— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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As an example girl, I helped my mother in the household from 10 years, and not only dust once a week from the family crystal to wash. And when I was 12, my mom was operated and her cats were forbidden to lift anything, no loads, etc. So and carpets, and drawers, and curtains, and clothes to wash, paint and smooth all I. And the garden under my mother's guidance, carrots, onions, potatoes planted and crushed, I want to live. In the forest, she collected apples, pears, cleaned the vineyards, cooked the strawberries.
And it was in the famine of the 90s, and my dad was earning half a year for a thousand and a half worths.
So boy, girls, when prepared, can do anything.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna