— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128810
From comments to the article"We extract platinum from road dust":
I already imagine this DIY in Russia. In the case of illegal trafficking of precious metals. From the indictment: "...why he maliciously collected road dust."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128809
Within the framework of the “Night at the Museum” campaign, 2 excursions were planned in the local museum – the first started at 17:15, the second at 18:00... at 19:00 the museum was closed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128808
Xxx and Hi! I can’t... I’ve got the viruses out in chrome again((((((( Can I remove it at all? Now that’s out, I won’t even talk about it (cwl)
YYY, we are adult people. Let’s show it on the dolls.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128807
xxx: I put a brick with a note on the cover yesterday. I, a bad person, have taken the place of good people and for that they are prepared to make my life much worse.
xxx: on the back of the note was scanned the page of the passport with a signature
xxx: there was no disagreement, but I have a persistent desire to seek from them in court to return my faith in people.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №128806
I walked near the river in the bus a aunt with a folded hoodie and other stuff in a bag. And I stumbled on her all the way, and she became angry, thinking, apparently, that I condemned her for her unfeminine enthusiasm. And everything in my head was turning: "Normal spinning, a non-zinertial coil, with a haircut, a load, a hook-s-nook and a float. She has a spinning and does not flash, why live like that?and "

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128805
I read on the cover of the magazine the title of the article "What to do if you are a carrot". I thought, and really what to do. And who has such problems that even the articles write. It turns out, "carrot" is a type of figure

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №128804
In the courtyard for the fourth time in a few hours, the same woman walks a diving
Someone seems to have diarrhea.)
What a nightmare
WOW: In my opinion, "diarrhea at Newfoundland" is something from the opera "good that cows don’t fly"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128803
20450: Fantasizer next, or a fool? The landing lasts 15 minutes, during the flight to the toilet, the turn, if of 2 people, no more. Which airplane is in the toilet line??? Get up early from the chair to pass passport controls faster? Thank you, I shrugged from the heart. And to the same. I often fly abroad, nowhere else to stand on passport control. Where are you flying for 2 hours? In the same Peter, where aircraft arrive every 2-3 minutes, and then control is free. Do you lack room for hand luggage? And don’t go up with the bull that I fell into the luggage to hand over. Under a small bag of space in the niche above the seats is more than enough.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №128802
Lyck: I looked yesterday on the beach at smoking mothers and climbing like horses ten-class girls and realized that seeing grandmothers covered with tattoos does not threaten us: they will not reach old age.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128801
The last one is out... Primadonna, fucking. Because of this, people are late on flights. Next time you will get on the flight such a "star" - personally with his elegant female pen will give you a moustache!

First, the buses are usually served two or three (unless it is a corn farm for 15 seats, but there are all discharged very quickly), and nothing interferes with those who did not provide a normal time gap between flights, get into the first bus and fly like a wounded rush. Secondly, five extra minutes (to get up, pick up hand luggage, go down) are the reason for delaying on another flight? seriously? I never encountered.
I always get out of the plane one of the last - while everyone is crowded in the passage, you can put yourself in order, turn on the phone, sign off who needs, check the mail, order a ticket for aeroexpress or call a taxi. I come in the last bus (where the people are not filled, like a bowl in a bowl, but normally and freely standing) and get careful at the moment of unloading the luggage on the tape, which saves me from fifteen minutes of nervous waiting in a hall full of people, in the absence of any places to sit. The Profit!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128800
The wife takes a note at night, saying, "I need to write a course!"

Judging by the history of the browser, the theme of its course consists of several parts: "Cats drink milk", "The Terrible Secret of Anna Semenovich", "How to pump the press quickly" and a bit "History of Roman Law".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128799
Everyone who ate cucumbers in 1812 died.
Not all...
Zzzz: It’s all, I’ve counted.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128798
<s> is in progress.
<kosc> Could you tell me how they are searching for robbers working for the width?
<rvncerr> They are making a job. A ton of summary. They choose 3-7 pieces and are invited to an interview. Among them, they chose the one who ate the least biscuits in the conversation.
<kosc> Acknowledgement of the plan.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128797
Shhas opened the door from the outside - he noticed a fat spot above his eye, someone applied his forehead and apparently tried to see how I lived there - it was not worth it, the shopizdets were bored.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №128796
Today I was stuck in a small elevator with two very fat men. I didn’t want to go with them at all, but I was literally pushed into the cabin by these rushers.I’m small, scary and uncomfortable, one generally crumbling, dropped the keys and squeezed, because there is no space to bend and get them.

Called the dispatcher. We wait. We wait. Wait... Fuck... what a shit! Desperately smells after, cruel male perfume and garbage from a bag of dumb man. I get sick... The first fat man from a huge bag of food got a bottle of water: “Well, drink... don’t be upset, don’t be afraid. The stumbling stumbled on his suitcase with garbage - "and here and on the fourth stumbling che..."

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128795
...I hear, a child that there is strength for something heavy collochmatite on the balconies. I explode with the thought "how many neighbors have already slept on their balconies?And I immediately sit down with devil’s satisfaction. It is my grandmother!
by : : :
When I was a kid, I was sent to my grandmother all summer. But I managed to do terrorist attacks even in my absence.One summer I poured a piece of 10 cappuccino before leaving, put them under the bed and left, they broke and flew to the neighbors on their new whitened ceiling.A day before leaving gave the cat a piece of raw chicken (she did not eat it and hid it in a common warehouse), a few days later in the house smelled and flew a cloud of flies.And on the day of leaving in the morning I needed to pour molds with gips, the remains were transported to the toilet...
Sooner than my parents did not leave the feeling of my presence almost all summer and as they later said, they did not miss me at all.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №128794
Before, if the series became boring, I just stopped watching it. Well-known people explained that this is categorically not possible. It turned out, you need to continue to watch each series, and then say in the forums that the series had to be closed three years ago.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №128793
An old comrade came to me a day ago - they studied together in the institute (he is a dentist, I am a gynecologist), brought his girlfriend. It hurts, look at it. I looked, healed, and prescribed therapy. As he leaves, he sweeps money into my pocket with the words: “Work must be paid. “Don’t take it, I’ll be offended.” Okay well. I looked at something. I’ll buy some superhero kids there!! The clock as promised.

I come home at 8 p.m. The wife says that her son (6 years old) has an ear pain. Well he has an actor of small and large theaters, so I did not immediately believe (there were precedents). At 12 o’clock, he believed – oreth, holds his ear. We get into the car and go to the hospital. An old doctor came out to us (we obviously woke him up). I looked at my son, Otis. He prescribed treatment. I put something in his pocket with the words: “I am a doctor. Work must be paid. Do not take it, I will be offended.”

I went to the pharmacy. They bought medicines. Half an hour later, my ear passed and I fell asleep.

The next day I call a friend of the dentist to ask if he knows such a doctor-laurel (name paternity). How good is a specialist? The ear to the teeth is closer than the ear to the teeth. He says that of course he knows. A few days ago, this doctor treated his tooth, our man who understands. I thanked. For the blatant seal, he put a piece with the words: “I understand everyone, we are colleagues, and so on. But I insist that work must be paid. Do not take it, I will be offended.”

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128792
Someone fucking doesn't clean (dirt under the toilet is it, it's native), someone ticks the tapes in the laundry along with the clothes.

Don’t talk about it right away.)
A circular slide of the toilet + (hard water + rugged water) = dirt under the bottom.
It is formed permanently, to remove...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128791
You have noticed how much you are offended by the people who fell into the pit they dug.

for you?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna