— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112779
The son in the garden for the Day of Astronautics painted Gagarin in a helmet. On the helmet the letters "USSR". Do you know what the USSR is? Of course, the son answers, it is a mark of helmet.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112778
Yyy > Siri is pretty damn topic if honestly
yyy > I hardly use it
Yyy > I once had a case with her.
yyy > psychological trauma since then)
Yyy > we were drunk all the nonsense in her.
yyy > after I said "Siri, Hitler!"
yyy > it called my ex-girlfriend
yyy > roasted of course to tears, but use it now steamily, suddenly it will still launch missiles when I ask her about the weather

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112777
A colleague decided to boast to the public of his culinary abilities:
“I,” he says, “there’s a roasted meal for myself – pasta under the mainesis, and today I will repeat, and what do you have for dinner?” – and it’s all the same as it’s roasted by pride, like the shit you repeat me and spit.
Putting the poker face, I answered:
"Well, I now have a easier choice of dishes: homemade shishel, plov and sacivi" (truth is true, my husband loves it all, I cook regularly for him)
What I get the answer: "Don’t worry, I can’t cook too..."
The spamming...
And no troll ever - just heard, apparently, unfamiliar words and sincerely sympathetized)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №112776
by 111. ... you understand, man and woman are fundamentally different and their differences should complement each other. It is like if a woman is iron, she is soft and plastic, she does not hold the blow but bends from the load without breaking. Man is steel. It will withstand the blow but can break from excessive load. A good family is Damascus steel. Strong and hard, flexible and plastic, structure where one layer supports the other. All family problems from the incorrect selection of components, or steel crude, or iron dirty, or forged not under the flow.

by 222. You drink such a purge.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №112775
The only way to fight piracy is to deprive the user of the ability to copy. Otherwise no. Absolutely. Be calm, copywriters
Not the only one.
The main factor is the price!
As long as the disks will cost 500p (which then lies without work) and movie tickets 300, they will be downloaded from torrents.
At one time there was a bunch of pirate games on the disks, the price of the disk was 50p, but the quality of the break was so, dancing with the drum and patches...
And the license cost 500 and above, but in a box with a manual and other things...No one took it.
Buka took and released a regular JA disk for 99p, a license with code and off patches. Pirate discs JA I did not see in the sale at the time.
We go to any online cinema, what we see - for fresh movies the price is several hundred. Will they buy? In the best case, no HD.
Sell for 50p or make a monthly subscription, then many will not be torrenting on torrents, but immediately watch on TV.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112774
Recently on the planner made a comment on the account that I am sitting a lot at the phone. some time later. The Lunch. At work there is a small dining room, I sit alone, read the news. A drop of sauce fell on the phone, I sliced it from the screen. Two colleagues come in at this time. Looking forward to the next planner.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №112773
On the Birthday of our general something went wrong and after midnight from a drunk stripper came out a cake.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №112772
by Andrei Turin:
of AAAA!! to
On the planner one of the heads of the site brought a written explanation why he is not ready to accept at his site (this week) the pillars for the fence.
The chief engineer, such a solid uncle, took off his glasses, read. Then he raises his eyes at the head of the section and thinks like this:
- Igor Vladimirovich, and let us in the justification of the reason we will write with you not "to not spiz@or" for holidays, but, for example, "to not lose". How do you think?
Everyone is lying 😉

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112771
xxx: watched the series "Silicon Valley"?? to
YYY: I did not have)
Xxx: oooo, look at... funny, about the Aitishnikovs))
yyy: I am now in the process of "Walking Dead" - also somehow about programmers, only they did not pour coffee in the morning)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112770
Radio technicians are divided into two categories: those who call the short switching a goat, and those who speak a short switch.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112768
At home, everything is in its place. I would like to know where those places are.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №112766
In Bulgaria, there is a custom, starting from March 1st (the holiday "Baba Martha") to wear red and white wool-made jewelry-martiches. They are worn until there are signs that the spring has finally come.

A friend who lives in Bulgaria said:
My school daughter talks with an adult Bulgarian friend about martiniches:
Wear it until the end of March. You can also remove earlier if you see a flowering tree, straw or straw.
The stitch is what? - asks my daughter, who does not know the word "aist" in Bulgarian.
He is the one who brings the children. Did your mother tell you who brought the children?
and d.
Well who? - asks a Bulgarian friend, obviously waiting to find out how this bird is called in Russian.
Sex without condoms. Maybe I won’t look at it, but better wait to meet a blooming tree?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №112764
“You see, I said you won’t be arrested,” Serdyukov said.
Evgenia wanted to thank her, but her mouth was busy.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112763
The counsel. The problem was the lack of toilet paper. Завхоз was justified by the fact that it makes no sense to buy because the paper is thrown home, into the family. The collective was born with the idea of replacing paper with a paint tape. Mole came in the morning with a blue ass - a small thief. The joke was a joke, but the director continued - "...left from work with no blue - worked little!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112762
XXX: There is a motorcycle in the cat. On the day when Adam came to him, he cried, "My Lord, I am depressed, and nothing will help me."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112761
rolling on a round table. At Avalon, the newly cooked druids ask Merlin, "Why do you not like you so much?
I took the stones and forgot where I put them.
What kind of stones?
and Stonehenge.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112760
But in a man’s life sometimes there are questions he needs to ask. Should fried peppers be cooked before frying, or can directly frozen peppers be fried?

I found some frozen semi-fabricates in the store.
CHEBUPELLI (I think, a mixture of cheburecks and peelmen).
The appearance is similar to small strawberries, the color is like the fried. In the method of application it is written about this: use as you want, as you like, no one sees it anyway.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №112759
xxx: bought an inflatable tourist foam, in exchange for the old-for-300r. He laid it on the floor, she swallowed. Lie to. Comfortable, soft, I don’t want to go anywhere, I want to lie down. Tourist equipment should work somehow differently!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №112758
I don’t understand a lot in this life. For example the charging. A word that breathes with joy! Now as I do exercise, I will be charged with energy for the whole day, I will fly, not walk!

What in fact? Be sure to wake up an hour earlier, not to fall asleep, and then put yourself back to sleep with monotonous rhythmic movements. As a result - a cotton head, painful muscles, wasted forces. It is still necessary to polish this matter, put it in some fresh sticky oatmeal, so that life will finally lose its colors. All day you just think about how to lie down somewhere to sleep, eat and rest. and charged.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112757
to this:

"qqq: Since I dare to hope that my funeral will be crowded, music will need a lot, I have long since started picking up musical accompaniment for this action..."

A sister (29 years old, sewing by kind of activity) stands next to me at the funeral, silent, sad, and suddenly on my ear:
"I've long thought about how I want to have such shoes on me high, on a rope, a shirt so white long, with a strap, trousers so narrow... yes, and paint me brighter.
I: What are you talking about?
I’m talking about my...heh.

Oh Oh Oh Oh!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna