— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Something I will not understand.
Everyone writes boiling water on the topic "ah, as well, girls are called even those females of a man who have already fucked, shame, the meaning of the word change!!!!11one-one". And add "there is also beautiful state-isconno-slavian-old words "barishna" and "sudaryana", let us do so!!1one". However, the "barish" - a non-married girl (adolescent girl) from the higher ranks, the daughter of the barish (a dictionary), and the "sudaryan" originated from the "statswoman" (the state, respectively, from the "statswoman"), and was an appeal to any adult woman of the higher ranks, regardless of whether she was a girl, married or widow. The highest level! I understand that in the secret pink dreams of everyone there is a motive of origin from the nobility, especially with a surname such as Zolotaryov or Kucherov... But still, in your opinion, to change the meanings of the words "sudaryana" and "sudaryana" can only be so, and a little drop the severity of the word "girlfriend", not to ask for a certificate from a gynecologist before the treatment is a horror-horror.
Sometimes I don’t understand your logic. Often at all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna