— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №148850
In the train Peter Moscow I started a migraine attack, the pills were not with me and when I arrived in Moscow I did not think of anything and hardly called a taxi. I asked the driver on the road to go to the nearest pharmacy to buy the necessary medicines and water. During the trip I came back a little, and when it was time to pay for the trip, it turned out that I did not have a wallet and the last time I saw it in the pharmacy...

Two hours before the pharmacy and back I would not stand and asked the driver to come for the money tomorrow. Not beautiful, I know, but at night I had nowhere to take them.

And this nice man offered me to take my wallet and bring it to me the next day! We are just calculating. And the most interesting thing, brought) the pharmacist gave, as he remembered the buyer in a semi-conscious state and was not surprised that a taxi driver was behind the wallet. This is such a beautiful story.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №148849
But it is just in the sport that boundaries are explored, although in narrow areas. And many professions (for example, programmers) require a significant deviation from the average in abilities. Women are just less likely to have a sufficient level of such deviation. From the difference in hormonal balance still can not escape.

I work in a large programming office. I look at the reports - and exactly as in science - the smartest and the dumbest - men. Women are less extreme. But the average level is absolutely not dependent on gender. Women generally issue a more stable working product, but yes, fewer star decisions.
What is the result of physiology here, and what - education, the influence of society and the conditions of life (mothers after work still have to bump their ass and borscht to cook in a mandatory manner, or even a piece of nursing) - I will not take. You don’t take it for the case, eh?

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №148848
If she didn’t go and didn’t go to the police, then who is her wicked Buratino?

You probably don’t know. But the most frightening usually begins after she left and the statement (which all fucking) hit. Those who sit quietly and suffer regular beating are, and survive. Those who try to escape are taking risks.
But it doesn’t stop you from joking "samovynvta", right?

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148847
About the shovel.
I was born not a beauty, I was raised in the spirit of "as soon as someone looks at you, catch without looking, and don't think to let go, otherwise life is wasted."
I looked, I caught it. After some time, I noticed a strange pattern: as soon as something important happens at work, immediately something happens to the precious man. If the aural, called 50 times for various reasons - then his vomiting is unshakable, the sting will die, then where the salt lies in us. If in the morning I have a presentation, after which I could count on the favor of the boss, then he does not go to sleep, turns on the TV at all the volume, and after a request to make a quiet scandal with beating dishes until three nights. And a bunch before leaving I find a spot from coffee on a cooked shirt and a arrow on completely new socks. In the three years of my marriage, I didn’t just advance up the career ladder, I was almost fired a couple of times. Somehow she took herself into her hands, exceeded the installations and divorced, although it was very difficult. In a year and a half, I started earning twice as much, and I am not going to stop. What do you think about "How do you interfere"?

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №148846
We treat men and women equally, equally. If in the company the girl did not calculate the norm of alcohol, fell asleep and was worn out, then she is guilty. "Why did you go, why did you drink". Interesting fact, when a man does the same thing, no one comes to the mind 1h, that he can be worn asleep.
2 is his own fault.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148845
I sincerely regret the fashioners who have to read all this wild in search of a grain of humor.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148844
Speak the truth

“It is necessary to struggle with excess weight,” I said to myself at three o’clock at night, holding a butter in one hand, in the other a stick of doctor’s sausage, brewing tea from the teak.

If both hands are occupied, then it is not a claw, but a lace.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148843
> and could not the developer before the release himself try to install his software and remove the incompatibilities?

He put it, yes.
With myself. On the same compass where he coded.
And, what is surprising - no incompatibilities, neither in iron nor soft ))))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148842
Yesterday they gave snow for December, today for January... I hope that the winter will not repay the debt for last year.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148841
The Automechanic

>> Guru_Picapa

It will be right - GUR at "pickup".
You fucking write something.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №148840
That’s why the proportion of women in science is four times smaller. You claim to be a scientist, that is, you can count. If at first they were allegedly equal, but became four times smaller, it turns out that 75% were cut off due to copee's ignorance. Here are the men who stood up to all this "Nahui you this botanism", "you don't want to work normally like everyone", and the women immediately merged, ah.

The man. You were given an example. Example of the pressure that women have in addition (not to mention instead) to what men have. This is the only example, not a complete description of the situation. For example, you can read children’s books. My daughter, who loved black, metal and designers, after she went to school, began to love pink, doll and paint her lips. Because the role models, yes. Because the children are confident - I was in general, at her age, taught Lenin to love in this way. And they are now broadcast that the girls are gentle, quiet and economical, love to cook cakes, and not to mess with the iron. And so all the way. Someone is breaking through all this mud, yes. Someone is bound.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148839
There is more to see on the beach! Men's third-size breasts, pregnant stomachs, curved legs, fatty paths... You give the oppression of men by the sign of weight! Gibraltar is fighting! A man should keep an eye on himself and always be fucking!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №148838
Synthesis is harmful to the skin. Ask a dermatologist.

Any dermatologist who graduated 50 years ago? Modern synthetics are very even OK: durable, hypoallergenic, comfortable and sweat spots are not as noticeable as on cotton. And during the run, it will not do anything to your skin, it is not radioactive after all.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148837
Xenius: > It’s like a fox grows. They do not graze themselves, but simply go into the hole to the enot and start hurting there. Enot is a very pure animal, it is unpleasant to him and he falls out of his own hole.
Xenius: TwinkleFox: Is it true?
TwinkleFox: Xenius, it’s not you stumbling. The housing issue is resolved.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148836
The story is not mine, it happened to my colleague (a very nice and understanding woman), let’s call her E.T.

Once a company of walkers came to her for consultation, they needed to do labs (physics). A colleague gave them a task, equipment, went between the tables, explained exactly what to do and went to the room.

A minute after ten came out, looks, all students are busy (who gathers the chain, who torments the pendulum, who turns the prisma - depending on the missed lab). Except for one. He rides on a chair with a sad look and breathes hard. E.T. approached him and asked, “Why don’t you do anything? He replied, “I need to count, but I don’t have a calculator.” E. T. offers him to count in a column, passes checking the work of the others and returns to the back.

Ten minutes later, she goes out again and sees that nothing has changed. He goes back to the student and again asks, “Why don’t you do anything? “” She receives a response from which she shakes for a few more weeks (laughing): "- E. T., and how to count? You did not give me a pile!”

P.S. He did not learn from us, was deducted for failure. He will live in my hearts forever XD

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148835

The male body is not very sexy, but the female is always sexy and attractive.

Thank you for a good word!
(Baba Mania, 70 years old, 120 kg)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148834
Since people are studying genetics not from a school textbook, but from spiders, they will also be afraid of GMOs and genetic engineering.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148833
Whoever you love, you will eventually have to clean up after him.
Are you about whom?
Well, there, the dog, the cat, the poppy, the fish, the children, finally.
The vodka! Don’t clean the vodka!
Depends on how much you drink.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №148832
The more aircraft carriers, the better democracy.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №148831
A friend told me. They lived in an apartment with a Jewish family. He was a witness to such a story. An old Jew was sitting in the yard on a bench. His little grandson was playing with the machine. The old man picked up the rusted wire from the ground and sat and turned it in his hands. My grandson was interested in the discovery. He came and said, “Dad, give me.” The old man said he just won't give it, but he could change to a machine. My grandson was happy to change. A few minutes later, he got bored of the wire and went to his grandfather to change back. The old man did not change, despite the cry of the child. Neighbors approached the old man, tried to pressure him to return the machine and stop this nonsense. The old man told them, “Don’t stop raising a child.” He never returned the car to him. They teach children to start thinking from an early age.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna