— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126562
Here is this:
— — —
It was very careless to delete the Windows.old folder on the accountant’s computer during the cleaning process. Who knew that there was 1C installed :(
— — —
The slide is not counted. The accountant did not install it. And not the accountant reinstalled the system, with labeling labels without transfer.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №126561
These statements are always ridiculous. Boy, I’m going to fool you, your backpack, and the guy who cut off your sleeves. Do it yourself, it’s just your problem. The rest of the bus does not need to be wrapped.
And I will stumble. I believe that cleansing the muddy face is an inalienable duty of every strong girl.
When we and our companions on the beach gooya (this is our evening exercise in the warm season) we often hint on the resting "" that the garbage is straight so should not be thrown away. Well, they all "accidentally crashed, and so never waste".
And you know how clean it became in two years. Local alkases trained to clean the lawn after themselves.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126560
very educational
by Men
The Sexual Member
• eggs
• Muscle
The seed-bearing stream
• prostate
The seminal bubbles
by women
and Vulva
The clitoris
The Vaginal
* mother
• Fallopian tubes
• Eggs
These are primary, not secondary sexual characteristics.

The presence / absence of hair on the face, pelvic shape, alopecia, cadic... - SECONDARY

Suddenly it will be useful.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126559
I did this business, I don’t have to tell stories. The owners of exchanges thought the same when their cash nodes were crushed with a hammer. Each glass has its purpose, it passes certification. Bullet-resistant means holding a shot from a certain distance from a particular weapon (depending on the class).
222: “When their cash knots were beaten with a hammer, I saw you twice as strongly!
333: "I was engaged in this business" - began to make too strong glass and the business burned out?
444: What was the hammer taken?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126558
Collectors of non-Russian language:
It was not solo, but bread.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126557
Stillet: Big Papa, there is such a Russian scientist, evolutionist, paleoneurologist, doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of the laboratory for the development of the nervous system of the Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He says, I want to be a Gibbon.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126556
Construction of the first LRT site in the region is estimated at 139 billion rubles.
These athletes are completely out of the sport.
A rookie for that money.
Will it go through the entire planet?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126555
I have advised from the heart to wish the offenders health. She desired. Silently, about myself, I suppose I scratch my teeth. Another offender was firmly imprinted in her eyes with a healthy metal door.

I wish you iron health.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126554
The Thought:
Explain to me why you, my little lovers of backpacks, do not weigh them from back to chest?
Is it on his chest and under his hand, and no one will cut the blades, and no one will anger the surrounding?
Why pull him on the back?
You are not a man, you are a chauvinist pig!
3+ where do you order?

So on the back.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №126553
XXX: And the yogi was all in the fleas. Of course, my dog was infected, and we were all itching.) I could not stand it - I threw him into the basin with water - how he hated me, scratched my teeth so that I thought they would break. Good unwise, to bite wanted to be very passionate, flattered all.)

YYY: We once picked up a small mimic egg in the country. At night, this lovely creature slumbered like a flock of begemots, slumbered like a flock of elephants, and slumbered like a taboo of regimental horses. Bite like a vampire, yes. Since then, I have cooled to the eggs and learned not to trust the brown appearance.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №126552
Call me at the "Megavon survey center":
M: Hi, go through the quality survey.
I said, “Daro, ask me.
Evaluate, please, the quality of mobile communications.
at this time the break and the standard voice "Everything broke, the connection is restored, stay on line".
They were questioned...

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126551
Don’t worry about the dilemma: your glass is half full or half empty.
Tell the bartender to share.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126550
Are you sure you are a couple?
YYY is 100%. We are a couple. A couple of dogs.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126549
We have something like a dacha – a house in the suburbs that belonged to a grandfather. After his death the house was divided between his four children (my grandfather and his brothers and sisters). All heirs already have children, grandchildren, and some - grandchildren, so there are constantly some people, whom you remember in the face and by name, and who they are, you have to know and not understand. I personally was there yesterday for the first time in probably a couple of years - my mother brought.

In the middle of the day. The grandmother's brother's mother (son, granddaughter, two grandchildren and someone else) is preparing for lunch. One thing I can't find out, I whisper to my mom - said, and the young man in glasses and blue shirt - is who? I get the answer:

– It’s a young man... or a catin... In general, don’t rush to remember, suddenly it’s not a relative yet!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126548
Hhh: My ancestors went through the Northern Hemisphere, raping, robbing, killing, destroying cities and raping.
Mmm: You said "violent" twice.
Yes, my ancestors loved it. You and your ancestors, too.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №126547
I have a girlfriend who has the power of the curse of drunk men is exceptional. If, for example, he says that you should snoop, the snoop will surely snoop, there was also a story about a broken leg. Several such coincidences have caused her to think about it, and will it not make her karma worse? I have advised from the heart to wish the offenders health. She desired. Silently, about myself, I suppose I scratch my teeth. Another offender was firmly imprinted in her eyes with a healthy metal door. It’s good that it only works on drunkards, and only on men, otherwise the statistics of accidents in her area would be depressing.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126546
From Habr:
I was completely confused, so I did what any sensible person would have done in my place: I asked for advice from my dog.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126545
The 21st century, his mother. The phone OS emulator tells my laptop that it has little operation. and video card.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126544
I like all kinds of experts. With them, no snowless winter threatens the Volga with low water. It is such a purge that Shoigu declares a state of emergency.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126543
There is such a useful tool - Detralex.
Imported greens, a year ago cost somewhere 600-800 rubles. for the packaging.
And there is such an equally useful remedy, or more precisely, a generic - Venus.
the domestic. A year ago it cost somewhere 330-340 rubles. for the packaging.
Then came the import substitution. And now Venus, which is quite logical, costs 880 rubles. for the packaging.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna