— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Master:
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Do you eat in the soup not a spoon but a slice? Do you not go to bed and lie down? For you, the word log is the highest example of illiteracy. After all, for you "no word 'lay' in Russian". I was told this in the Russian language lesson, and this is the holy truth. And it does not matter that it is not in the Russian language, but in its literary norms, and it does not matter what the word is, but it is not used without a plug or a reversal suffix, and it does not matter that there is a bunch of derivatives from the word to lie. After all, there is a sacred rule that the words 'put'no.
And the words laying and laying have different semantics. The word lay clearly indicates that the object must lie, the word lay does not have such a meaning and the "layed" object can be placed in the space arbitrarily (laying, standing, rolling).

What an elegant, subtle trolling! I take off and put my hat next to me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna