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[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146516
The Cleaning-2
# cleaning

I work in a wacht method, so I remove a house near the workplace. I stay in this apartment 4 nights a week. The crust begins to look dirty about 2 weeks after the last cleaning. Another week this minor pollution can be tolerated, then there is a desire to clean up. I clean up there every three weeks. The funniest thing is that among my acquaintances, some consider cleaning once every 3 weeks the peak of lead, others - the peak of purification :)

I live in an apartment with my husband, two young children and a half-blind grandmother. We day and night daily, cook and cover the table three times a day, we come in dirty shoes from work, from school / garden, from walks, from the store. We play, sew, draw, do crafts from cloves, dig, pour, pour, crush... The shell and in general, ALL starts to look irreversible on the third day without cleaning.
In your case, yes, maybe even less.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №146515
I dreamed I was suddenly Santa.
I don’t know what to think, fucking. In short, I walk heroically through the crossed terrain with a magical bag, and the bag allows me to hear people’s thoughts. And here, I hear that people don’t believe in me, and that makes me physically hurt. And who believes – many think badly, because in advance they assume that I will give them something wrong. In short, it happened, after the gifts were handed over, all kinds of thoughts like "pizzac, cheap what got!" and there, honestly, there were good, expensive gifts, and the thoughts I listened to, whoever wanted. And they laughed at each other, realizing that they wanted something different or harder than they got.
I woke up from sleep, I thought again, well? I know that DM has not existed for 30 years, why is it suddenly? And then I thought, the same people are ungrateful fucks, they don't know how hard I was.And I also suffered there, that in me no one sees a personality, only the function, the delivery of gifts...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146514
To see if it is not Ivan

>> Thus Perelman is a mathematician

Oh young people, fuck you.
Do you know that Perelman is not a single copy?
Google the pre-war Perelman and his series of science fiction.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146513
Video under a microscope about how a mosquito looks for a blood vessel

CreepyGAD: And what, do our mosquitoes do too?

Afanasyev: CreepyGAD, in our own experience, mosquitoes on the flight immediately into the vein, quickly suck and snatch, and not like this horse.

Shvabroid: Afanasyev, *dreamfully* "quickly suck and snatch"

Justas1978: Shvabroid, don’t forget it’s very itchy afterwards.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146512
From the Mamba:

Marina, 34: Well guys, I understand photoshop girls their photo, but where are you?! to

Alexey, 37: Do we need to photoshop a salary report?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146511
The Medsrach
> Did you go to the Arbitration? Against adenovirus and rhinovirus it works very well.
– is
Madame Arbidol, take a stand. The rest look at the pubmed - it doesn't even work in the test tube from the word at all, it's worth leaving the Russian Federation. In Russia something works. The Magic of Madame Arbidol

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146510
My husband is a brave man. If we look at the night of the horror, in the middle of the night he wakes up, pulls a child's bed to our bed and falls asleep, holding him by the pen, so as not to be afraid.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146509
The airplane love

"Like: The Law of the Aircraft: The most deadly thing in the waiting room in the flight will definitely be sitting next to you.

Next to whom did you sit? Who was lucky this time?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146508
Add to the main:
I add more.

A really cool vacuum cleaner himself looks after younger children, wipes out dust and smoothes up bed linen! Some women even replace a horse.

Men are also happy, especially if the absorption power is sufficient

In my opinion, you can’t even imagine the process of "sugging". In this case, I’t trust the vacuum cleaner.)

That’s all right, you say: and the strawberries, the strawberries, is it overtaking from what?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna