— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remember studenthood: My ancestors went to live in the cottage all summer and the apartment was at my disposal. My current wife (at the time) is just a sweetheart. We were just friends and no more kisses came in. As a result, after talking about the fact that the boys only need one of the girls, we bet that under no circumstances would I touch her in this regard for a month, no matter how she provoked.
Since then, she has moved from the rented apartment to me. First she slept with me in the bed in a pyjama, then in a semi-transparent nightmare, the next level for me was when she went to bed in a pants, and then completely naked. As a result, when two days remained until the end of the dispute, she began to fall asleep, throwing one leg on me and sticking with her lips in my neck.

Men, I couldn’t sleep for exactly a month, but I won that fight for us all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna