— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Mother goes into retirement, gathers documents. Having on dependence me as a student, may have an increase. At the first appointment, she was informed that it was necessary to obtain a certificate from the university of my actual education in it and a certificate from the University of Applied Sciences that she has dependent on me. In the second event it became clear that the certificate from the university required the date of enrollment and the order number. At the third encounter, it became clear that she needed another right that I, in turn, was on dependence. I also looked at her with huge eyes and gave another one that she has me on dependence, and said that others they do not give in principle. And indeed, it came - it needs two identical (!) The certificates. When she came for the fourth time, with a full package of documents, it turned out that the workers were on vacation, and she was given a voucher with a date for receipt of the voucher with a number and time in line when they could take it on the day indicated on the first voucher. C is legislation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna