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The Chalid.
On the train, my grandfather said:
At the beginning of the 30s, we were all shot down in the collegiate farms, all the cattle to the public yard should be delivered, you will not pursue it, it is said, a clerk, they will take everything and for expulsion, and we were then in the family a horse of fat, so it was called a javo-chaly, a young man at all, and without a horse in the village you will not live, do not pursue, neither seed nor wood to prepare. It was a good horse, a worker, and as we guarded it, and fed and drank it, and drank it, we did not load and regret it. The family is big, the kids are small. I take him to that yard, and the soul is muddy, what will happen next? How will we live without the hell? In this courtyard, the women roar, the men are evil, and wherever the new power has ordered, give it and all. And the chief of the district of the grit, do not regret this cattle - you have a new light life, it is easier to build it, the tractors will smell, it is a new line of the party about the people, the care for the peasants of Moscow itself.
I passed some time, I passed by the rule - our Chaly, standing at the rule, bound, I approached-he recognized me, he grabbed and grabbed the earth-like as a calling, I approached closer, Daddy-Chaly-something thin, rebar to see, sparkly, in the reps all, collumns in the gray, tail, legs in the knees swell up, the spine is all shattered to blood, side in the strips to see, I embrace:
“What the heroes have done to you, you can tell it this way... he quieted, placed his mouth on my shoulder and eye, and he has tears... they tick, here you are an unworded animal... and they understand everything like a human being. The Chairman comes out:
-Well, go away from the tongue of the horse, the subculture, I'll see you live again.
-Sorry a horse, his legs are quite sick, he needs to be treated... he stumbled on this, became angry, pulled off Chaloga, he bribes, asks for protection from me, wanted at that moment to give the seatman a moustache, but about his children he remembered, they will suffer, one current said to him: - Don't bump hard, the legs are sick, you will stumble, you will die.
- Don't crack, the snooker, I will stumble on him... and let the snooker snoop and chase. But then it happened, I stumbled to see Chaly-to, the chairman stumbled, and about the stone with a stone, he remained alive, and afterwards began to sing songs and throw on the baby. And the rulers gave me Chalego, they say, take your crumbling income, he does not need us-darmmead. I brought him home, let us feed, drink, treat, clean, revive a horse, have fun, slowly worked with him, and survived with him, only the crumbling remained. I think, maybe he accidentally stumbled, or maybe... a horse is a smart cattle, once tears can.
The grandfather turned around and took the paycheck.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna