— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111821

It is spring in Siberia. A few days of weather plus 3-5.
In the morning, a young man enters the bus in a green shirt with short sleeves.
I whisper quietly - probably he's so bitten, because he's not cold?
And so - the heat of 7 degrees, and the storms are no longer 2 meters, as last week, well a meter-and-a-half from the force. I saw a fly.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111820
here here :
*** by
"In Moscow will be carried 1418-metre Georgian tape..."

Why not 1488 meters?
*** by
Are you stupid or pretending?
To such a flashmob, as the "Georgia tape" in general, you can treat it differently... But, nevertheless, even if you don't know, you can always see on the Internet that 1418 days - so long WOV lasted.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111819
Tomorrow, Michael will go to training.
Sorry, sorry for the trip.
The Coach: Crabbe!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111818
xxx: What another liked in, I am a laying operator at the bread factory.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111817
Publication in the newspaper:

"I change a girl's coat for a boy's"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111816
XXX is
The cat scared me. This furry cock sneezes like an elephant.)

Even louder than you? 😉

XXX is
almost )

Do you understand me now? 😉

XXX is
I am not hiding under the table right now. I sit quietly, I play - and here from somewhere below is such an ARCHCH!! to

) ) )

XXX is
I just jumped up )) Not good outlast played, or would be upset ))))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111815
I totally forgot about the military. I hope it is mutual with him.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111814
Just as the Master does not demonstrate martial arts without extreme need, so a woman, hiding her mind and age, tries not to show how dangerous she is.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №111813
I see, there has been a disgusting fashion of demonstrating hatred for one’s neighbors through stories, for example, about the dignity and wickedness of the elderly, especially the grandmothers.

Then I will tell you. I am physically a full-fledged young man at the height of my strength – I am now 40, a child 8. Five or six years ago, when the child was 2-3 years old, we drove public transport to the country and from the country. There are no buses, no heavy cargo. From the country is more difficult - a crowd of holidaymakers with the fruits of the Russian land hit buses, everyone has bags, wheelchairs, carts... And a lot of grandmothers. So these nursing grandmothers, seeing that I had a child sitting on one hand, and in the other a container with fruits, gave me a place. Not to the child "sitting down, baby, what you are a chicken", but to me, a normal young man who is not eternal.
They wanted to do a good thing, they did it. Because people are good.

When I walked with my baby in a wheelchair and returned home, if I met someone at the entrance who wanted to go in or out, I was always opened and held, regardless of gender and age. Not an old woman, not a pregnant woman, not a young man. And you know these high school-age guys who are on the first floor of the multi-storey on the site in the evenings are going to talk mat, smoke, and sometimes drink beer? Everyone treats them with fear and caution, and I too. So they not only opened the door and held it, but offered a wheelchair to help bring. Honestly, I officed myself. I did not trust the car, but thank you for the offer.
Well, in the supermarkets passed forward, seeing that with the child - it is in general small things. Someone will be surprised, too.

I sit here and think, why did I do that wrong? After all, the "grim grandmothers" should have said "the child himself did - himself with him and babysitter, our place here is legal, we are wounded on the Kolchakov fronts." The passengers at the entrance had to ask to smoke, give in the mouth and take out the wallet. In the supermarket, everyone is equal. For some reason, people are good. I do not understand what the matter is. Maybe it’s because I’m human, and they feel it. Per it is that I live not in these of your capitals, but far beyond the Urals in Novosibirsk, and people have still preserved humanity and human dignity in their mass... But this is the contradiction between the "five minutes of hatred" against the elderly and personal experience that has flourished in recent days.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111812
What a wonderful Sunday.
What a wonderful April.
When it comes to how beautiful the snow is, I’m still silent.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111811
and Rish:
We are educating the younger!

and Rish:
I took him out of school today. The latter was the designer. Everyone made lamps and fans, and I was just an electronic call on the touch control with the Imperial March on the call. I wanted Buddha’s laughter.

and Rish:
I sink under the table. He continues: And another lie detector. It works like this: Put your finger on the plate.

and Rish:
I fall into hysteria. The brother waited for me to break through on the topic "...and we cut off that finger, and we say that if you don’t tell the truth, we cut off the rest", and continued relentlessly: "Sensory platinum. If you whisper, the finger decreases in size, this is fixed by the machine. Finger shrinking from shame..."

and Rish:
I could not listen physically. I was offended. The third class, the fucking inventor grows.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111810
xxx: The joke of the day - the post of Russia my ordered on AliExpress faloimiter about2,718bala, with ends)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111809
Another way to fairly withdraw money from the public

Last year hanged on the entrance of the announcement "All on Saturday". On the eve of Saturday, some shabby aunt ran through the apartments and collected ten rubles from those who did not plan to go out on Saturday. It is much easier to give a dozen to an insidious applicant than to find out from him who and for what reason suddenly forced you to clean the yard for free.
The insight came later - our house is large, and collecting only a dozen, you could safely collect about 10 thousand rubles.

This year again an announcement, again a Saturday, and not even one, but already two. Probably very liked.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111808
How I do not like when the strength of adhesion exceeds the strength of internal connections!! to
The Chio?! to
“Yes, I say, I don’t like when I open the paper packaging and it breaks not where it is glassed, but the paper itself is divided into two layers.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111807
From VKontakte:

Rostovchan was upset by the fact of the opening of the lovely cafe "Dantes" on Pushkin Street. They are proud of righteous anger. I propose to pour the oils and open on the Lermontovskaya beef-beef "Major Martynov".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111806
They eat sandwiches for breakfast. The oldest with sausage, the smallest with cheese. The child needs a sausage too.
You have not yet moved to the next level.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111805
here here :
Somewhere between Peter and Moscow there is a place where the shaverma turns into a shaverma.

If you believe A.Buynov (there was such a singer 300 years ago), this is Bologoe :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №111804
It started again.
MAKELL: Excerpts from the Security Technical Statement!
The employee must not allow to work persons who do not have permission to work with dangerous equipment or PCs.! to
PC is a dangerous beast!!!
The worker is prohibited from wiping wet or wet wipes of electrical equipment that is under voltage (the wire is inserted into the socket).
(Thank you for the clarification about the rosette!)
==== is
Never joke about safety. Usually cases are such that you can flatter if people did not flatter and die. There were many cases in which a person very ridiculously slipped, hit his head and died. The idiot is well, will die and lie quietly, and his relatives need to be buried.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111803
Every quote is in vain.

And the joke:
A man with a sophisticated taste is looking for a girl 92,51x62,30x93,45. Not boring!

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111802
Developer and publisher of such popular computer games as World of Warcraft and Diablo, the American company Blizzard suspended Crimean access to their accounts.

It was lucky for the Crimeans.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna