— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102022
Meu to Meu!
here here :
— — —
The night. The phone rings. The tube is taken by the husband of the factory. From there the scream "We urgently need a cat on the cage!!!!!and "
The husband asks with a bad voice: “All cats are sleeping.” He puts the phone.
— — —
What did you do last night with the husband of the farmer?
====== is
And I was a cat farmer, sitting on the bowl.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102021
Truth is different from truth in that it is beneficial to somebody.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №102020
I return home from my graduate daughter, remembered that I left the cigarettes on the bar stand in the club, I approach for cigarettes to the closest kiosk from the house, in front of me is a drunk man (dirty, terrible, well in all respects no-kiss) and recounting the little things on the palm. I got in my head: the beer is scratching, here comes the turn of the lady and he says to the seller: I have condoms, from surprise I hiccunked, and the man turns and says: that the fool was delighted, not for you...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102019
I am not smart, I am experienced. If I were smart, I’t be so experienced.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №102018
"Like" - Oh, what’s wrong, take and like, walk and like, like and like.
"girlfriend" - All girls and I am a girl :)
"Literacy and Literacy"
"appešil" - I too when I read it.
"no plus" - This is not real plus what is "no plus"?
"5th ruble" – No 10th is the same!
"go would" - go for good health on.
The norm of the glossary, we have already found out.
"Total Li" -Total Li and G chemistry of yopt! What is G?
The executive office of the Ministry of Time, the main management.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102017
xxx: so stop... now get a more detailed family history, because you said that my mom was born in Peter...
YYY: It is so. My mother is in Peter, my grandmother in Pskov.
xxx: gave birth to the mother in Peter, and then returned to the homeland?? to
YYY: You seem like you’ve described the fish now.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102016
It should not die:

News in the blue social network: "The girl who is 500 years old: a teenage girl who was sacrificed 500 years ago, was lying in the ice, which contributed to excellent conservation."

Comments to News:
Mary: Is she still alive?
Mary of course!
Marry me! 0 0
Zzz: Mary, find her in this group!
Mary is o.k. thank you!
XXX: Is she being fooled?? to
See also: ppc!
Zzzz: I will hide it!

(The P.S.I also hid it.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102015
You need to buy another onion - a forty-five or fifty-five (meaning the strength of tension). Thank you very much, I can only pull it a couple of times. Everyone loves to advise me so much :-) Fat people say I need to get better. Low-growth - that I need to wear shoes on high heels more often (a good advice given that I live in the woods and the roads here correspond). Dressmakers strongly recommend buying a larger backpack (i.e., in my backpack only my backpack and fit). Medium photographers say I need another camera. Gamers about games give recommendations - to me, a person who doesn't even run a toy. People with three hairs on their heads say that I need to shave or at least paint (or grew up, you understand, hair on the belt, and even paint it did not work out). You, caterpillar from nature, can still buy me advice. As the classic said, our world would be the best of the worlds if everyone followed our advice.

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102014
xxx: I'm about to be 37, and still, sitting in the barber under this barber, I try to push my hand out of it and scratch my nose, even if I really want to. I am a courageous person in life, but in this simple action lies some monstrous challenge. A challenge to the system. I have seen people stand up for their truth with guns in their hands, die on barricades and overthrow governments, but I have NEVER seen anyone just pull their hand out of this blanket and scratch their nose. It would seem, you can ask a hairdresser, but if someone asks a hairdresser about such things I have never seen either. The last time I was sitting in the barber room, thinking about it and couldn’t force myself to break the System. So I sat.

Bro is! I don't want to upset you, but every time I want to scratch my nose sitting in the hairdresser's chair, I pull out my hand from underneath the balakhon and scratch my nose.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102013
The Zoo.

Goes once a week? A healthy man needs it at least twice a day.

“Daddy, will a tiger eat 100 kg of meat?”
He will eat, and who will give him?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102012
XX: It is good to crack over Klitschko, he has a brother boxer. and #65279;

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102011
From the forum of the journal "Psychology": "and not to throw off the shields..."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102010
Roscosmos has launched its Mars spacecraft. His task is to take soil samples... from the American rover.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102009
"Rospotrebnadzor found in Jack Daniel`s substance for insect control"

With cockroaches in the head?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102008
Titanfall 50 gigs weighs.
Yyy: Hero of herself
YYY: What’s so hard there?
The Titans!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102007
What about the accountant?
ZZZ: A slope on the slope.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102006
At the seminar: I told you to finish this topic
Students: Yes, but we don’t know where to take it, there’s no such thing in the textbooks.
The book is so green
The students:? What is the book??? Who is the author??? The name?? to
The Thick Green Book
Students: We don’t understand which book we’re talking about
You don’t read at all and don’t want to read at all.
Students O_O

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102005
Kitty of the Kamchatka breed, in excellent physical shape, trained by a mother-cat hunting for a small fur beast and a singing bird are looking for masters. Age of 1.5 months. Instructed to the toilet.

Well, if they are in a month and a half (!) At age, they are able to swallow the sabola, the grace of the mountainous, the white, the nork (which are these rodents and predators referring to the small fur beast), so what was to be modest with the size of a singing bird? It was better to write puddles with puddles.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №102004
Today my daughter told me:
Please don’t drink anymore!! to
You may have thought that I am an alchemist...
Just I really sing badly, and my daughter is badly sluggish)))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102003
The relics of St. Mark were stolen by Venetian merchants from Alexandria in a large basket covered on top with pigs. Muslims were not allowed to touch them even during customs inspections.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna