— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Based on personal experience:
here here :

However, as practice shows, the only way not to suck in the entrances with our mentality is the death penalty.

Rush out, my sweetheart, ro-o-zgi! If an adult fool will know what foolishness and stupidity his, an adult fool, will just be cut out publicly - he will start to watch for himself. No one gets hunted.

Or maybe still with the construction of normal street toilets to start in step-by-step accessibility, and then everything else. Or are you so impatient?
Toilets in combination with roofs. and ah.
In the entrance, periodically some gangdo arranged a branch of the toilet until I was caught with a shelf. I turned out to be a resident of the same entrance, a father of two children (and often drunk, I will not lie. But the sober is usually in the entrances and does not sink). This is one of those cases when even having a toilet nearby doesn’t help. But roughness in this case would be very useful.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna