— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:

The day started smoothly and pleasantly, and will continue until the evening at your favorite job. At least I don’t sneeze my nose, although I actually sleep very little at night.

Not everyone starts at 10 a.m. Many go to 7.15, to 7.30... If you get up for 3.5 hours, then you can only run around the house at this time, then to find adventures for yourself.
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I go to 9. At 5-30 it may still be dark, but we have good lighting in the courtyards and quite quiet. You can in principle not run out on the street, but do a charge at home. Things do not change it. It is not about physical education, but about the reluctance to go to work, eating butter on the go. No half-hour of morning sleep is worth it, and this "opportunity to fall asleep" is more exhausting than early waking up.

It just doesn’t come to you that getting up at half six or three in the morning (it also takes time for the road), it’s a few different things. I had to do it, I know what I am talking about. It’s your choice when to get up and how much to sleep at night, but don’t indulge yourself in teaching others what you don’t know.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna