— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:
I... just like the Russians will write "in" or "in", "Belarus" or "Belarus". But once you started on logic... here is your neighbor, for example, Ivan, you call him "Vanka", and it irritates him. And he asks you to call him, well, at least "Vanja". Will you send him? Are you disturbing your relationship because of nothing worth the formality for you?
The example is false. is
You have been together since childhood, in kindergarten, in school... then you grew up, your ways split, but you remained good neighbors. You’ve called him Vanessa all your life. And then at the next meeting he rattles all the time and suddenly says, “Listen, don’t call me Vanya anymore, call me Basilio now.” He asks, okay You call him Basilio in his eyes, but with his parents at home, you call him, of course, Vanya. And here he comes to you home and declares, “I have heard that you talked with your mother and called me Vania, I am Basilio, you must call me Basilio at home, or I will be insulted to the depths of my soul.”
I understand that the insult is your "Ukrainian" and "Belarusian" past. However, Soviet survivors are strong in the people. Are you tired of destroying everything?
Z is. And, by the way, not "Belarus" but Belarus. A delicious cactus?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna