— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This "cut off censorship" misunderstandings:
xxx: Yesterday on the track, in several sections on the sidelines were pits of sand in groups of 5-7 pieces. In fact, all the clusters of the same size, liters of 40 each. The distance between the squares is the same, 3 meters. Each piece has a sign "Sand". The WTF?
Yyy: The captain obviously had fun.

And when the snow falls out and there is ice all of a sudden, you will say a hundred times thank you to this captain the obvious that you immediately found a bunch of sand on the inscription on the tablet, rather than rushing the thorns with a plea in the eyes "why the roadmen did not leave on the side of the sand for grinding".
You need to think with your brains, not what you are used to.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna