— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145965
Ctrastoterpetz Nicholas, who has sex in "Mathilde" is bad.

The Baptist of Russia, Prince Vladimir, who rapes and kills in the "Viking" - well.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145964
A girl with a "unheard" mother:
I encountered similar in people with diseases of brain vessels. If it was with the mother recently, then she would be invited to a neurologist, possibly age, and if all her life is so, then apparently congenital vascular and brain damage.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145963
XXX: I watched an amazing picture in the morning on an empty tank... There the sign of the brick turned, and before the departure a girl sits in the car and cries... I asked why she cries, it turned out she is late, and can not leave, because, as at the entrance brick, and at the exit brick...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145962
- 52 kg, a nightmare, I weighed 58 in my youth and then stunned
I was over 3.5 kg and felt great! :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145961
This, by the way, is a sweet story of youth.

About 20 years ago, not a very large city. Out of the out-of-school leisure for children and adolescents - several circles, the district library and the garage (many alternate and combine). And then suddenly, almost like a gallion under red sails, a theater studio opens. He is a truly honored artist from the Moscow theatre, he has been seen by many on television. It is free!

In general, a year later it turns out that the deserved artist is not a pedophile at all, but the developed nine-year-olds are very appreciated (they look like all 20, and it is much easier to humble, and there are no demands for a man, as in adults, yet). The scandal was raised by one of them when he started caring for the other, and struck her. Then the most interesting thing begins: some girls moms in horror are taken from the studio, others are left and still charged for classes - in the first place, still a decent person, and not Vasya from the road, in the second place, maybe you fly - he marries. In general, the artist escaped from us after a while after that, did not endure what the mothers of the schoolchildren consider a potential son-in-law.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145960
Catalonia's parliament declared independence from Spain. Buying Popcorn

YYYYYYYYYYYYY Why stock? What will be?

Zzzz: What is it? We will build the bridge.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145959
Let me try the theory:

The very all-knowing, why the bread that is fresh, that is lying, if you eat it on the street always, ALWAYS so delicious? Just don’t rub about the house in the village, the fresh air, the sugar butt of a young neighbor who stands over beds on the morning landscape as an appetite stimulator. Even if in one hundred and sixteen floors to push your head into the window on the "fresh air" with a whirlwind in the teeth, the one immediately and the smell stunned, and the taste really becomes different.

Bread from ordinary white flour is a classic of fast carbohydrates. When used dramatically increases the level of glucose in the blood. This leads to the production of endorphin (hormone of pleasure), but for a full reaction requires increased oxygen intake, which is lacking in a suffocating room. I think that’s why picnics in nature are usually accompanied by increased appetite and good mood.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145958
What does it mean to get rid of it by chance))) Today, an employee came to the office with the words " The prostitutes came to me...." after they fixed themselves " rumors..." - all rotting... We crack the whole day.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145957
XHH: Tired of listening to the problem within yourself, about starting from yourself.
Listen, who invented this, strangers annoying? I bought an immature watermelon, the light bulb burned, the billions were shattered, the rocks on the road, the war and the earthquake - everything is in me, it is necessary to remove myself and raise my appearance.
XHH: You can think, I am such a god: I pulled out the pimple - a hobby, the deputy minister was removed. I stopped scratching - the roads stopped digging, washed with soap - the TV began to show all art and cinema, anointed with greenery - the offshores dissolved, charged, yogurt ate - it is terrible to think, the whole country healed stronger than from this miracle.
XHH: In general, guys, I checked, the problem is not in me. Take it higher.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145956
There is no special place in hell for them, and there is no special place for you either. You went to hell to take the turn.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145955
World-famous Scott Waring shocked the population of the United States and Canada with his statement that in early November aliens are activating and attacking North America.

Following the United States and Canada, aliens will strike China and Japan. Waring clarified that the victims will always be exclusively developed countries.

xxx: Russia, I understand so, they are not touched, they are afraid to sleep ))

Yyy: Is it you, the greatest Scott Waring? It cannot be!! Who is this?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145954
>>> The problem will not be solved in the root. She was already lying under the deer, flew away from him and gave birth to the deer. The root problem can only be solved by cutting off her husband.

Why so rude? The daughter there was just the most adequate - received a gift and polently thanked, without hysteria. Why is it called "Child"? But here is your adequacy, given your radical measures, just under question.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145953
Without email, people in the age of the Internet can do. And try to close kindergartens - and a lot of mothers and fathers of different professions will not be able to get out to work!

I authoritatively confirm. We once moved the working day to Saturday, and not to kindergarten, and a couple of child workers had to bring the baby to the office. There were only a dozen on our whole floor, but in a couple of hours we could see a wonderful picture... The director in the middle of the corridor ripped his hair and spoke: “Who let them in at all?” What is a working day? Worked already! Drop the naphyg with your codename from here, and in five minutes no child in the building!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145952
I used to be a seo-sniper.
See also: SEO? and SEO? Oh my God!! to
It is not to steal. [...]
yyy: "No, well it’s not stealing" – it’s PHP. I can always understand and forgive. But this is [...]
I was young, I needed money.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145951

Now explain to me what the difference is. No, I do not in any way justify the fellow criminals, but I do not see the difference between the "two minors petting and enjoying" and "a minor and an adult petting and enjoying." What’s the difference in the size of the genitals?? to
For an analogy - two children played in a Lego designer and a uncle and his nephews played in a Lego designer. and one Fig.

The difference is in thinking, not in the size of the genitals. The child thinks in the categories of the game, until a certain age for them everything is not serious and "the scam is to blame, and not me". The child cannot fully calculate the outcome of careless actions. And the adult is fully aware of the consequences of his actions and the partner. Such as physical injury, pregnancy, social consequences for the child, his psychological changes (the same Stockholm syndrome, misjudgments about sex) and so on. Do not forget about the difference in physiological formation. Not all the pleasures received by an adult are available to a child.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145950
A person with a well-developed intuition drinks before he pronounces a toast.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145949
My daughter (6 years) lives in Germany. A representative of some service came to them in the house, communicating with their father in German. She approaches the guest and asks in German:
Are you Russian?
He responds in Russian, that yes, in Russian can communicate. She turns and leaves.
The father was guiding the guest and decided to ask how she managed to determine that the comrade was Russian.
The daughter says to him:
And he’s like you, daddy, sprinkling in German.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №145948
I cleaned up my apartment today. Let her wife try to find her socks!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №145947
By the way, the story with the doll Elsa is a postponed sequel to the fact that men mostly don’t know and don’t want to give gifts. First, the husband of the bride boasts the gifts, he is so comfortable, not including the brain, to order an iPhone, or some gold hernia, and not to find out what dragons the bride loves (or even generally without a gift will blow the money - give yourself - but such a knight even the Dunja-bird, who can delight even the iPhone / gold hernia, will quickly send through the woods), and if the girl does not make conclusions, then it will be seven years - and the child will also start to fuck. For even if in all the details explained how the dolls are different (although a good father without the advice of the mother would know that the daughter loves and that the daughter already has - because the fathers are playing with the child, imagine), a man is puzzled at the fact that there are two of them there in general.
Do men not understand in pruncesas? And mothers in football rarely understand, but the mother to the son, enthusiastic about "spartak" for some reason does not give "dynamo" shark because "oh, they are more different, shells - about football and that too."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145946
xxx: The motto of our company - "Permanent stress as a comfort zone"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna