— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №150938
Take a taxi to Tbilisi. The interruption. Everyone is signaling and screaming in the open windows. Apart from our driver, although his appearance dismisses all doubts about the purity of Georgian origin.

I ask, why don’t you attend this celebration?

I worked as a taxi driver for five years.


On the first day, he was fun and bet on someone. He stopped, two strong guys came out of the car and explained that this is a cultural capital and this is not possible here. explained in a profitable way. Since then, I have been driving as a cultural person. Even at home.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №150937
I picked up the over-released cards, sat down to the operator and started. I am I, O is the operator

A - We offer you card insurance for the case of theft and fraudulent redemption, only 108 rubles per month.

I – No, I do not have to.

Otherwise, the police will have to decide.

I am not

(I really wanted to get upset about what the bank is doing then that it can’t guarantee the security of my money, but I decided that I’d better finish faster and go.)

This is a new insurance contribution, do you want to make?

I – No

A - Life insurance from injuries for 138 rubles a month, contribute 2 thousand (such as), they turn into 240 and if you don't bite a crocodile in Africa, then take them, well, and if you chew and don't squeeze you get 480

I - No, nothing interests me, neither credit cards nor insurance, do not offer me anything

And here I get just an epic phrase:

O - Until the advertising block does not listen to the issuance of cards we do not go, but there is still a mobile bank...

The real question is, who knows AdBlock for such cases?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №150936
At the wedding of one of my wife’s distant relatives, I spoke to a stranger.

After the general topics were over, he suddenly said:

- I myself came from the Shklovsky district, studied in the same class with our President.

My mistrust apparently reflected on his face, so he continued warmly:

Don’t believe those who say they’ve studied with him. Wrong people! If you gather all those who said that they studied with him in a school or institute, you will get the population of a small town. I have not just studied with him, but I can prove it.

I wondered how he would be able to do that. Could he call the President directly and ask him to confirm his words? But his response exceeded all expectations. It was so unexpected that it was likely to be true. The man said:

I do not remember him at all! I was in one class and that was all.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №150935
The word is not wreath, let go, catch and plant.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №150934
"If a mathematical statement is true at n = 1, and from its fairness at n = k follows its fairness at n = k + 1, then this statement is true at any n."
I remembered my own:
A year somewhere in 1989, I vote on the road, "PAZIK" stops, in the bus there are three aunts with theodolites on their three legs (such geodesic devices).
I sit behind them, the bus is touched, one of the aunts asks the others, "Tomorrow certification, don't you remember how the second creed of the theodolite sounds?"
Those press on their shoulders - say no, we don't know, and I say loudly on the machine: "The eccentricity of the alidad circle should not exceed the double difference on the winner."
I had to see those four pairs of eyes along with the drivers who stood on me, driving almost off the road.
It was the only beliberda in my head that remained from technoculov geodesy a decade ago.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №150933
Who are you by nationality?
Why are you asking?
I would say it immediately!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna