— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143313
I read on the overseas internet that “irresponsible millennials are killing the diamond mining industry.” Because, you understand, they are far from realizing the true symbolic value of diamond as an indicator of life achievements and the seriousness of relationships.

I’ve always said that today’s youth is morally beautiful.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143312
Have you considered the planning and design of the system? No problem, just build System 2.0. If 2.0, then there are all the problems on their own - and that's all. After all, 2.0 is cooler than 1.0, this is obvious - compare the numbers, make sure.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143311
Let’s applaud those people who in WIN 10 in the flash flash pop-up menu put the items "format" and "extract" next to you.
Well, I also applauded, but on another occasion (((

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143310
Are you afraid of riding at night? Cracks on the asphalt are not visible.
not scary.
Why is?
Cracks on the asphalt are not visible.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143309
Synoptics have only two forecasts: “clear” and “not clear”.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143308
Never give money to the blind, deaf, dumb, etc. In the electric!
I am in principle not a greedy person and there is a bunch of desire for charity in me. But I never implement it in this way. There are charitable funds, targeted programs, and if you want to be on the street, then only at the church. Because it is extremely reluctant to help people in total degradation.
I will explain why. I go to my home usually in an electric car. And in addition to the sellers of every smoothie that no one needs (except,, lemonade and beer) one poor man walks. The high ambal 2x2 is ideal for working as a carrier or on construction. He works as a buffalo. Precisely not, even the seller of some plastic cube with the note "I am deaf, help the society of deaf protection buy a cube... for 150 rubles!!!". These hates also determine the price of how much I have to “pursue” them. Didn’t they hurt? Well, the flowers, the berries ahead.
One day, my friend and I went to the resort. A small town, standing on the same branch. And when I go into the store, I suddenly see this ambal (such tall, pumped people are rarely met, and the face of the face is well remembered) quite normally talking and buying a box of expensive whiskey, after which he takes it to himself in the car, by the way, also inexpensive and leaves somewhere...
And a week later, going to the country in the same electric car, I see him again with a cubic for 150 rubles. It was crazy, fool.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143307
As long as homosexuals say they’re ordinary people, I agree with them, as soon as they start screaming about it, they turn into pydoras.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143306
The murmur:
I am a victim of advertising.
and Photoshop
As a child, I dreamed of growing up and shaving my legs like a aunt in advertising. And that my legs will be as perfectly straight and stretched as Barbie’s.
I have a shave :D

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143305
Here you are all about trains, and what about the accident involving a ship and a truck, and by the fault of the ship? This is not the case in Russia.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143304
Bethesda reassured buyers of the Season Pass for DOOM
All of them will receive an exclusive skin with a glowing inscription "Loshar" for network game.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143303
I went down for a blackberry in the vicinity of your glorious city
I represent the Peter's villages
xxxh: bed do not need to change, went out in the palisadnik of the mocha stumbled and normal, the old cast out
In the meantime, the beds were ripe...
hhh: stood up, pulled up, steered the bowler
xxx:woman squeezing started, spit, went to kikhimore
xxxh:Samounchika from the roots of the straw drunk, as it poured out a drink-salt such a local
I covered the hat and went to St. Petersburg

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143302
Wasser in German is water.
Well, and what?
Well, it turns out, Wassermann is a type of Aquaman.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143301
BBB: Please share your experience, what is there in a suitcase weighing 2 kilos?
÷÷ and
Two pairs of socks, trousers, shave and bubble.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143300
I cannot go past this:
This is what an adult must do, this is his interests - earning money and caring for the family.

When they say "must", the correct question is "who?". In this case, making money and caring for the family is a biological program that works for the benefit of the species of Homo Sapiens. Once you realize this, you will begin to share the satisfaction of natural instincts and getting pleasure personally for yourself. Both are important and necessary, but each person has his own balance. The spectrum is wide: from persuaded single and Child-Free to large families.
In animals, the main thing is the preservation of the species, the individual is secondary. A person who is aware of himself has a greater personal weight. Everyone has the right to live a life for themselves, regardless of family and children. If Homo Sapiens goes extinct, it’s not that.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143299
A Japanese couple, who married in 2015, wanted to repeat their wedding photo session two years later.

But this time the husband and wife decided to do it with a fire! In the literal sense. In the style of the best Hollywood blockbusters, the newlyweds were photographed in an abandoned career against the background of powerful explosions. At the same time, the brave Japanese didn’t even flash the eye!"

The Internet has not exploded?

YYY: Yes, a bit scratched

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №143298
Motorcyclists and I am against your driving in the intersection. Yesterday, such a beautiful man for 23 years drove on two consecutive 170-200, drove on the red, crashed into the turn to the left credit Duster, killing in it two people and himself. The young man!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna