— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Let me go back to the branding issue.
You think that counting money in other people's pockets is not right - I totally agree with you, but let me explain what the steepness of Gucci sunglasses is? Or Prado bags, or shoes, but leather ropes, how many thousands do you know? For me, it’s cool when a person has a salary in 30t. (the middle in my city) after raising her children, takes for the upbringing of a child from a child’s home. Or when he doesn't buy himself the likeness of a dog, giving in to the fashion trend, and takes a puppy from the nearest shelter. It's cool when you don't go to a new-fashioned resort, but to the village with your grandmother to plant / dig potatoes / carrots and just delight the old people with their presence. Maybe we stop judging people by labels in the closet, and begin to appreciate them by actions?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna