— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You need to buy another onion - a forty-five or fifty-five (meaning the strength of tension). Thank you very much, I can only pull it a couple of times. Everyone loves to advise me so much :-) Fat people say I need to get better. Low-growth - that I need to wear shoes on high heels more often (a good advice given that I live in the woods and the roads here correspond). Dressmakers strongly recommend buying a larger backpack (i.e., in my backpack only my backpack and fit). Medium photographers say I need another camera. Gamers about games give recommendations - to me, a person who doesn't even run a toy. People with three hairs on their heads say that I need to shave or at least paint (or grew up, you understand, hair on the belt, and even paint it did not work out). You, caterpillar from nature, can still buy me advice. As the classic said, our world would be the best of the worlds if everyone followed our advice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna