— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №121574
I go to work, it’s dark. I see a man walking behind me. It became scary. The man accelerated the step. I remember how my mother taught me: if you see a suspicious man following you, behave inappropriately. and here. As a bark on all Ivanovskaya: "MILIPOPUS ZU-ZU-ZU MILIPOPUS, Ah, how delicious is the honey shark for breakfast....!!I will remember forever how this man looked at me, turned and ran away. I still want to roast.

from the listening. and lifhacks.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121573
What to do if your boyfriend had boys
She: on this request, Yandex thought and gave nothing...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №121572
Comments under the picture where the guy has 22% charge at 22:22

Arostotsky: We should have eaten the phone
Thomas Jefferson: And to guess a wish?
Arztotsky Veji: Yes, type let me have a new phone

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №121571
Y'ner: Why are artists only called by names?
Compare yourself –
Demonstration: Benua, Venetianov, Quindi...
Dema: and now –
Dema: Archip Kuindzhi, Alexander Benua, Alexei Venetianov

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №121570
The turtle was taken to the police.

We were robbed of the basement. Three police officers came to write the minutes. While the man and the owner of the apartment were drawing up documents, two girls with me (the tenant) drank tea in the kitchen, watching my turtles. I wanted to give one for a long time, because there is little space. This police officer, as she heard, grabbed into my turtle and did not let it go again. She called Igor, said it was a man and she took him.

So I left my Igor in a police car. If they were arrested, they would have a specially trained service turtle.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121569
Vladimir: Guys, can you tell me how to copy one of these gifs?

Nicholas the Poor:

Start the GIF, film on the iPhone. Connect to the Mac iPhone. Download the video on Mac. Go to Mac Wine. Go to Adobe Premiere. Buy a license for Adobe Premiere. Start with Adobe Premiere. You open a downloaded video. There will be the possibility to export to GIF. Save the video as a GIF.

Well or right-click and "Save".

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121568
A woman can go in a mini in the winter not because she wants to conquer someone there, but, for example, because she recently bought that shirt or dress and she liked it. Have you seen a lot of women going somewhere in a mini in the winter except 5 meters from the car door to the entrance? In the overwhelming majority of the winter with naked opium walk minor idiots, faithfully confident that their diseases of the genitourinary sphere will not touch. And if something is touched, then immediately drawn to a bit of time and money for treatment in seconds.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №121567
I think: she did not teach physics in school, she was a fool, such a tough batiskaf, which will even sink into the ice.

But we at school already passed that salt water (sea) freezes at negative temperatures.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna