— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146615
What is wrong?

Porn actor and director Ron Jeremy has been accused of sexual harassment.

There is a lot of video evidence of this crime.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146614
Who am I to judge myself?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №146613
Here now will be a terrible story about how security forces are nightmaring small and medium-sized.
In general, in the capital lived an entrepreneur (I intend not to name), who had his own clothing, accessories and personal hygiene store. Things went well, the businessman was thinking about expansion. And he also had an apartment in the center of the capital, which he decided to rent, so as not to prostrate. All his problems began at the moment when a very young security officer entered this apartment - a native of, by the way, one of the southern regions of the country. This police officer, as it later turned out, got into the organs of the mud, thanks to the kumovst and personal friendship of his relatives with a high-ranking man in the pursuit from the security service.
The young policeman behaved disgustingly, did not pay for the apartment for months, but systematically drove drunkards with friends. And then suddenly, a small businessman was very cool. The investigation initially arrested his wife. For faithfulness, in order not to shrink, she was taunted by a gentleman. The Lord, Karl! The wife of a small businessman. In the apartment and in the store arranged a shaming, and then arrested the businessman himself. And his tenant, whom he, from despair, sought protection, even himself gave the entrepreneur into the careful hands of his colleagues.
And what would you think? The businessman also started sewing the gentleman! Again, the small entrepreneur was accused of state abuse! Absolute absurdity and arbitrariness. They were treated monstrously. held in hell conditions. They were questioned several times a day, including in the middle of the night. They arranged one-off bets with some kind of security officer, who, as it turned out, pretended to be another person.
Eventually, the businessman was released, forcing him to cooperate with the investigation. When he returned, it turned out that his tenant harassed his wife (she was also released) and led her to sexual intercourse. The businessman was not free for a long time. Soon the authorities arrested his wife again, and then himself.
He spent several years without a court sentence. He was just murdered in the sword, without showing anything. When the businessman, after all, was released, he was already completely ruined. The store was removed, the apartment was removed. It was a sharp raider capture that an honest entrepreneur could not fight.
Thus, a successful capital businessman turned into a city bombardment who lived on mercy.
The resident, by the way, made a fantastic career in the security service. The businessman’s wife was murdered in prison.
This is the sad story of a Paris gallantroyer by the name of Bonassie.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146612
Bill Gates says they started in garages with a single solder.
Just like us. But we still had a straw...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146611
- Babule, we were asked to read "The stationary watchmaker", do we have it? Why are you laughing? No, no... No, not "distance"!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146610
Experts calculated the real salaries of medical workers in Russia

Q: Well counted, and hole on? I can count my cats too. Once or two. All of. Is the cat more than that? Change the color? Wings are grown?
I beg you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146609
In general, in the hallway under the closet there was a hole, inside quite spacious, with a narrow entrance. The gap between the DVDs. There were two generations of cats. It is impossible to get a cat out of there. But when the cats grew up, they stopped crawling there themselves.

It just happened that the cat had to be broken, and he knows it. And then the cat hid there and sat down until the people cooled down.

True, Filka, who is a Thai, did not hide if they wanted to beat him. He was not allowed to go by a cat busido. He preferred to catch an extra for self-defense rather than a snob.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146608
I seemed to understand everything the little one said. But the "Papa's request to tell a fairy tale about how the whisper lost his skin" for two days put me in an impasse, and made him know what "the tears of vanity" are.
When the puzzle of the bird-cheese-fable-wings formed in his head, he felt like someone between Newton, shrouded with an apple, and the unwashed Archimedes.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146607
I laughed at the man about whom they said he was washing for a long time... and today he fell asleep in the shower for half an hour, clinging to the wall...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146606
> we are all in the soul of Ippolit...

A great calendar, by the way.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146605
here here :
Well, or, at the bad end, the Seryoga Beast?

It made my day! I imagine a picture: Hippolyte enters, gives out: “The star is in shock!”" And goes to the bath.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146604
There was a fire in our apartment, I lived with my aunt and drove every day to scratch the ashes. Once on the way back from the restoration work in the bus, a man of fairly decent appearance came to me, began to get acquainted with the standard scheme, but suddenly felt a complicated smell of fire and fell abruptly into religious ecstasy. He tried to sell my soul to me for some relatively small money, called a prince.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146603
On the car is a label: “In the car a child, baby on board.” But, fortunately, the inscription is increasingly found: "In the car is an adult, and I also want to live."

I have two questions about this:
1 - why does the author make happy sticker about an adult in the car, before he thought that cars are driving empty?
2 - if the author is so angry with the sticker about the child, why he did not read it, why the duo are obliged to glue it (so that the team of doctors knew that there is a person who does not understand anything, can not get out and is inclined to hide under the seat at the time of fear).

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146602
I am a Daltonist, the son of Ambidexter. Believe me, it is not so clear!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna