— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95599
xxx: I am translating for Volkswagen in English: "the driver’s workplace is equipped with braille letters...." it was terrible.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №95598
The acquaintance told and demonstrated: You open the refrigerator, carefully inspect the content for something to eat, and it begins to feed you annoyingly: "Cee-Lu-Lit, Ce-Lu-Lit".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95597
I returned late enough from work (7 March), I think: "Nafig, tomorrow we will go together - what the wife will choose, then we will buy." (moreover, the award was received)
But, still wrapped up in a large business - the house screwdriver is not even normal. And since the casseroles at home are all centuries old, then at the same time and a set of casseroles is good - it is also necessary. I came, my wife and daughter are sleeping, I dropped the bags in the hallway and went to sleep. I wake up in the morning from the kitchen.
In the words of his wife:
- I wake up in the morning, you'll still shake up, I think - and I'm still falling. On MTV survey: "What worst gift would be for you on March 8?" Blinked and let’s click on all channels. Again hit on MTV - there is already the leader of bad gifts - a bowl. I understand that I still have a lot to cook, I pull out of the blanket, I scream about myself: "and this was always a puddle, what to cook, I could guess at least one normal bowl to buy, I'm not just making eggs! " - and about the box, I'm stuck. The cheerful in the kitchen turned on the TV and from there (from the same MTV) immediately: "So this year your ladies will hate you for the bowl!"

I don’t know if I’m a macho (as the author of a recent quote) or not, but I think the level is not bad for me too.))

With the past! We love you!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95596
And a guy told me that the intelligence services developed a special program for a computer mouse - if you print anything unnecessary on the power, mouse you with a rope behind the neck - and well, squeeze, well squeeze!.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95595
Don’t be so upset, now they do everything and everybody – and for the low (petite), and for the full (plus size), and for the lolit / ready / punk / hippie, for anyone.
and the most hanging shirts, sweaters, jackets, jackets with sleeves to the knees, and sewn clearly on office worms with a biceps cover as at the foot of the chair. I’m not an athlete, but my hands are stuck in these cocktail tubes.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95594
On the topic of job search:

xxx: We are looking for an affiliate marketing assistant in Kiev office!!! to
yyy: Affiliate)) * wrote in a booklet and studied diligently on slogans*
zzz: Fuck, when will someone start looking for an old good accountant?))
Michael, how much did he take?

[ + 18 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95593
1st We do not recognize Crimea as part of Russia. Crimea is Ukrainian, living there are Ukrainians!
2nd We stop paying pensions to Crimeans because Crimeans are now Russians.
And all why? Because it is lo-gi-ka!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95592
Do you have a window in your office?
John: Yes
Do you have the same ass in the window as us?
No, we have snow.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №95591
A wandering dog entered the US embassy and applied sanctions right near the parade entrance.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95590
The longer I work as a programmer, the less I trust all kinds of electronics.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №95589
Crimeans, you should have voted for joining Switzerland right away, if you were surprised in Washington!
I think I’d be in Geneva!!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95588
Pizdec, then I and my entire administration in the form of a cat.
And the sofa does not recognize the United States as a state."
Do not forget to inform them about this, and be sure to apply sanctions to them.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №95587
These Russian barbarians brought the German Chancellor to suicide in 1945!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95586
Mike> Childhood in the opera played...
Mike> Wanted to knock a girl with a book
Mike> The girl took the role-playing game correctly
Mike> And here the book for 8 thousand is broken...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95585
When you eat a tie, make sure the camera is turned off.
Thanks Mika, take note of it.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №95584
xxx: I thought here) the main lol
xxx: Tymoshenko said "In Ukraine there will be no Russian fleet"
xxx: Well please - in Ukraine it is not)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95583
It is easier to live with a fool than with a genius, but it is harder to be happy.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95582
How! → You have lived in Canada for so many years and still do not speak Ukrainian!? to

Canadian Ukrainians of Soviet production have one small but noticeable feature: when communicating with Russians, they refuse to speak Russian and talk Ukrainian.
I had one time to be married to a representative of a small but very proud people. And here at some party, one Ukrainian lady, seeing that my wife is speaking Russian, took her “chicai”, “treat”, “naked”, “rich”. My wife listened attentively to her tirade and answered her in Osetia.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №95581
In response to U.S. sanctions, Russia blocked Obama’s accounts at Sberbank, and also banned McCain from visiting his birthplace, the village of Makievka in the Tula region.

[ + 45 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95580
Also, never google in images "perlmouth". Do you hear? Never ever!
I am going to go "perlmouth". Fuck you guys, don’t go crazy!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna