— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101117
Accidentally found the 8th year log. If anyone else remembers the breakout:

111: A thousandth pulpit loaded with uranium fractures... 600 shots per minute from a trunk. Weight of 5 kg.
In how many microseconds does a body accumulate critical mass?
222: 111, the critical mass will be in the embrace. So is!
111: Guilds of beryllium. Cartridges are stored in water.
333 Is the water heavy?
444: as a stone
Chapter 11: What a Fuck! Lamas is an atheist.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101116
You are an insectophob.
The courage compared to me.
xxxh: I'm here portrait of a cockroach on a pishalk for their extreminatus nail sticker
I think it’s scary to take that shit in hand.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101115
Today I lived a day in the life of an average cat.
Eat the whiskey? Sitting in the tapes? Lying the eggs?
The idiots. Slept all day.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №101114
X: Rush of the Parachute. Rhythm is truth.
y: Dear Stas, I would be careful in your name to make such statements.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101113
I see, God has heard my desire, my husband has found his true love. The Mom!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101112
The Ural. The weather, you know. So is the TV troll: there is a local video show today: the brooks, the leaves are green, the sun is shining and a bird with a red chest jumps on the branches. The beauty. And the text below: Snow. The ordinary snow.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101111
Daughter, stumbling on the fresh strawberry: Oh, just catch me this strawberry - I will bury the strawberry!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101110
Romance is strange. Women don’t like untouched nails. But the constant presence of sexually transmitted diseases is not a problem for him. Only the nails were cleaned.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101109
to this:
How does Chuck Norris handle Facebook?

How is. The boxes.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №101108
here here :
– – – – –
I cannot calm.
Here in one quotation someone "bensopil broke the pollen..."
No matter his moose, but the guy is really cool!
Or unreally stupid.
Or the author...
This is an old joke: a man bought a gasoline and a few days later returns to the store,
This is because productivity does not reach the stated level. In the passport it is written that 5 cubes of wood per hour, and he does not get more than two. The seller poured gasoline, pulled the trigger, and the man said, "Why is it that she was buried?"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101107
A good try, my friend. Unfortunately, I don’t know what the Instagram icon looks like and I don’t have it in the notification area.

Oh, you still say you eat food instead of photographing it.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101106
Irene [03:39:07]
Hi Vanessa, how are you?

The Heavens [03:40:27]
See also "Dambo"
I cried like a beaten prostitute.
Why is this world so cruel?
Why did the elephant not accept because of his ears?
I cried and watched.
and crying

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101105
Here's the abbreviation:"GBUZ КО ОКОХБВЛ of the Kemerovo region".
If repeated a few times, you can call Ktolhu.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101104
I cleaned the floor. The door opens and the son enters. In the shoes. From the sandbox. With a scream "I am just after the ball!Followed by Daddy with the shout "Mommy soap, where are you clean!!!" and the In the shoes. in the wash.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101103
1: How are you?

2: No... Nothing that the chest is burning. The back of the wheel.
Two feet with a cross.
2: It goes – it breaks...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101102
I have grown up and I can tell the truth. Uncle from the plastic factory, are you really not doing it out of shit?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №101101
Real quotation on
"In France, a couple of drug addicts are tried for walking a rapist on a leash."
The Netherlands smokes nervously.
Cotte, shredder, stubborn odmin )

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №101100
I write to the designer that the client asks to rework the layout. The answer:

What kind of horses are
d) They
d) Although...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №101099
Someone is wrong on the internet:

Stewardesse with "forbidden", which was obtained by "compatriots".
You should transfer to truly “international” flights from anywhere from Asia or Africa, and not in the direction of Turkey-Egypt-Spain... That you would have to stumble upon a wild straw in the cabin, explain to the locals what to wash in the toilet and solve problems when all the toilets are filled with paper and towels. I would look at you as if you reacted to the chaotic movement of black people and Chinese, Indians and ubiquitous Americans in the lobby of the greedy to communicate with each other, who, as advertised, move in groups, creating traffic jams in the passages. Are you talking in the room after the Russians? Dress, how did it go?
Flying for a month on these lines you will become a fierce patriot.
When will you realize that someone’s bad behavior doesn’t automatically make your behavior good? Just because someone can scratch you in the head doesn’t mean you have to be grateful for being “just a scratch.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101098
Work made the monkey a very tired evil monkey.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna