared since then. We are worried

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113224
Bleat, it is only we and my husband so old-fashioned that we have a general budget, and no "paid me" in the family is not and can not be?
— — — —
Noah, we are two of us. I clearly remember how I was jealous of our family's longtime acquaintance, who learned that my wife and I put money in a box and take it from there. I didn’t shrink, I just shrink that they and her husband had a separate budget.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna