— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №127401
Washing in the Middle Ages was a mistake. The Church believed that the body is perishable, it is not permissible to take care of it, it is necessary to think about the purity of the spirit. In addition, the washing of the body is inevitably associated with nakedness, which after the "offense" of Adam and Eve - shame and shame.

Healthy bodily and, especially, young by age, should wash as rarely as possible.
St. Bishop"
– is

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127400
See today on news sites: Moscow authorities will pay 86 million rubles for the uplift of clouds on Easter.
Because of prayer, no one believes. Why do we celebrate?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №127399
“The Lord God could have stopped the hand of the operator, who, controlling the reactor, made a terrible mistake. The Lord has forgiven, and many people have contributed by their death to the atonement of the sins of many,” the patriarch said.
– – – – – – – – – – – –
The sick bastard.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №127398
by 20172
And I was charged with the minor “LGBT community representatives.” They are the children of 404. I am bisexual myself.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Is there anything special about trolls?
Bisexual is dear. You have already experimented, but you forget that other children have no experience of yours yet. And they are scared, they try to understand themselves, and if not scary, then they are given hormones in their heads and they can do things: today I want that, tomorrow it. And if there is a place where they can help them understand themselves without threatening to betray the homophobic anathema – that’s great!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127397
Sorryforgotyourname: Understand, people are not chess figures on the field of life that you can replace. But even if they were, you don’t know how to play chess.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127396
Comments by Geektimes.

begemot_sun: And I lived in Khabarovsk. I moved to Peter. The sun is clearly lacking. He saw the classification for solar insulation: Khabarovsk and Amur region - 7; St. Petersburg - 1. Conclusion on the face.
Ksil: In which units?
tbl: Apparently in St. Petersburg.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №127395
Norway offers refugees $9,000 if they voluntarily leave the country

Plans for the weekend:
1st Growing a beard
2nd Going to Norway
Three Leaving the country

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №127394
No, it is right.

Sorry what?

Diseases appeared in Europe precisely with the development of science, when scientists decided that it is harmful to wash. When washing in the skin get harmful "fluids" (or something like that). People stopped washing.

The fact that bathing was forbidden by the church and science here is inappropriate. Did the witches even calculate that they were washing? The witch!

Scientists were considered husbands at that time. And those scientists who, in the modern sense, could be considered heretics, with all the consequences.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №127393
Give a new topic.

The weather is small - as the 9th of May approaches, there will inevitably be a thematic quarrel.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127392
I’m curious, when the Chinese laugh, do they see anything at the moment?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №127391
“I don’t like a small salary – so work for a small, but look for another place in parallel.”

The baby! When you come down from the neck of your parents and start earning yourself for food and everything else, not for cigarettes and pizzas and possibly defend the Creator, marry and reproduce - then you will understand that in a day of only 24 hours and in an extensive way you can not provide even yourself, and much less a female with a fetus.
Good luck on five jobs.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №127390
Sunday for Young People

A: Something is burning there!
It does not burn but burns.
Going into the kitchen: Oh, you guys! They burned, right?
They are not burning, they are burning.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127389
For this, and for religion in general.

>>> I am very happy with all of this.
Religions, with the exception of Russian language.

What is called “paganism” is not a religion at all, but rather a world understanding, if you want it, a philosophy.

There can be a lot of philosophy.
Faith in what we now call physical or other phenomena (thunder, flame and much more). In principle, the religions that survived and are now practiced have not departed far from paganism - the meaning is the same. The only difference is the belief in God.
In our time, besides Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Catholicism and Islam, there are many other religions - the same Buddhism or Sintoism, many of them.
Dear Philosopher, try to write at least a simple report (I am not talking about the reference:)) - modern religions, it will not even fit in 20 pages.

And about the attitude toward religion I can say only one thing – the current mass religions which are in the ear of everyone are very aggressive. "Insulting the feelings of believers" what is the mill for the law or how there!!! Yes, my bombing begins with this phrase! And that they say to you that you are wrong—or that you go to hell for rejection of God—is not an insult to a citizen of a Democratic country? That is when there will be equality in this matter then and we can talk to the soul on this subject.
Sorry, but these are thoughts in hearing!! to

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №127388
The most female fate is broken by the absence of men.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №127387
I work in the laboratory of the scientific center, yesterday a retired employee, and she told the story of her device to work, further from her face.

In 1985, I was 30 years old. I heard from colleagues that in one of the laboratories there is a good vacancy, in addition, soon you will be able to replace the head of the laboratory, who was at the time about 50, because every day he stated that he was tired of this and is about to leave. He conducted intelligence, like everything is, the chief - Vladimir Ivanovich - at the age, in addition to the absence of serious competitors for the place of the chief. I came to talk to the manager, he immediately treated me well and said, "Finally, it will be to someone to transfer our business."

I arranged to work here, he started on me every year more and more of his duties to transfer, so say, prepared a successor, and I - a fool - happy, young, ambitious! As a result, somehow imperceptibly he transferred all his obligations to me, but he himself did not want to go anywhere and even somehow flourished and forgot about all his dissatisfaction and pain.

I waited all and thought that my hour would soon come, and here it is, I am retired, and Vladimir Ivanovich is still the head of the laboratory, although he is about 80, and now he is not going to go anywhere, despite the fact that he is talking about it every day.

In the end, we drank for the ambition and good health of the boss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №127386
“Daddy, why is half of the sailors bald and the other half gray?”
- You see, bald people are those who walk on everything that holds on the water... They go out in any storm. They swim from full speed in the closest harbours. The most narrow and twisted farvaters are in full motion. They visit pirate areas.
And the grey?
And the grey are those who walk in the sea with baldness.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127385
economist and yopt

A housekeeper with a cooking function. He calculated, grind, the cost of borst.
With such “economists” the whole country is in the ass.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127384
XXX: and this... decretal mathematics
YYY is decreed? Maybe discreetly?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127383
to this
Q: What was the strangest thing in your life?
Zzz: When I was 12, I was killing prostitutes in GTA SA, turning my mouse and staring between their legs. I had enough.

This is a fig... I whispered on quotes from women’s books, such as "he entered it as an emergency train" and so on.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127382
There is a single seat in the bus. I sat there. I went through a couple stops. People are overwhelmed. Suckle grandmother, throwing in the shoulder with words, may you give up? I get up, she sits down. I see, and there the fucking bus is free!!! Fuck to fuck.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna