— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This morning we went to the business center where our company’s office is located. I came not just so, but to talk to candidates for the post of assistant chief accountant. Two free seats in the parking lot right in front of me is occupied by a gentle lady, putting her car diagonally. Polite asked her to put the car normal, which immediately received a melted middle finger. I didn’t even turn around leaving...
I parked somewhere else and had to look for it. I go into the office and see three girls coming for an interview. Among them is the one from the parking lot.
Okay, I think I will have fun now. She did not consider me properly. I invited her to the cabinet of the last, colorfully outlined all the advantages of working in our company, while remarkably curated and decorated. Type, soft work schedule, social package with 100% repayment of all medical expenses, fitness, traveling at the expense of the company, study abroad and traveling there, white salary of 1500 euros and the same in rubles, two weeks of New Year holidays with payment, etc. Then I add the light with the message that her resume is brilliant and fits us completely. I enjoy her reaction, pulling off the bandage...
The virgin shone, her eyes glittered, probably even her trousers were wet.
And here I tell her:
But there is one problem. We don’t hire people who react ignorantly to requests for proper parking.
No one has ever escaped so quickly from my office.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna