— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №155597
There was a comrade...

People are good, but sometimes stressful. Just then (six years ago) asked for $100 and naturally forgot, he did not respond to all the hints.

I borrowed $100 from him and I haven’t given it for a year.

The last conversation:

When can you give me $100?

I: No matter how I’m going... you owe me it.

Well, you give, I’d give, I just need a lot.

I: You won’t believe it yourself.

Well, at least the difference returns, now the course is another...


P.S I don’t feel like I’ll communicate anymore :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №155596
A guy calls me here and wants a corner table for the kitchen. It is called size. I ask him clarification questions, make a calculation and write him a message:

The price is X rubles.

Installation of rubles

Delivery is ruble.

It is a ruble.”

The man calls.

Rusw, hello to you. There is no need for measurement and installation, cut off.

and well. Make it so. Send a drawing.

I will explain to you in words. See here. If we look at the table sheet from the left, then the right part will be larger than the left about 7 centimeters. The left is about half a meter smaller than the left.

It will not go so. Send a drawing that clearly indicates all sizes, angles and retractions. I will include it in the contract.

I am not a drawer!

- Then I can offer the departure of the freezer for N rubles.

I don’t need a freeze! This is a forced service!

- There are only two manufacturing options: either you send me a drawing of the product and we make it, or you order the departure of the freezer. On the phone, we do not coordinate the drawings.

And why? Are you special?

We do not agree and that is all.

The guy moved a little further, but sent a drawing. I asked another batch of clarification questions, received answers and sent the contract to the client. He insisted on a signed scan and launched the tablework to work. The table was made and delivered.

November 18 call.

Rusw, hello to you. The table is not set. How can I decide?

What is wrong with her?

And I know?! to

I was silent. The pause lasted five seconds.

Well so what? The client asked.

- The table is made according to the drawing, I checked it myself.

And what?

I put the phone. Talking in this tone takes a lot of nerves and time, so I avoid them. That there was no crap on my part, I was 100% sure, which means I was not obliged to tolerate the fucking phrases of the type "I know?“”

The client called again in an hour. I was right: the customer’s drawings incorrectly indicated the size of the cuts for the washing machine and the plate. The technique simply failed in them.

What solutions to the problem can you offer me? The client asked me.

- I can offer the manufacture of a new table at your expense, - I replied. This can no longer be corrected. With the departure of our freezer.

Absolutely excluded, I had the answer. This is another forced service. Propose another option.

I have no other options.

I think differently. There is the right option! Propose him to me!

An empty conversation with transfusions from empty to empty would have lasted for a long time, but the client, rushing to talk to the stupid me, just offered me to make him a new correct table for free.

“No, we won’t do that,” I replied.

Why is?

The contract was fully fulfilled.

I think differently. As you know, the customer is always right.

and possibly. But we will not do it for free.

For five minutes I was squeezed. I laughed slowly until my friend put the phone down.

The phrase "the customer is always right" was obviously invented by some pidoras.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №155595
When I was a child, I had a favorite soft toy – the dog Lisa. Bright yellow, with a short barbed wool and a tailed red thread lips down, which gave her mouth a sad expression. And I thought she was a dog, and my mom said she was more like a sheep... Well, it doesn’t matter. I slept with her, wearing her everywhere, until the misfortune happened. I went somewhere with my parents and left her in the garden on the street, and during this time the rain passed.

I don't remember what was there for the filler, but the dog lost shape. Per it could have been crushed and dried, but nobody had guessed. But another idea arose - I probably had nothing to say to people... ) The idea was to arrange a farewell and a funeral for the dog.

A small box was found, a hole was excavated in the remote corner of the garden, and I sprinkled a bunch of flowers... In general, the earth was filled with you, Lisa, and I was sad.

I saddened for a long time, because I was a conservative in relation to everything I loved. I had more toys, but not that, I used to playing and sleeping with yellowish sad Lisa. And in general – how? ! to She is there, lying there under the ground in her box, although dirty after that rain, and her legs curved.

Yes is. I secretly excavated it that same summer, a month and a half later. Since then, there has been more rain, there have been spots to the fabric on the "haired" places, the shape of Lisa has lost even more, but it didn't matter to me. I dried her and happily dragged her home and laid her to sleep with me. Confusingly realizing that my parents are unlikely to approve of my necrophilia, I hid it and told nothing about it, of course... And when they found it, they told me nothing. You probably didn’t find words, how better to talk to me about it.

Lisa disappeared again, this time forever. Although I was looking for it, if I knew where to look, I would have found it from underground... But you already know.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №155594
One day, I and my boyfriend found an old Soviet safe. Truth without a door, but with some loop, apparently for transportation. Here for these loop with the help of a bunch of ropes and the spirit of adventure, pulled on the hill. Gorka, it must be said, was relatively dull and ended up in a small, 10 meters wide desert where there was nothing but snow. And then the road, another slope and almost abandoned railways.

In all the calculations to stop we had to be long before the road.

For the launch we prepared thoroughly, in order to first give normal acceleration, the first couple of meters of the slope we poured water, in our snow boil took pots with sand if something went wrong, and also repaired emergency departure if something went wrong at all.

On this day, almost the whole garden accompanied us. The crew was made up of a commander. I was sitting behind and singing "Our proud Varyag does not surrender to the enemy," the operator of a pot with sand sitting in front of me and the guy who generally invented a safe ride.

We were struck by a bunch of people from the hill, and while we slowly but surely developed speed and walked on the ice, everything was fine. But when the ice came to an end, our safe began to drift somehow unplanned. For some reason, my colleagues in the dangerous case did not like it, and they left their posts almost simultaneously. I, left in proud loneliness, just lay down on the bottom of the safe and began to wait for my fate. At one moment, the safe turned over and I found myself in a cozy cocoon, the Soviet safe protected me from the harsh reality from the top and the sides, but the harshness of reality gently shrugged me from the bottom. This blessing quickly ended, and apparently hitting the border the safe turned over again and I was finally out of it.

When the realization of reality came, it turned out that I had a new jacket ripped, it is unknown where the hat, but most importantly, our safe whole and unharmed proudly blocked half the road.

I do not remember how he was removed from the road, but how he went on his second journey to meet the railroad I remember in all the colors. Especially our attempts to slow it somehow.

Eventually he was on the way, but getting him out of there was already lazy, and unlikely to be possible.

Lulu for this I caught the nobles, and a few good months.

The safe remained on the roads almost until the summer.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №155593
Why do representatives of our so-called “elite” equip their yachts with rescue vests and vests? They will not drown for a known reason.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155592
My mother worked as a teacher at school all her life. After 50, she began to get sick, but since her pension was small, she continued to work. But since she was a working pensioner, she was not indexed by the state and continued to throw lunch from the bar table, pardoning labor pension by age. The taxes on her salary fund took care of itself. They did not pay the worker anything. In Russian speaking, the earnings are high. For example, when you are not working, then we will index your employment pension. So it happened. Oncodispenser stopped the retiree’s work process. Promised free medicines for cancer sufferers are an outspoken hospitality. Children paid for everything. No, of course, paracetamol was given for nothing, and chemistry 40 years ago was also for nothing. To get rid of faster. And modern medicines were dissolved somewhere in the Kuntsev area. Thus, the state has promised 3 months, which it needs to check, and not whether the pensioner receives an extra 3 rubles. We sit in my mom’s room and there’s a bell at the door. The postman brought his mother’s indexed pension. On the day of her funeral. But when he saw the memes, he took it back. is not set. You will receive a funeral allowance from the best social state. The price of the wreath. And all that you paid him for 50 years from his salary, he forgives you. Thank you for taking care of your fellow citizens. Thank you, Mr. President, for taking care of the hungry-working pensioners and for lying that in the USSR the working pensions were not paid. We paid, respected GDP, as well. The truth was limited if their total income exceeded 300 rubles, 120 thousand now. I understand that your surroundings live under other laws. There are 120,000 pensions. And Mr. Oreshkin baalshy and thick greetings for the words that the pension is a benefit for the unable to work. It is a pity that this leadership character does not know how on such a benefit can live in old age. How did he know. There are other laws for him. And the deputies, the defenders of the people, also a great greeting. About conscience, when they live according to the same laws, and for citizens write completely different, it is also useless to remind. There is not her there. In general thank you all.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №155591
In the New Year’s address, the president said that the year was tough and we all experienced material difficulties.
Now it remains to imagine what the painting "Vladimir Vladimirovich experiences material difficulties" looks like and what can be depicted on it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna