— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107480
I stopped only after my phrase: maybe you flew from a strange husband, broke up a strange family, and give yourself a place in the transportation.

The PS has reached the point.
Dear transportation truck! And what, a child born from a foreign husband will automatically grow into an alkas or a fool? Probably, your mom hid something from daddy... and if seriously - this unborn child in 25-30 years, maybe you will be treated in an old-age shelter. Or maybe the medicine "of everything in the world" will invent. Or something else that will be useful to everyone and especially to you, 45-year-old fool. Well, at least just a good man will grow up, we will earn for retirement. The woman did not demand honors - she asked for help. You rejected her and taunted her, and you still boast about it. is shameful.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107479
The Evil :
It is naive:

I noticed that my wife joined the group "Erotic clothes", apparently it is for the best)

I’m upset with your incredible naivety :-))) Why did you decide that it was for you?
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I am surprised at your toxicity. For medical purposes, a.
Do you judge by yourself, since you think that wives can not be interested in erotic underwear for the sake of their husband? As an option - for the sake of your loved one, to paint - again - in front of your husband, not in front of someone else.

In the name of the funny:
The brain injury was caused by something heavy and dull, presumably a question.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №107478
Saturday morning, 5 o’clock, all normal people are asleep, and in my kitchen a painting with oil: 4-year-olds and 6-year-olds are sitting at the table opposite each other and, shouting and interrupting each other, playing chess. Moreover, only the elderly can and teach the younger, and she does not give up and "goes" as it fails, the elderly oreth, the younger answers the same. I come, I drive on the beds, and in the morning the 10-year-old tells me: "I got enough, at 5 a.m. I woke up to play chess."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107477
The Cuckoo’s grandson:

When my mother was born, my grandmother and all the other women of the USSR had 10 days of maternity leave after childbirth and 4 days before.
so your eternal pregnancy-PMS nits are rightly perceived as the caprices of brainless people.
And it is not necessary to equate pregnancy to a deadly disease, if it were, humanity would rise to fucking at the dawn of formation. Hello to the feminists.
Without respect for the incubators that are attacking you.

In 1917, the Council of People’s Commissars (CNC) adopted the Decree “On Pregnancy and Maternity Benefit”, according to which a woman was entitled to retain her workplace and paid maternity leave 112 days, 56 days before and 56 days after. What year was your mother born?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №107476
You are tired of talking about what you do not know. Yes, when I gave birth to the second child - as I went to the toilet, she god! That there in an hour, you could immediately get up and leave with the child under the mouse. And after the first childbirth, I walked for a month and I was unbearably painful to walk further from the toilet. And it hurt me both times so that the vessels in my eyes broke. This is considered a mild form of toxicity. Don’t let God give you such a life experience.
Health and good for everyone. Stay away from pregnant women. Without your judgment, it’s stupid.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107475
I was sitting until 16:00 yesterday to help the dispatcher.
The call:
The girl! I called an ambulance for the child. When will they be?
All brigades on calls. Your challenge is handed over, they will be released and they will go. Wait to.
But we need to speed up!
What happened? Is the child getting worse?
We have a tree in an hour.
What kind of tree? You called an ambulance for the child.
And now, because of this, to deprive him of the celebration?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna