— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107126
I read Polish journalists and... I’m confused. There are not so many fools in Poland. Is it all about journalists and politicians?
GreyCat: Waterproofers and carpenters just don't write, they don't work in other countries. Politics and journalists remain. Who needs them.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107125
Then there will come some oligarchs and you will find that “some oligarchs are in power, do not live.”

— — —
Is it not happiness? You are destroying my picture of the world!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107124
I was hungry and decided to cook something. I go to the kitchen, I watch my dad rolling in front of the TV.
Tanatos: I ask – to burn something?
Tanatos: in response – yes! A couple of heretics.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107123
The natural blonde came to sell an iPhone
xxx: 5es box ideal set for 16g
The reason for the sale: his memory ended
xxx: I sold this for 16, and I bought the same for 32 for 32 in the salon))))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №107122
My wife and I decided to diversify our sexual life. She asked me to show me how I masturbate. I make myself pleasant, covered my eyes, she watches and helps a little bit with kisses. Suddenly he breathed out:
I thought my husband was such an intelligent man. You even tremble, leaving the little one!

I got married to a wound! He was so angry that he couldn’t finish.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107121
I understood why Solomon had so many wives.
At that time, there were no medicines for headaches.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107120
And about the elephants, I’ll tell you another parable. Three blind elephants decided to find out what a man is. One elephant touched a man and said, “Man is something flat and wet.” The other two elephants also touched the man and agreed.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107119
I have Daddy Mint.
(Voice in the background)
Actually a policeman.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107118
I believe it was a carefully planned action aimed at making people who were delayed with large purchases decide to buy long-awaited TVs, washing machines, lawns and concrete mixers and welcome the New Year happy, with updates.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107117
Yesterday, before going to bed, I sat down on the bed, knocked on each other’s legs and then lay down. The whole joke came in 30 seconds.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107116
and darkness:
to this:
A friend at work had a story. Someone ordered new, spiked-powered expensive cartridges for the copier. Scandal for the entire office. Then it turned out that the machine ordered them itself.
And the details of the office and the delivery address - she believed from the copied documents...
In fact, these details are entered when registering the licensed software from the copier.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107115
Over the years, prices, mirrors and analyses are the most disappointing.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №107114
Hi to. I am a pathologist. I have the quietest clients and the best work with people. There are a lot of offended people on the pages of this site. The sellers complain about the buyers, the buyers about the sellers, the informals about the locals, the locals about the informals. I have to say that they are all right.
The fact is that the invaluable experience I gained in the course of work suggests that 80% of people at the level of intelligence do not even reach the infusion of shoes. Stupidity is the primary cause of death, surpassing old age, illness, accidents and even wars by a good ten percent. To make my conclusions clear, I will explain the calculation method. If you failed to handle driving on an icy road and crashed, it is a car accident. If you performed this number, pressing the ice 120 km/h on a summer tire, you are a victim of your own stupidity. If you are poisoned with poor quality products, it is a pity. If you eat outdated canned foods simply because it’s a pity to throw them away, you’re stupid. If you were killed by electricity, it was an accident. If you used to turn the TV on, you are a clinical fool whose brain was dead long before the official death. If you burned in the fire, I apologize. If the fire started from the fact that you were drunk smoking in bed, well, you understood me. Every day I take out the rooted steering wheels from the ended hands of the streets, I roll into the rolls of the fools who tried to write SMS, crossing the highway, I collect, like a puzzle, debils who lighted their spark in the gasoline tank, and I crush into the grave of the idiots who tried to spire the high-voltage cable. There is no end to this, which clearly testifies to the intellectual level of the population. Don’t offend others – fools are not offended. And don’t offend others yourself – it’s not easy to connect with fools. And if you suddenly decided that you belong to the rare 20% only on the basis that you are still hanging on the ground with your ears up, then just remember: it's not you so smart, it's just fools lucky. Good luck to all, good luck, and to see you soon.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107113
In the 1990s, people in panic bought soap, salt and light bulbs, and now - TVs, cars and apartments.
What did Putin do to the country!!! to

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107112
In Russia, people like to talk about how bad things are. And most tell so confidently how to arrange everything so that it becomes beautiful and wonderful around. And in a minute you drive with such a person in the car and on your question "Why are you breaking?" you get in response "Everyone does it". This thinking prevails in everything. They steal because everyone does. It didn’t help, because everything passed by. Why do you do "as everything"? Is it better to be a man? And let behind the signals "amateurs die behind the wheel". Let you alone wait for the green light before the pedestrian crossing, when the rest are already going to the red. Listen to your conscience and do not "do as everyone" does. Finding the guilty and envying them is a path to the abyss. And you can water me with dirt, blame me for anything, attribute anything, but maybe someone who has read this will realize that he is not alone.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107111
And while you say that you haven’t found a house on NG, I’m sitting alone in trësk and dreaming of a good company. Better nowhere than with no one. All are good!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107110
Comments to the article on the high level of development of thinking in crows.

These crows in the government!
Sadly the crown. They lock them.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107109
Or do you think that people who consider themselves Orthodox will actually go to someone’s private temple that does not belong to any confession? If you go, only for a trip.
Most of those who consider themselves Orthodox even about the "Symbol of Faith" do not know anything, and you about such subtleties... They will go like cute, the main thing is to draw more convincingly.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107108
Damn, man, you have seen her, and what she will post on the wall!
WOW: I have seen. It turned into TP almost entirely.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I answered myself! Do you need it, fucking?
What a shit, we have to!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107107
In one and a half thousand years, the resolution (analogue) of the UN General Assembly will decide on the formation of the State of Ukraine on the part of the territory controlled by the Lviv and Volyn emirates.

"It is unclear why the Chinese will create or maintain some emirates and especially other states on their planet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna