— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №95219
Today with children in the lesson of drawing favorite characters
xxx: one boy drew a wolf from the "nu weather" very realistic but with a member between the legs
I was outraged, of course, and he was so authoritative to me "I am already in fifth grade, we have a biology lesson, censorship does not deceive me!"
And another boy said that if the rabbit is also a male, then the series where the wolf came with a sidekick at the guest - "homosexual propaganda."
I am afraid of these kids.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95218
XXX: I am looking for construction sand on the federal public procurement portal, entered the search word "sand"
XX: one of the results was fun, "the organization requires COBAS", I sit meditating...
XX: looked at the organization: "Egorievsky Psychoneurological Internat"
XX: I think it’s okay.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95217
This is:

Tagged with: 18:31
And in general, last time you pulled me to a movie where a man was looking through the lock well of the brought door pen on a man in a woman’s dress, crushing a pigeon caught in a mouse trap. After that, you lost the right to choose films forever)))

I must see it! What is this movie?! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95216
Specifications for Mac Pro:
I didn’t think he was so small.
That’s what girls usually say :)
I've never heard anything like this from girls :)
Sla337: Well, not all and not always 100% honest. By the way, the female phrase “how huge he is” in 99% of all cases refers to spiders.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №95215
After breakfast sandwiches with red squash teeth are unfortunate to brush!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №95214
thith (11:29:29)
I will be at 7 today.
Wicked (11:29:52)
How early did you get sick? O_O
Thirteen (11:34:58)
Today I have a "weekend"
Yippidy (11:36:47)
How do you know such words? At work, you are not beaten for freedom of thought.! to
thith (11:37:14)
]:-> No, we have a lafa here, only dishes of rice are deprived if they know *ROFL*

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №95213
With Drom, talk about safety pillows.
Half a year ago there was a case - my friend went into the turn of the vase 2110 shooting the wheel and the car went to squat, but at that moment he was not attached and immediately flew out through the front glass. You would then see this car, if he were in it, he would not be there now, because the roof over him was so compressed that there was simply no place for him there.
YYY: But there was another case: an alcoholic uncle of Petya, ate and fell asleep on the bench on the street. At that moment his house burned. If I had reached home, I would have fallen to death, and so only the fingers of my legs were cut off. Moral: Drunk - sleep on the street near the heatway, do not go home, it is unsafe there.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95212
9 March. I walk with my friends on the TC. Among our diverse hair company separately can be distinguished a specific pair. He is an angel, and she is a shepherd. And to see March 8 in their family was very fun, because she has no mood at all.
What can I do to make you smile?
And then there is a long list of options, she refuses everything exactly until her gaze hits one well-known cloth shop.
I want socks!
We go all the way into the pavilion, the consultants waver, everything as always. He buys her chosen pair, she takes the purchase and the cashier, and here... guessed?
She: The owner gave Dobby socks! Dobby is free!
It is taken out of the store.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №95211
Forum of Classical Musicians:

xx: No, Mom, I don’t smell cocaine from the violin. It is cannabis.
Yy: No, Mom, I don’t smell cocaine cannabis. It is a violin.
zz: Dominant intravenous in the morning.
zz: And septacords from all levels, secretly from parents, with friends in the entrance.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95210
Comment on the picture of a huge cat house:
Buy one, and the cat will still sleep in the box from this shit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna