— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №30001
All the arrested on May 12 participants of the "Blue Cage" campaign were released: they were released without drawing up a protocol due to the absence of a crime. Representatives of the GUVD of Moscow, who arrived at the OVD China-city to understand the situation, promised that the police officers who carried out the detention would be punished.

They will be sentenced to 15 days of wearing blue blankets while serving.

[ + 104 - ] Comment quote №30000
And again from the popular community "virginity" on

Question from the girl (D):
(d) Guys, please without STEB, advise how to divorce a guy for sex? Not to look like a prostitute. What are the receptors that influence the subconscious? Boys, what are you going to do?
Share who can.)

A: I have a good option.
You will need to be alone first. When this happens, with the words that it’s too hot here, start gradually dressing up. When you dress up, if it doesn’t have the desired effect, ask you to shower.
After that, with the screams about what is so cold here, kick him in your arms and ask him to warm up.
If that doesn’t help, put your things in your bags, find a mirror there. Look carefully from your feet to your head. If it’s all right, with the words that he’s not enough that pidoaz, and also impotent, fuck him on the cheek and go away with the head high.

[ + 107 - ] Comment quote №29999
Anyone tried on a bright sunny day with extended pupils after a visit to the ophthalmologist, with vision "minus 7" without glasses and contact lenses to get with three transplants on the road to the other end of the city?? to
Sports orientation of the city!!! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №29998
Status of contact:
beauty in the prostate.

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29997
X: and I and Dotha for a week, and as a result - the first sex with a girl :)
A has left the game
B has left the game
C has left the game
X: And suddenly it really runs :o
X has left the game

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №29996
The computer company "Siberian computers" is a tough firm. She has a dog on her logo.

[ + 90 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29995
Is it true that now the pavements and courtyards near the houses belong to the tenants and they have to pay tax for it?
That is, if I pay those $200 a year, can I unpunishedly dismantle the car of a mudila who does not know how to park on MY sidewalk?

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №29994
Kkk: On the way to work, I saw a negligently parked black Behu Seven in the early 1990s, a banditic car.
Kkk: I stood for three weeks, covered with a thick layer of dust.
Kkk: And some wise man wrote on the rear glass: “Brother killed, take away the car.”

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29993
Facts about the Ural guitar
No musician in the world has been able to break the stage of the Ural guitar. All the "Ural" guitars that broke - cheap Chinese counterfeit
It is said that among the countless tapes and switches on the Ural guitar there are detonators of atomic bombs laid in the countries of rotten capitalism.
Only a true mega guitarist is able to play the Ural guitar as quickly and easily as everyone else. Two true mega guitarists in the world: Sergei Mavrin and Chuck Norris
The Ural guitars were removed from production. They were recognized as weapons of mass destruction.
The URAL guitar will not be upset if it is held by the middle of the string on weight. The holder's hand is tired and the guitar will smash his leg.
If Chuck Norris or a crowd of elephants presses the lever tremolely on a special model of the URAL guitar to the end, puts a projectile on it and releases it, the projectile will reach Alpha Centauri.
The Ural guitar is able to withstand a kick from Chuck Norris' turn.
The Ural guitar can avoid a nuclear explosion
Ural Guitars Work on Pure Plutonium
Chuck Norris died only once in his life when, in a moment of anger, he tried to break a guitar by hitting his leg from the turn.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №29992
Among the cleanest wives and satellites,
The Most Moral People
Unfortunate Criminals
And the fools that didn’t happen.

[ + 112 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29991
You know you are smart!!by :
to this:

Yyy: but tell me, Anton, answer me fell
Yyyy: Where do you fuck the scratch???! to
The Network Reference Tool in Microsoft Office System Edition 2007 (the same) has been completely revised, and the new presentation does not include the Microsoft Office Assistant.

Pizzet, school, F1 not press anymore?
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
"Microsoft Office Assistant"!!!? to
A friend, you are by the way the only person in the world who perceived the assistant as a tool of help.

Skrpka was my friend, he was flying in an airplane, knocking on the glass of the monitor, yelling, disturbing me, slandering and sometimes frightening (but I believe I didn’t do it out of evil).

You’re forever in my heart, metal fool.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №29990
At the wedding of the prosecutor's daughter, the guests who stole the shoe were given eight years with confiscation of property.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №29989
Conversation with my son (4,5 years old):
I: Do you love me?
The Roma: Yes
I: And why?
Because you are feeding me!

c) The Winter

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna