— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The main and only cockroach in all girls without exception - "the girl does not make the first step. Who put this shit in your head?

It is like the men themselves and "kill". It is worth giving a signal to a man - to invite somewhere to go, confess in sympathy and so on, then all - you start to communicate with you like a shit. A man does not perceive signs of attention on the part of a woman as you like me, let us try to get closer, suddenly something will work out?", but as "you are my last chance, I agree to everything, you can behave with me as you want, look at me, hide, change, do not spend on me a penny of money, generally wipe out my legs as you want, I will not get anywhere from you anyway". How many times have I already passed this, I am 29 years old, I am not a crocodile, the mortgage for my apartment has already been paid, I earn normally, there are no children, I consider myself not such a bad option to treat me so. And initially, the men to whom I was "picking up" seemed to me quite adequate, but the attitude changed drastically and I should start acting first. And this applies even to those men who themselves initially expressed sympathy for me. So you first drive out the men's cockroaches - that, if a woman makes the first step in a relationship, it doesn't mean that she can't be put into anything, and then give women advice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna